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There's no place like $HOME

I use dotdrop to manage my dotfiles.


One-line install:

sh -c "$(curl"

It will query which profile should be installed. For a minimal setup just use terminal; if nothing is specified it defaults to the hostname. For more details check out the install script.

More manual setup

To install the config for the current host, run

cd ~/dotfiles
./ install

Alternatvely, specify a profile manually:

./ install -p terminal

For more customization, edit the config.yaml file directly.

Other useful commands:

./ compare
./ import
./ update

Check the dotdrop documentation for more.


This is a solid start on ubuntu-based systems:

sudo apt install fish git alacritty bat coreutils lsd gpg htop moreutils vim xcape xclip fonts-firacode fonts-font-awesome fonts-hack-ttf arandr keepassxc ledger mu4e nitrogen nodejs offlineimap msmtp-mta pandoc redshift-gtk sxhkd syncthing snapd
sudo snap install emacs --classic
sudo snap install ferdium --edge

The longer list of applications:

  • Terminal and System:
    • fish (with oh-my-fish and the agnoster theme)
    • emacs (spacemacs)
    • alacritty
    • git
    • vim
    • xcape (to use CapsLock as Escape key via xcape -e 'Super_L=Escape')
    • tmux
    • htop
    • other tools: xclip, bat, lsd
  • Desktop Environment:
    • i3 / i3-gaps / i3-gnome
    • sxhkd to manage all hotkeys
    • arandr & mons to manage screens
    • nitrogen
    • redshift (redshift-gtk) for the night
  • Theme: gruvbox everywhere
  • Fonts:
    • FiraCode (fonts-firacode)
    • Hack (fonts-hack-ttf)
    • Font Awesome (fonts-font-awesome)
  • Other Software:
    • Browser: firefox
    • Cloud Storage: syncthing & megasync
    • PDF reader: zathura
    • Passwords: keepassxc
    • Email Setup: offlineimap+msmtp+(spac)emacs
    • Writing: LaTeX of course (texlive-most & latexmk)
    • Social Media / Messengers / Slack / ...: Ferdium
    • Videos: vlc
    • Music: spotify

Misc stuff

  • To send email with mu4e+msmtp on ubuntu, disable app armor: sudo aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.msmtp