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FlexiConnect Architecture is a distributed system designed with versatile data transport options, providing flexibility and efficiency in handling diverse data sources and destinations.

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Microservices with Go

The Microservices Architecture contains

  • Broker Service
  • Authentication Service
  • Logger Service
  • Mail Service
  • Listener Service AMQP with RabbitMQ

GNU Make

  • is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files

  • Make gets its knowledge of how to build your program from a file called the makefile, which lists each of the non-source files and how to compute it from other files. When you write a program, you should write a makefile for it, so that it is possible to use Make to build and install the program

  • All the Docker images control for

    • Linux/MacOS are in the project/Makefile file
    • Windows are in the project/ file

Frontend Test

  • The Test Page is used for test the Services in this Architecture
  • The Test Page will send an example request to the specific Service that user choose and then receive the response from that Service
  • Technologies

Broker Service

  • Broker Service is an entry point for redirecting the request to appropriate service and receiving the response from that service
  • Package index
    • is a lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services
      • Installation
        go get
        go get
        go get
    • provides access to the exported methods of an object across a network or other I/O connection. A server registers an object, making it visible as a service with the name of the type of the object. After registration, exported methods of the object will be accessible remotely. A server may register multiple objects (services) of different types but it is an error to register multiple objects of the same type
  • File broker-service/broker-service.dockerfile is the dockerfile for the service

Authentication Service with PostgreSQL

  • Authentication Service is an API for determining if the credentials from the request body is matching the data in the database. All the credentials are stored in a PostgreSQL image
  • Package index
    • is a lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services
      • Installation
        go get
        go get
        go get
    • is a low-level PostgreSQL database driver. It operates at nearly the same level as the C library libpq
      • Installation
        go get
    • is a higher level libraries, high performance interface that exposes PostgreSQL-specific features such as LISTEN / NOTIFY and COPY. It also includes an adapter for the standard database/sql interface. The toolkit component is a related set of packages that implement PostgreSQL functionality such as parsing the wire protocol and type mapping between PostgreSQL and Go
      • Installation
        go get
        go get
    • is used for hashing passwords
    • provides a generic interface around SQL (or SQL-like) databases. The sql package must be used in conjunction with a database driver. See for a list of drivers
  • File authentication-service/authentication-service.dockerfile is the dockerfile for the service

Logger Service with MongoDB

  • Logger Service is an API for saving logs whenever one Service receives and processes a response. All the LogEntry struct contains 2 fields Name and Data. The collections are stored in a MongoDB image
  • Package index
    • is a lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services
      • Installation
        go get
        go get
        go get
    • is the MongoDB supported driver for Go
      • Installation
        go get
        go get
    • provides access to the exported methods of an object across a network or other I/O connection. A server registers an object, making it visible as a service with the name of the type of the object. After registration, exported methods of the object will be accessible remotely. A server may register multiple objects (services) of different types but it is an error to register multiple objects of the same type.
  • File logger-service/logger-service.dockerfile is the dockerfile for the service

Mail Service

  • Mail Service connects directly with Broker Service in the development version which you shouldn't do in production. In production, Mail Service can not be connected by User, just be connected to other Service except Broker Service. The Service sends tested mails to the MailHog server
  • Package index
    • is a lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services
      • Installation
        go get
        go get
        go get
    • is an email testing tool for developers
      • Overview
        • Configure your application to use MailHog for SMTP delivery
        • View messages in the web UI, or retrieve them with the JSON API
        • Optionally release messages to real SMTP servers for delivery
      • Installation
        go get
      • The local server of MailHog runs on http://localhost:1025, check this server for web UI and see all the tested mails in the Inbox section
      • A Docker image for MailHog is configured in file project/docker-compose.yml
    • is an inline styling for HTML mail in Go
      • Styling mail with both HTML and plain formats before sending
      • Installation
        go get
    • is the best way to send emails in Go with SMTP Keep Alive and Timeout for Connect and Send
      • You can find more information in the documentation
      • Installation
        go get
  • File mail-service/mail-service.dockerfile is the dockerfile for the service

