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Can't provision aws boxes #331

jayjanssen opened this issue Dec 18, 2014 · 9 comments

Can't provision aws boxes #331

jayjanssen opened this issue Dec 18, 2014 · 9 comments


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Any time I try to provision aws boxes on the latest vagrant-aws + vagrant, I get this error:

jayj@~/tmp/vagrant-test [553]$ vagrant up --provider=aws
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'aws' provider...
==> default: Warning! The AWS provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant
==> default: high-level network configurations (``). They
==> default: will be silently ignored.
==> default: Launching an instance with the following settings...
==> default:  -- Type: m3.medium
==> default:  -- AMI: ami-e6ad348e
==> default:  -- Region: us-east-1
==> default:  -- Keypair: jay
==> default:  -- Block Device Mapping: []
==> default:  -- Terminate On Shutdown: false
==> default:  -- Monitoring: false
==> default:  -- EBS optimized: false
==> default:  -- Assigning a public IP address in a VPC: false
==> default: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
==> default: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> default: Machine is booted and ready for use!
No host IP was given to the Vagrant core NFS helper. This is
an internal error that should be reported as a bug.
jayj@~/tmp/vagrant-test [554]$ cat Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
  # The most common configuration options are documented and commented below.
  # For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at

  # Every Vagrant development environment requires a box. You can search for
  # boxes at = "perconajayj/centos-x86_64"

  config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
    aws.access_key_id = "OMITTED"
    aws.secret_access_key = "OMITTED"
    aws.keypair_name = "jay"
        override.ssh.username = "root"
    override.ssh.private_key_path = "/Users/jayj/.ssh/jay-us-east-1.pem"

I am able to ssh, just not provision.

jayj@~/tmp/vagrant-test [555]$ vagrant ssh
[root@ip-10-140-155-175 ~]# logout
Connection to closed.
jayj@~/tmp/vagrant-test [556]$ vagrant --version
Vagrant 1.7.1
jayj@~/tmp/vagrant-test [557]$ vagrant plugin list
vagrant-aws (0.6.0)
vagrant-hostmanager (1.5.0)
  - Version Constraint: 1.5.0
vagrant-share (1.1.4, system)
vagrant-vmware-fusion (3.1.2)

This was working fine until my vagrant-aws upgrade from 0.5.0

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I'm facing exactly the same problem with vagrant 1.7.1 + vagrant-aws 0.6.0

Does anyone know any workarounds?

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Jay Janssen

Any time I try to provision aws boxes on the latest vagrant-aws + vagrant,
I get this error:

jayj@/tmp/vagrant-test [553]$ vagrant up --provider=aws
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'aws' provider...
==> default: Warning! The AWS provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant
==> default: high-level network configurations ( They
==> default: will be silently ignored.
==> default: Launching an instance with the following settings...
==> default: -- Type: m3.medium
==> default: -- AMI: ami-e6ad348e
==> default: -- Region: us-east-1
==> default: -- Keypair: jay
==> default: -- Block Device Mapping: []
==> default: -- Terminate On Shutdown: false
==> default: -- Monitoring: false
==> default: -- EBS optimized: false
==> default: -- Assigning a public IP address in a VPC: false
==> default: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
==> default: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> default: Machine is booted and ready for use!
No host IP was given to the Vagrant core NFS helper. This is
an internal error that should be reported as a bug.
/tmp/vagrant-test [554]$ cat Vagrantfile

-- mode: ruby --

vi: set ft=ruby :

All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure

configures the configuration version (we support older styles for

backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what

you're doing.

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|

The most common configuration options are documented and commented below.

For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at

Every Vagrant development environment requires a box. You can search for

boxes at = "perconajayj/centos-x86_64"

config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
aws.access_key_id = "OMITTED"
aws.secret_access_key = "OMITTED"
aws.keypair_name = "jay"
override.ssh.username = "root"
override.ssh.private_key_path = "/Users/jayj/.ssh/jay-us-east-1.pem"

I am able to ssh, just not provision.

jayj@/tmp/vagrant-test [555]$ vagrant ssh
[root@ip-10-140-155-175 ]# logout
Connection to closed.
/tmp/vagrant-test [556]$ vagrant --version
Vagrant 1.7.1
/tmp/vagrant-test [557]$ vagrant plugin list
vagrant-aws (0.6.0)
vagrant-hostmanager (1.5.0)

  • Version Constraint: 1.5.0
    vagrant-share (1.1.4, system)
    vagrant-vmware-fusion (3.1.2)

This was working fine until my vagrant-aws upgrade from 0.5.0

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

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Downgrading vagrant-aws back to 0.5.0 worked for me in the interim.

