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Defines Jekyll filters: append_suffix_if_does_not_start_with, begins_with, does_not_begin_with, does_not_end_with, and ends_with


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jekyll_begin_end Gem Version

This Jekyll plugin defines the following filters:

  • begins_with — returns true if a string starts with the given substring.
  • does_not_begin_with — returns false if a string starts with the given substring.
  • ends_with — returns true if a string end with the given substring.
  • does_not_end_with — returns false if a string ends with the given substring.
  • append_suffix_if_does_not_start_with — appends a suffix to the given string if the string does not start with a given substring.


Add this line to your Jekyll project's Gemfile:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'jekyll_begin_end'

And then execute:

$ bundle


⚠️ Important: the name of each of these filters must be followed by a colon (:). If you fail to do that an error will be generated and the Jekyll site building process will halt. The error message looks something like this: Liquid Warning: Liquid syntax error (line 285): Expected end_of_string but found string in "{{ lines | begins_with 'blah' | xml_escape }}" in /some_directory/some_files.html Liquid Exception: Liquid error (line 285): wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2) in /some_directory/some_file.html Error: Liquid error (line 285): wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)


First example:

{% assign url = "https:/" %}
{% assign isAbsolute = url | begins_with: 'http' %}

Second example:

{% assign url = "https:/" %}
{% if url | begins_with: 'http' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}


First example:

{% assign url = "https:/" %}
{% assign isRelative = url | does_not_begin_with: 'http' %}

Second example

{% assign url = "https:/" %}
{% if url | does_not_begin_with: 'http' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}


First example:

{% assign url = "https:/" %}
{% assign isDotCom = url | ends_with: '.com' %}

Second example:

{% assign url = "https:/" %}
{% if url | ends_with: '.com' %}
  <p>.com found</p>
{% else %}
  <p>Not a .com</p>
{% endif %}


First example:

{% assign url = "https:/" %}
{% assign isNotDotCom = url | does_not_end_with: '.com' %}

Second example:

{% assign url = "https:/" %}
{% if url | does_not_end_with: '.com' %}
  <p>Not a .com</p>
{% else %}
  <p>.com found</p>
{% endif %}


This filter was created to make asset reloading work better.

Given a portion of _layouts/default.html that looks like this:

{% assign csses = page.css | default: layout.css %}
{% assign nowMillis = site.time | date: '%s' %}
{% assign suffix = '?v=' | append: nowMillis %}
{% for css in csses %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ css | append_suffix_if_does_not_start_with: 'http', suffix }}" type="text/css">
{% endfor %}

And given index.html with front matter that looks like this:

css: [,

The following is generated. Note that the suffix s?v=1612879301 in only applied to the relative URL for order.css.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/order/order.css?v=1612879301" type="text/css">

Additional Information

More information is available about my Jekyll plugins.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies.

Then you can run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment using irb.

Build and Install Locally

To build and install this gem onto your local machine, run:

$ bundle exec rake install

Examine the newly built gem:

$ gem info jekyll_begin_end

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

jekyll_begin_end (1.0.0)
    Author: Mike Slinn
    License: MIT
    Installed at: /home/mslinn/.gems

    Generates Jekyll logger with colored output.


To release a new version,

  1. Update the version number in version.rb.

  2. Describe the changes in

  3. Commit all changes to git; if you don't the next step might fail with an unexplainable error message.

  4. Run the following:

    $ bundle exec rake release

    The above creates a git tag for the version, commits the created tag, and pushes the new .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create a descriptively named feature branch
  3. Add your feature
  4. Submit a pull request


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Defines Jekyll filters: append_suffix_if_does_not_start_with, begins_with, does_not_begin_with, does_not_end_with, and ends_with








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