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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 28, 2022. It is now read-only.


Brian Evans edited this page Nov 30, 2021 · 3 revisions

The database being used is Postgres.

Originally, it was hosted on Digital Ocean as a managed service, but now is hosted on Google Cloud SQL. Considering switching back to Digital Ocean and hosting the database on a droplet.

The storage reserved is 137gb, which as of 30th November 2021, we are only using 66% of.

It is the option with the lowest CPU and RAM available (1vCPU & 3.75gb RAM).

Relations by size: (updated 30 November 2021)

relation_name size
company_accounts 32 GB
accounts_pkey 21 GB
filing_events 3440 MB
person_officers 2890 MB
accounts_value_idx 2500 MB
accounts_company_number_end_date_idx 1788 MB
filing_events_legacy 1718 MB
company_events 1680 MB
accounts_label_idx 1592 MB
accounts_company_number_index 1516 MB
officer_appointments 1476 MB
companies 1306 MB
detailed_postcodes 981 MB
filing_events_new_pkey 815 MB
filing_events_description_code_idx1 653 MB
person_officers_nationality_idx 640 MB
companies_number_idx 548 MB
companies_pkey 547 MB
officer_appointments_person_number_idx 528 MB
officer_appointments_company_number_idx 498 MB
person_officers_pkey 441 MB
wide_accounts_combined 426 MB
indexed_name 424 MB
filing_events_timepoint_idx 397 MB
companies_upper_idx1 385 MB
companies_upper_idx 381 MB
filing_events_company_number_index 363 MB
trgm_idx_companies_upper_name 339 MB
trgm_idx_companies_name 339 MB
company_events_company_number_idx 337 MB
accounts_scanned 301 MB
company_events_pkey 294 MB
company_events_captured_idx 294 MB
sic 241 MB
list_accounts 226 MB
wide_accounts_part_two 215 MB
wide_accounts 211 MB
officer_name_index 193 MB
company_events_published_idx 191 MB
filing_events_company_number_idx 175 MB
sic_pkey 170 MB
filing_events_captured_idx 167 MB
filing_events_pkey 167 MB
sic_company_number_idx 153 MB
company_events_date_trunc_idx5 132 MB
detailed_postcodes_county_idx1 130 MB
companies_postcode_idx 130 MB
accounts_scanned_pkey 122 MB
person_officers_occupation_idx 117 MB
filing_events_expr_idx 116 MB
short_list_accounts 115 MB
company_events_date_trunc_idx3 101 MB
company_events_date_trunc_idx 100 MB
person_officers_birth_date_idx 97 MB
company_events_date_trunc_idx2 96 MB
filing_events_published_idx 95 MB
companies_date_idx 93 MB
filing_events_filing_date_idx1 91 MB
company_events_date_trunc_idx4 90 MB
company_events_date_trunc_idx1 87 MB
short_list_accounts_company_number_end_date_idx 82 MB
wide_accounts_combined_company_number_idx 80 MB
very_long_accounts 70 MB
detailed_postcodes_pk 67 MB
wide_accounts_combined_employees_idx 58 MB
filing_events_date_trunc_idx5 57 MB
filing_events_date_trunc_idx3 56 MB
filing_events_date_trunc_idx4 55 MB
filing_events_description_code_idx 55 MB
filing_events_date_trunc_idx 55 MB
filing_events_filing_date_idx 52 MB
filing_events_date_trunc_idx1 52 MB
filing_events_date_trunc_idx2 50 MB
sic_sic_code_idx 38 MB
wide_accounts_combined_accountants_idx 19 MB
wide_accounts_combined_accouting_software_idx 19 MB
wide_accounts_combined_balance_sheet_date_idx 18 MB
detailed_postcodes_county_idx 18 MB
very_long_accounts_pkey 6504 kB
accountants 1528 kB
trgm_idx_accountants_upper_name 1272 kB
trgm_idx_accountants_lower_name 1272 kB
legacy_accountants 960 kB
trgm_idx_accountants_lower_software 936 kB
saved_filters 592 kB
cached_filters 560 kB
accountants_pkey 368 kB
cached_filter_results 232 kB
unique_cached_result 216 kB
filing_history_descriptions 168 kB
accountants_software_idx 144 kB
accountants_lower_idx 144 kB
filing_history_descriptions_pkey 104 kB
sic_map 64 kB
cached_filters_id_pk 40 kB
sic_map_pkey 32 kB
user_exports_pk 16 kB
access_token 16 kB
sessions_pkey 16 kB
user_role_quotas_pk 16 kB
verification_requests_pkey 16 kB
unique_role_operation 16 kB
user_filters_pk 16 kB
postcode_summary_area_uindex 16 kB
email 16 kB
saved_filters_pk 16 kB
postcode_summary_pk 16 kB
roles_pk 16 kB
user_operations_pk 16 kB
token 16 kB
user_filters_unique_per_user 16 kB
postcode_summary 16 kB
session_token 16 kB
users_uid_uindex 16 kB
users_pkey 16 kB
cached_filter_results_id_seq 8192 bytes
companies_count 8192 bytes
users 8192 bytes
accounts_pkey1 8192 bytes
accounts_id_seq 8192 bytes
verification_requests_id_seq 8192 bytes
sessions_id_seq 8192 bytes
user_exports 8192 bytes
compound_id 8192 bytes
provider_account_id 8192 bytes
psc_enumerations_pkey 8192 bytes
psc_pkey 8192 bytes
user_operations 8192 bytes
user_exports_id_seq 8192 bytes
users_id_seq 8192 bytes
user_role_quotas 8192 bytes
user_roles 8192 bytes
sessions 8192 bytes
verification_requests 8192 bytes
provider_id 8192 bytes
user_id 8192 bytes
user_filters_id_seq 8192 bytes
user_filters 8192 bytes
user_role_quotas_id_seq 8192 bytes
charge_events_pk 8192 bytes
insolvency_prediction_input 0 bytes
accounts 0 bytes
user_export_usage 0 bytes
psc 0 bytes
accountant_view 0 bytes
psc_enumerations 0 bytes
readable_role_quotas 0 bytes
charge_events 0 bytes
officer_ages 0 bytes
company_view 0 bytes

Query to update this table:

  relname as Relation_name,
  pg_size_pretty(table_size) AS size

         pg_catalog.pg_namespace.nspname           AS schema_name,
         pg_relation_size(pg_catalog.pg_class.oid) AS table_size

       FROM pg_catalog.pg_class
         JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON relnamespace = pg_catalog.pg_namespace.oid
     ) t
WHERE schema_name ='public'
ORDER BY table_size DESC;
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