On Dec 19, 2014, at 1:36 AM, Kiyoshi Mizumaru wrote:

Does anyone know any workarounds?

Jay Janssen, Managing Consultant, Percona

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Yeah, I know.
But 0.5.0 cannot assign existing elastic_ip to ec2 instance, it always
allocate a new elastic_ip.
I'm now trying to build vagrant and aws plugin from Github and see how I can
avoid this problem.

2014年12月19日金曜日、Jay Janssennotifications@github.comさんは書きました:

Downgrading vagrant-aws back to 0.5.0 worked for me in the interim.

On Dec 19, 2014, at 1:36 AM, Kiyoshi Mizumaru <
javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> wrote:

Does anyone know any workarounds?

Jay Janssen, Managing Consultant, Percona

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#331 (comment)

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zquestz commented Dec 29, 2014

I am also having this issue. I specifically use rsync and it still complains. If anyone has suggestions please share!

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Had similiar issue (also hit that bug #327 (comment) but replaced certs and it works) :
Ubuntu 13.10
vagrant 1.7.1

vagrant-aws (0.6.0)
vagrant-cachier (1.1.0)
vagrant-hostsupdater (0.0.11)
vagrant-kvm (0.1.9)
vagrant-libvirt (0.0.24)
vagrant-mutate (0.3.1)
vagrant-share (1.1.4)
vagrant-vbguest (0.10.0)
vagrant-windows (1.6.0)

Downgrading to 0.5.0 fixes that error message.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws --plugin-version 0.5.0

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kmizumar commented Jan 6, 2015

Vagrant 1.7.1's SyncedFolders won't work with Vagrant AWS plugin.

So I made a patch to revive previous custom SyncedFolders and this works
for me.

[ branch: modified ]

% git diff v0.6.0 HEAD

diff --git a/ b/

index 4600e19..5cd9e92 100644

--- a/

+++ b/

@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@

-# 0.5.1

+# 0.6.1 (January 6, 2015)

+* Quick and Dirty Hack to avoid Vagrant SyncedFolders problem.

+# 0.6.0 (December 13, 2014)

  • Support static Elastic IP addresses.

+* Support for creating AMIs with the vagrant package

0.5.0 (June 22, 2014)

@@ -12,6 +17,8 @@

  • rsyncing folders uses --delete flag to better emulate "real shared

    (GH #194)

  • fog gem version bumped to 1.22 (GH #253)

+* Simple ELB support (GH #88,

0.4.1 (December 17, 2013)

diff --git a/ b/

index a9a476e..fc853b7 100644

--- a/

+++ b/

@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ This provider exposes quite a few provider-specific
configuration options:

  • use_iam_profile - If true, will use IAM profiles

    for credentials.

  • block_device_mapping - Amazon EC2 Block Device Mapping Property

+* elb - The ELB name to attach to the instance.

These can be set like typical provider-specific configuration:

@@ -195,7 +196,8 @@ There is minimal support for synced folders. Upon
vagrant up,

rsync (if available) to uni-directionally sync the folder to

the remote machine over SSH.

-See Vagrant Synced folders: rsync

+This is good enough for all built-in Vagrant provisioners (shell,

+chef, and puppet) to work!

Other Examples

@@ -249,7 +251,7 @@ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|


-### Elastic Load Balancers

+### ELB (Elastic Load Balancers)

 You can automatically attach an instance to an ELB during boot and detach
on destroy.

diff --git a/lib/vagrant-aws/action.rb b/lib/vagrant-aws/action.rb

index 2e7d3d5..8def51d 100644

--- a/lib/vagrant-aws/action.rb

+++ b/lib/vagrant-aws/action.rb

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ module VagrantPlugins


             b2.use Provision

-            b2.use SyncedFolders

+            b2.use SyncFolders




@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module VagrantPlugins

       def self.action_prepare_boot
 do |b|

           b.use Provision

-          b.use SyncedFolders

+          b.use SyncFolders

           b.use WarnNetworks

           b.use ElbRegisterInstance


@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ module VagrantPlugins
 do |b|

           b.use HandleBox

           b.use ConfigValidate

+          b.use BoxCheckOutdated

           b.use ConnectAWS

           b.use Call, IsCreated do |env1, b1|

             if env1[:result]