Listener Service AMQP

  • Listener Service AMQP listens for any data (requests) pushed to RabbitMQ server to consume it as soon as possible
  • Any requests after being routed by Broker Service is pushed directly to RabbitMQ server. The Listener Service AMQP connects to the RabbitMQ server and listens to any requests in the message queue and then sends requests to the appropriate Services
  • Package index
    • is a Go AMQP 0.9.1 client maintained by the RabbitMQ core team. The package provides a functional interface that closely represents the AMQP 0.9.1 model targeted to RabbitMQ as a server
      • Installation
        go get
  • File listener-service/listener-service.dockerfile is the dockerfile for the service

RabbitMQ Server

  • The first option for Broker Service to communicate with Logger Service
    • logEventViaRabbit(w http.ResponseWriter, l LogPayload) just pushes requests from the client to the RabbitMQ Server for Listener Service to consume
  • Image for the RabbitMQ server is rabbitmq:3.9-alpine, runs on port 5672 on docker server
  • Uses the topics as exchange type
  • Does not delete data until it is consumed successfully
  • References

Communicating between Services using RPC

  • The second option for Broker Service to communicate with Logger Service
    • logItemViaRPC(w http.ResponseWriter, l LogPayload) connects to the RPC Server of Logger Service on port 5001 and calls the function of the RPC Server using package
      • When it comes to the RPC option, the Logger Service has to always listen to the RPC requests
      • Broker Service and Logger Service use package to communicate. The Broker Service is the client and the Logger Service is the server

gRPC Connection

  • The third option for Broker Service to communicate with Logger Service
    • LogViaGRPC(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) creates a client and connects the client to the gRPC server that is located in the logger-service/cmd/api/grpc.go file. the gRPC server runs on port 50001
  • Information about packages and how to work and generate codes with Protocol Buffers and gRPC

Docker usage

  • All the Docker configurations are in the project/docker-compose.yml file

  • Build all the Docker images and services's binaries

    make up-build
  • Build one Docker image of one specific service

    make service-build
  • Pull and Start all the Docker images

    make up
  • Stop docker compose

    make down
  • Start the frontend binary listening on http://localhost:80

    make start
  • Stop the frontend binary listening on http://localhost:80

    make stop


  • Docker Swarm

    • Build images for microservice
      docker build -f servicename.dockerfile -t your_docker_hub_username/servicename:1.0.0 .
    • Push images to docker hub
      docker push your_docker_hub_username/servicename:1.0.0
    • Configurations of Docker Swarm are in project/swarm.yml file
    • Go to the project folder
    • Initiate Swarm (set the manager node is the project folder)
      docker swarm init
    • In order to set the current folder as the manager/worker node
      docker swarm join-token manager/worker
    • Create all the services following the configurations of Docker Swarm
      docker stack deploy -c swarm.yml go-microservices
    • List the running services
      docker service ls
    • Scaling services
      docker service scale go-microservices_servicename=number_of_tasks
    • If one service suddenly dies, Docker Swarm will create another instance and bring it back up
  • Updating Services

    • Build a new tagged version of the service
      docker build -f servicename.dockerfile -t your_docker_hub_username/servicename:1.0.1 .
    • Push images again to docker hub
      docker push your_docker_hub_username/servicename:1.0.1
    • Update the version of the service currently running in Swarm
      • Any time updating a service to a new version, at least 2 tasks of that service have to be running in order to achieve no downtime
        docker service scale go-microservices_servicename=2
      • Update one image to a new version
        docker service update --image your_docker_hub_username/servicename:1.0.1 go-microservices_servicename
      • Downgrade
        docker service update --image your_docker_hub_username/servicename:1.0.0 go-microservices_servicename
  • Stopping Docker Swarm

    docker service scale go-microservices_servicename=0
  • Removing Docker Swarm

    docker stack rm go-microservices
  • Leaving Docker Swarm (use --force on a node that is participating as manager)

    docker swarm leave
  • Caddy

    • Added to the mix as a Proxy to the Front end and the Broker
    • Configurations in the project/Caddyfile file
    • Build the caddy docker image
      docker build -f caddy.dockerfile -t your_docker_hub_username/micro-caddy:1.0.0 .
      docker push your_docker_hub_username/micro-caddy:1.0.0
  • Bringing up Swarm

    docker stack deploy -c swarm.yml go-microservices


  • Minh Tran (Me)


FlexiConnect Architecture is a distributed system designed with versatile data transport options, providing flexibility and efficiency in handling diverse data sources and destinations.







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