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Zustand Entity Adapter

A really small (~3kb/~1kb gziped) library to create an Entity Adapter¹² for Zustand.

It also allows you to create a convenient store that includes any additional structure and the actions and selectors to be used to manage the entities.

Table of Contents


To install this library in your project, use npm :

npm install zustand-entity-adapter

or yarn:

yarn add zustand-entity-adapter

Basic Usage

Here is a basic example of how to use the library.

First create the adapter

Your adapter provides an API for manipulating and querying a normalized collection of state instances of the same type. It will allow you to create a normal Zustand store, and additionally to configure the actions and selectors for it.

import { create } from "zustand";
import { createEntityAdapter } from "zustand-entity-adapter";

// Define the entity
interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

// Create the entity adapter
const entityAdapter = createEntityAdapter<User, number>();

// Create the entity store
const useUserStore = create(entityAdapter.getState);

// Configure the entity actions
const userActions = entityAdapter.getActions(useUserStore.setState);

// Configure the entity selectors
const userSelectors = entityAdapter.getSelectors();

Now use it in your components!

You will be able to use the store as a regular store, and the selectors and actions without any additional binding.

const UserList: FC = () => {
  const users = useUserStore(userSelectors.selectAll);
  return (
      { => (

const AddUserButton: FC<{ user: User }> = ({ user }) => {
  return <button onClick={() => userActions.addOne(user)}>Add user</button>;

Or create an entity store!

Alternatively, you can create an entity store and enjoy most of this configuration out the box.

// Create the entity store - One less type argument
const useUserStore = createEntityStore<User>();

// Configure the entity actions - No function calls, only properties
const userActions = useUserStore.actions;

// Configure the entity selectors
const userSelectors = useUserStore.selectors;

The store and helpers can be used as described previously.


createEntityAdapter<Entity, Id>(options: EntityAdapterOptions<Entity, Id>)

Creates an entity adapter for managing a normalized collection of entities of type Entity. This adapter provides methods for querying and updating the state, as well as actions for manipulating the entities.

  • Parameters:

    • options.idSelector (optional): A function that returns the entity ID.
    • options.sort (optional): A function to sort the entities.
  • Methods:

    • getState(): Creates and returns the entity state.
    • getActions(setState: SetState): Returns a set of actions to manipulate the entity state.
    • getSelectors(): Provides selectors to query the state.

Entity Selectors

The selectors provided by getSelectors() are useful for querying the state.

  • selectIds(state: State): Returns an array of entity IDs.
  • selectEntities(state: State): Returns a dictionary of entities by ID.
  • selectAll(state: State): Returns an array of all entities.
  • selectTotal(state: State): Returns the total count of entities.
  • selectById(id: Id): Returns a specific entity by its ID.

Entity Actions

The actions provided by getActions() allow manipulation of entities within the store.

  • addOne(entity: Entity): Adds a new entity to the collection.
  • addMany(entities: Entity[]): Adds multiple entities to the collection.
  • setOne(entity: Entity): Replaces an entity in the collection with the provided one.
  • setMany(entities: Entity[]): Replaces multiple entities in the collection.
  • setAll(entities: Entity[]): Replaces all entities with the provided set.
  • updateOne(update: Update<Entity, Id>): Partially updates a single entity.
  • updateMany(updates: Update<Entity, Id>[]): Partially updates multiple entities.
  • upsertOne(entity: Entity): Inserts or updates a single entity.
  • upsertMany(entities: Entity[]): Inserts or updates multiple entities.
  • removeOne(id: Id): Removes an entity by its ID.
  • removeMany(ids: Id[]): Removes multiple entities by their IDs.
  • removeAll(): Removes allentities.

createEntityStore<Entity, ExtraState, ExtraActions, Id>()

Creates an entity store using zustand, providing a full set of selectors and actions for managing entities.

  • Parameters:

    • options?: (optional) Configuration for sorting or ID selection. The same options the createEntityAdapter has.
    • stateCreator?: (optional) Function to create additional state in the store.
    • actionsCreator?: (optional) Function to create custom actions.
  • Properties: The createEntityStore returns a regular Zustand store, with a state to manage the entities, and this properties:

    • actions: The actions to manage the entities collection. The result of calling the EntityAdapter#getActions method.
    • selectors: The selector to query the entities collection. The result of calling the EntityAdapter#getSelectors method.
  • Examples:

    • Basic store creation:

      const useStore = createEntityStore<Entity>();
    • Store with additional state:

      const useStore = createEntityStore(
        (): EntityState => ({ selectedUser: undefined }),
    • Store with additional state and custom actions:

      const useStore = createEntityStore(
        (): EntityState => ({
          selectedUser: undefined,
        (set): EntityActions => ({
          selectUser: (user) => set({ selectedUser: user }),
    • Store with custom sorter:

      const useStore = createEntityStore<Entity>({ sort: sorter });
    • Store with custom id selector (required if the model doesn't have an id property):

      interface Product {
        sku: string;
      const useStore = createEntityStore<Product, string>({
        idSelector: (product) => product.sku,


If you want to contribute to this project:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/new-feature).
  3. Make the changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add new feature').
  4. Push the changes to the branch (git push origin feature/new-feature).
  5. Open a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


This project could not exist without the amazing work from the @ngrx and the RTK teams.


A really small (~3kb/~1kb gziped) library to create an Entity Adapter for Zustand







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