@@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ module VagrantPlugins

       autoload :RunInstance, action_root.join("run_instance")

       autoload :StartInstance, action_root.join("start_instance")

       autoload :StopInstance, action_root.join("stop_instance")

+      autoload :SyncFolders, action_root.join("sync_folders")

       autoload :TerminateInstance, action_root.join("terminate_instance")

       autoload :TimedProvision, action_root.join("timed_provision") # some
plugins now expect this action to exist

       autoload :WaitForState, action_root.join("wait_for_state")

diff --git a/lib/vagrant-aws/action/sync_folders.rb

new file mode 100644

index 0000000..2680798

--- /dev/null

+++ b/lib/vagrant-aws/action/sync_folders.rb

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@

+require "log4r"


+require "vagrant/util/subprocess"


+require "vagrant/util/scoped_hash_override"


+require "vagrant/util/which"


+module VagrantPlugins

+  module AWS

+    module Action

+      # This middleware uses `rsync` to sync the folders over to the

+      # AWS instance.

+      class SyncFolders

+        include Vagrant::Util::ScopedHashOverride


+        def initialize(app, env)

+          @app    = app

+          @logger ="vagrant_aws::action::sync_folders")

+        end


+        def call(env)



+          ssh_info = env[:machine].ssh_info


+          unless Vagrant::Util::Which.which('rsync')

+            env[:ui].warn(I18n.t('vagrant_aws.rsync_not_found_warning',
:side => "host"))

+            return

+          end


+          if env[:machine].communicate.execute('which rsync', :error_check
=> false) != 0

+            env[:ui].warn(I18n.t('vagrant_aws.rsync_not_found_warning',
:side => "guest"))

+            return

+          end


+          env[:machine].config.vm.synced_folders.each do |id, data|

+            data = scoped_hash_override(data, :aws)


+            # Ignore disabled shared folders

+            next if data[:disabled]


+            hostpath  = File.expand_path(data[:hostpath], env[:root_path])

+            guestpath = data[:guestpath]


+            # Make sure there is a trailing slash on the host path to

+            # avoid creating an additional directory with rsync

+            hostpath = "#{hostpath}/" if hostpath !~ /\/$/


+            # on windows rsync.exe requires cygdrive-style paths

+            if

+              hostpath = hostpath.gsub(/^(\w):/) { "/cygdrive/#{$1}" }

+            end


+            env[:ui].info(I18n.t("vagrant_aws.rsync_folder",

+                                :hostpath => hostpath,

+                                :guestpath => guestpath))


+            # Create the host path if it doesn't exist and option flag is

+            if data[:create]

+              begin

+                FileUtils::mkdir_p(hostpath)

+              rescue => err

+                raise Errors::MkdirError,

+                  :hostpath => hostpath,

+                  :err => err

+              end

+            end


+            # Create the guest path

+            env[:machine].communicate.sudo("mkdir -p '#{guestpath}'")

+            env[:machine].communicate.sudo(

+              "chown -R #{ssh_info[:username]} '#{guestpath}'")


+            #collect rsync excludes specified
:rsync_excludes=>['path1',...] in synced_folder options

+            excludes = ['.vagrant/', 'Vagrantfile',


+            ssh_options = ["StrictHostKeyChecking=no"]

+     # Use proxy command if it's set

+            if ssh_info[:proxy_command]

+              ssh_options.push("ProxyCommand #{ssh_info[:proxy_command]}")

+            end


+            # Rsync over to the guest path using the SSH info

+            command = [

+              "rsync", "--verbose", "--archive", "-z", "--delete",

+              *{|e|['--exclude', e]}.flatten,

+              "-e", "ssh -p #{ssh_info[:port]}
#{ssh_key_options(ssh_info)} " +

+              ssh_options_to_args(ssh_options).join(' '),

+              hostpath,

+              "#{ssh_info[:username]}@#{ssh_info[:host]}:#{guestpath}"]


+            # we need to fix permissions when using rsync.exe on windows,

+            #

+            if

+              command.insert(1, "--chmod", "ugo=rwX")

+            end


+            r = Vagrant::Util::Subprocess.execute(*command)

+            if r.exit_code != 0

+              raise Errors::RsyncError,

+                :guestpath => guestpath,

+                :hostpath => hostpath,

+                :stderr => r.stderr

+            end

+          end

+        end


+        # Generate a ssh(1) command line list of options

+        #

+        # @param [Array] options An array of ssh options. E.g.

