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This sample demonstrates a .NET 5.0 Desktop (WPF) application showcasing advanced Microsoft Graph Query Capabilities for Directory Objects with .NET Graph SDK.


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This sample demonstrates a .NET Desktop (WPF) application showcasing advanced Microsoft Graph Query Capabilities for Directory Objects with .NET
09/22/2020 00:00:00 AM
Microsoft Graph
Microsoft identity platform
id displayName
Luca Spolidoro
contentType technologies createdDate
Microsoft Graph
Microsoft identity platform

Explore advanced Microsoft Graph Query Capabilities on Microsoft Entra ID Objects with .NET SDK


This sample helps you explore the Microsoft Graph's new query capabilities of the identity APIs using the Microsoft Graph .NET Client Library v5 to query Microsoft Entra ID. The main code is in AsyncEnumerableGraphDataService.cs file where, for every request:

  • The required $count=true QueryString parameter is added
  • The required ConsistencyLevel=eventual header is added
  • The request URL is extracted and displayed in the UI
  • The results are converted to an IAsyncEnumerable using the ToAsyncEnumerable extension method for an easier pagination.



Step 1: Register your application

Use the Microsoft Application Registration Portal to register your application with the Microsoft Graph APIs.
Click New Registration.

Application Registration Note: Make sure to set the right Redirect URI (http://localhost) and application type is Public client/native (mobile & desktop).

Step 2: Set the MS Graph permissions

Add the delegated permissions for Directory.Read.All, and grant admin consent.
We advise you to register and use this sample on a Dev/Test tenant and not on your production tenant.

Api Permissions


Step 1: Clone or download this repository

From your shell or command line:

git clone

or download and extract the repository .zip file.

Step 2: Configure the ClientId using the Secret Manager

This application use the .NET Core Secret Manager to store the ClientId.
To add the ClientId created on step 1 of registration:

  1. Open a Developer Command Prompt or an Integrated Terminal and locate the dotnet-aad-query-sample\MsGraphSamples.Services\ directory.
  2. Type dotnet user-secrets set "clientId" "<YOUR CLIENT ID>"

Run the sample

On Visual Studio

Press F5. This will restore the missing nuget packages, build the solution and run the project.

On Visual Studio Code

Shortly after you open the project folder in VS Code, a prompt by C# extension will appear on bottom right corner:
Required assets to build and debug are missing from 'dotnet-aad-query-sample'. Add them?.
Select Yes and the C# Dev Kit extension should install.
Use The Solution Explorer to browse the projects (WinUI or WPF), right-click and debug:

Solution Explorer

Note: Make sure to select x64 Platform in the lower left corner of the window if you need to build WinUI, as AnyCPU is not supported.

Using the app

If everything was configured correctly, you should be able to see the login prompt opening in a web browser.
The auth token will be cached in a file for the subsequent runs thanks to GetBrowserCredential Method.
You can query your tenant by typing the arguments of the standard OData $select, $filter, $orderBy, $search clauses in the relative text boxes.
In the screenshot below you can see the $search operator in action:

Screenshot of the App

  • If you double click on a row, a default drill-down will happen (for example by showing the list of transitive groups a user is part of).
  • If you click on a header, the results will be sorted by that column. Note: not all columns are supported and you may receive an error.
  • If any query error happen, it will displayed with a Message box.

The generated URL will appear in the readonly Url textbox. You can click the Graph Explorer button to open the current query in Graph Explorer.

Code Architecture

This app provides a good starting point for enterprise desktop applications that connects to Microsoft Graph.
The uses MVVM pattern and .NET Community Toolkit.
There are two UI projects, one for WPF and one for WinUI. The WinUI project implements an advanced technique to iterate all pages of a response using IAsyncEnumerable and ISupportIncrementalLoading.
Dependency Injection is implemented using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
Nullable and Code Analysis are enabled to enforce code quality.


This sample demonstrates a .NET 5.0 Desktop (WPF) application showcasing advanced Microsoft Graph Query Capabilities for Directory Objects with .NET Graph SDK.




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