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Feature Set

Paul Cullen Rowe edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 8 revisions

Feature Set

IMPORTANT: This list is just meant to be a list of features, not an outline of UX.

Design team: Please feel free to adjust the structure as necessary to provide the best user experience, this should just be used as a guideline

✅ Mobile First

✅ Fun animations / microinteractions

Feature Prioritization:

  • (C) - Core Feature. App does not serve a purpose without this.
  • (F) - Full Product Feature. The features we want to ideally deliver.
  • (S) - Stretch Feature. These are fun add ons that we'd work on if we are early on delivery.

Feature Set

  • (C) Map
    • Map points are replaced with mini logo of each business
    • Map points are clickable to show Venue Detail
      • (S) Filter locations by which have upcoming event
      • (S) Filter locations by categories
  • (C) Nav Menus / Buttons
    • (OUT) Attendee Login (don't know if we even need this really... decide in 1/18 meeting if we want users for gameifying visits [decided NO])
    • About Stumbl
    • About Skookum
    • DSW website
    • Feedback
  • (C) Venue Detail
    • Logo
    • Image
    • Address (w/ link to google maps directions)
    • Venue/company Description
    • Special instructions for Entry
    • Anything they're providing (food, drinks, VR games, etc)
    • Venue/company website + social
    • Link to directions
    • (F) Sched API upcoming events, each link out to the sched page for that event
    • (S) Walking time from current location
  • (C) Venues / Companies list
    • For Each:
      • Image, Logo, Name (text)
      • Clicking links to venue detail
  • (F) All Sessions list
    • Pulls all sessions for that day from Sched, regardless of venue
  • (F) Admin
    • Login
    • Editing venue information
      • Venue title (must match Sched, so not editable)
      • Address
      • Logo (svg or png ideally)
      • Marketing/Banner Image
      • Company information / description / marketing
      • Website
      • Social media
      • Any other relevant info

Requests from DSW (not final)

Resulting from meeting with DSW stakeholders 1/25. Documenting for later reference should we decide to move forward with that partnership

Dump of features from meeting with DSW. To be added to the wiki.

  • Registration: Is it possible to integrate with DSW registration system? i.e. have users sign in with their DSW username/password? (All DSW participants must have registered with DSW) (this is probably a no?)

  • Check in requirements? Simple geolocation check-in? post a selfie? (<--security/privacy concern) QR Codes?

  • Job postings for participating companies. Possibly job postings ONLY for Sponsoring Companies. (<---data modeling implications)

  • Multiple events! Big one, and this is likely to be a real requirement. Be able to support multiple events. Most likely Tuesday and Thursday.


    • Don't show the event before it is time
    • Will the Tuesday event continue on Thursday? i.e. the user continues to collect checkins for a grand total of tuesday + thursday number of checkins? Or are they discreet, unrelated events
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