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Simple Range

A simple, lightweight (20kb), responsive, customizeable, extensible, & accessible range selector!

With Simple Range you can easily create multiple extensible & accessible range selectors on a page, and you don't even have to worry about event listeners not getting cleaned up because it will handle all of that for you!

For purposes of this documentation the terms slider, range, range selector, and range slider may be used interchangeably.

Accessibility Statement

This component was designed with accessibility in mind. It was also developed to be extremely flexible and reusable, that means you could easily break accessibility by doing things like making the fonts too small, altering focus states, and so on. Use due diligence when altering the component to ensure you're still accessible with the custom options you apply to it!

This also by no means guarantees that it is fully accessible as accessibility requirements are ever evolving, so if you notice any issues at all regarding accessibility of this component we implore you to submit an issue.

Browser Support

Supported by all modern browsers.

IE is not supported, and frankly you should not support an insecure, unsupported, and non-accessible browser either.


View the demo with many examples here

Installation is simple:

There are three installation options, select your preferred method of installation below.


npm i accessible-ui-components

Then import 'accessible-ui-components' in your project


Self hosting

Save the minified file from this repo and insert it as a script tag on your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="your-path/simpleRange.min.js"></script>

Usage is just as simple:

In your HTML:

<range-selector min-range="0" max-range="1000" />

Required props:

You must provide these values to use the range selector!

Parameter Alt Name Type Values Required
min-range min int The minimum range for the slider Yes
max-range max int The maximum range for the slider Yes

Non-required props and their defaults:

Optional attributes you can provide to customize your range selector to fit your exact use case.

Parameter Type Values Default
id string If provided when the range is changed the range-changed event will include the ID of the slider (useful when there are more than one) null
preset-min int If provided then the min range slider will automatically be set to this number null
preset-max string If provided then the max range slider will automatically be set to this number null
number-of-legend-items-to-show int Number of legend items to show below the slider 2
min-label string Accessibility label for the minimum value label 'Minimum'
max-label string Accessibility label for the maximium value label 'Maximum'
event-name-to-emit-on-change string The event name that will be emitted when the user adjusts the range. I.e. document.addEventListener('my-custom-range-changed-event-name-here', () => doStuff() range-changed
inputs-for-labels boolean Whether or not to use inputs instead of labels so that the user can manually type in the range. Simply add the inputs-for-labels attribute for this to work (truth is inferred by the presence of this attribute existing) false
hide-label boolean Whether or not to hide the label. Simply add the hide-label attribute for this to work (truth is inferred by the presence of this attribute existing) false
hide-legend boolean Whether or not to hide the legend. Simply add the hide-legend attribute for this to work (truth is inferred by the presence of this attribute existing) false
slider-color string An awesome[red]sauce color (pun intended)
circle-border string The CSS border property of the circle 1px solid {circle-border-color} and if circle-border-color is not provided it defaults to 1px solid #8b8b8b
circle-focus-border string The CSS focus border property of the circle 2px solid {circle-focus-border-color} and if circle-focus-border-color is not provided it defaults to 2px solid #0074cc
circle-color string The color of the slider circles #ffffff (white)
circle-border-color string The border color of the slider circles #8b8b8b (grey)
circle-focus-border-color string The focus border color of the slider circles (for accessibility). This should have proper contrast with the other colors you have selected or else it may fail accessibility requirements #0074cc (Similar to Chromes default blue focus border)
circle-size string The size of the circle sliders. Note: The size of the range line automatically adjusts based on the height of the slider circles. If you have a use case where you need this to be independent please submit an Issue 20px
label-font-weight string The font weight of the labels bold
label-font-size string The font size of the labels 16px
label-before string Adds whatever content is passed in as CSS ::before content like .my-class::before { content: '$' } ''
label-after string Adds whatever content is passed in as CSS ::after content like .my-class::after { content: '$' } ''
number-locale string If provided, formatting will be applied to numbers accordingly (see null


You can dispatch events to do things like reset one or all range selectors on a page or dynamically set a range selectors value. Additionally the range selectors also provide events when things happen like a user adjusts the range. All of the event documentation is below.

range-changed: Listening for when a user has adjusted the range

You can easily capture the data from the range selector when the user changes it like this:

document.addEventListener('range-changed', (e) => {
  const data = e.detail;
  // data = { sliderId: null, minRangeValue: 0, maxRangeValue: 1000 }

range-reset: Resetting one or many range selectors to their initial state

In some circumstances you may want to reset the slider to it's initial state. This can easily be achieved by simply emitting a range-reset event.

NOTE: If you do not provide a sliderId in the event.detail it will reset all sliders on the page if you have multiple of them. If you provide a sliderId then it will only reset the specific slider that you specify in the sliderId.

Here is how that can be accomplished using a CustomEvent:

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('range-reset', {
      bubbles: true,
      composed: true,
      detail: { sliderId: 'sliderIdHere' },

range-set Setting the slider min/max values dynamically using JavaScript

In some circumstances you may want to set the sliders values using JavaScript. This can easily be achieved by simply emitting a range-set event.

NOTE: You must provide a sliderId, minValue, and maxValue in the event.detail. If any of these three parameters are not included in the event.detail then the selector will throw an error in your console window and ignore the event.

Here is how this can be accomplished using a CustomEvent:

function setRange() {
  const event = new CustomEvent('range-set', {
    detail: {
      sliderId: 'yourSliderIdHere',
      minValue: 350, // The minimum value you want to set the slider to
      maxValue: 700, // The maximum value you want to set the slider to



You can easily customize colors and other options like these examples:

Using an ID using id so that it will be emitted on the range-changed event and using min-label and max-label for accessibility. Also using number-of-legend-items-to-show to show 6 values below the slider:


You can adjust the number of legend items to show and you can also use the shorthand min & max instead of min-range and max-range:


You can set the preset values for the min and max easily using preset-min and preset-max:


Using a custom range changed event name using event-name-to-emit-on-change so that your consumer of this component can listen for this specific event name when the user has adjusted the ranges:


Hiding the legend using hide-legend:


Hiding the legend and the label using hide-legend and hide-label:


Altering the colors of the slider, slider circle, and accessibility focus color using slider-color, circle-color, circle-border-color, and circle-focus-border-color. Any valid CSS color, hex, etc will work:

  min-label="Minimum Range"
  max-label="Maximum Range"

The min-label and max-label's are attributes so that they can be translated by the consumer and passed in with the proper language (i18n capable).

They are to used for accessibility and screen readers and if you want this to be accessible then it is mandatory to set these labels, they will default to "Minimum" and "Maximum" in English only!


Created by Max Poshusta

sincspecv added number-locale


Contributions are always welcome! Simply fork this repo and submit a PR.

Found a bug or want a new feature? Create an issue or a feature request here.


Accessible UI components built using Native Web Components







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