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Having some good times with Angular2

Requires NodeJS & npm.

To install:

– npm install

Make copies of following files:

  • config/
  • config/

And rename copied files to:

  • config/
  • config/

Profit: Change local config without messing it in repo.

Run with:

– npm start

Dev server defaults at: []

  • For one to access it with other devices in same LAN.
  • If it doesn't work for you, change it to http://localhost or something else at config/helpers.js.

Build with:

– npm run build
  • Copy public/ and its contents to your server root
  • Copy dist/index.html to your server
  • Copy everything else in dist/ to the public/ you copied to your server

Profit: Open index.html

Test with: ``` – npm test ```