+        #   `StrictHostKeyChecking=no` see ssh_config(5) for more

+        # @return [Array] Computed list of command line arguments

+        def ssh_options_to_args(options)

+          # Bail early if we get something that is not an array of options

+          return [] unless options


+          return { |o| "-o '#{o}'" }

+        end


+        private


+        def ssh_key_options(ssh_info)

+          # Ensure that `private_key_path` is an Array (for Vagrant < 1.4)

+          Array(ssh_info[:private_key_path]).map { |path| "-i '#{path}' "

+        end

+      end

+    end

+  end


diff --git a/lib/vagrant-aws/version.rb b/lib/vagrant-aws/version.rb

index db63150..2a770d6 100644

--- a/lib/vagrant-aws/version.rb

+++ b/lib/vagrant-aws/version.rb

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

 module VagrantPlugins

   module AWS

-    VERSION = '0.6.0'

+    VERSION = '0.6.1'



diff --git a/spec/vagrant-aws/actions/syncfolders_spec.rb

new file mode 100644

index 0000000..c80c52a

--- /dev/null

+++ b/spec/vagrant-aws/actions/syncfolders_spec.rb

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@

+require 'spec_helper'

+require 'vagrant-aws/action/sync_folders'


+describe VagrantPlugins::AWS::Action::SyncFolders do

+  let(:app) { nil }

+  let(:env) { {} }

+  subject(:action) {, env) }


+  describe '#ssh_options_to_args' do

+    subject(:args) { action.ssh_options_to_args(options) }


+    context 'with no ssh options' do

+      let(:options) { [] }


+      it { should eql [] }

+    end


+    context 'with one option' do

+      let(:options) { ['StrictHostKeyChecking=no'] }

+      it { should eql ["-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'"] }

+    end


+    context 'with multiple options' do

+      let(:options) { ['SHKC=no', 'Port=222'] }

+      it { should eql ["-o 'SHKC=no'", "-o 'Port=222'"] }

+    end

+  end


On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Michał Sochoń <>

> Had similiar issue (also hit that bug #327 (comment)
> <>
> but replacet certs and it works) :
> Ubuntu 13.10
> vagrant 1.7.1
> vagrant-aws (0.5.0)
>    - Version Constraint: 0.5.0 vagrant-cachier (1.1.0)
>    vagrant-hostsupdater (0.0.11) vagrant-kvm (0.1.9) vagrant-libvirt (0.0.24)
>    vagrant-mutate (0.3.1) vagrant-share (1.1.4) vagrant-vbguest (0.10.0)
>    vagrant-windows (1.6.0)
> Downgrading to 0.5.0 fixes that error message.
> ```vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws --plugin-version 0.5.0
> —
> Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
> <>
> .

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I also had this problem and worked around it successfully by either disabling the default /vagrant file sync (my ansible provisioner doesn't need it) by using:

    config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true

Or if you need it, by switching from the default NFS to use rsync using:

    config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync"

It'd be nice for it to work out of the box though!

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ghost commented Mar 13, 2015

Would be nice to see this addressed. For some reason, Vagrant 1.7.2 + vagrant-aws 0.6.0 works fine for me on Mac, but the exact same versions and configuration fails on Linux with this error.

I already had /vagrant disabled, but to work around this, I had to manually specify type: "rsync" for all my other synced_folders.

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There is a work around suggested in this blog post: that worked for me.

 config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
    override.nfs.functional = false

pypt added a commit to mediacloud/backend that referenced this issue Oct 16, 2015
No host IP was given to the Vagrant core NFS helper. This is
an internal error that should be reported as a bug.

(see mitchellh/vagrant-aws#331)

[ci skip]
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