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Deploy to Production

Hi, I'm Mat 👋

I'm currently a Senior Engineer at Auth0 (Okta). I've been doing a pile of different things since I started my professional career in 2006. Right now, Front End development is my jam.

Welcome to my playground, personal site, blog... thing. The Mataverse, if you will.

As I build out my site, I'll be trying out new ideas and mashing up a bunch of things that shouldn't necessarily go together. As I do it, I'll write about it. I'm not sure where I'll post those writings, but I'm guessing they'll eventually make their way into a blog within this site.

... as soon as I build that part.

Setup, Tooling, CICD, Custom Domain and SSL

Jan 27, 2022 - Initial thoughts and setup

Jan 30, 2022 - Formatting, Compilation Type Checking/Linting and Production Building

Jan 30, 2022 - My Deployment Pipeline

Jan 31, 2011 - Setting up my custom domain and SSL

Jan 31, 2011 - Automating my deployments


Feb 1, 2022 - Some ideas, CSS Strategy and Tooling

Feb 6, 2022 - TailwindCSS Editor Setup

Feb 6, 2022 - Image Loading

Feb 9, 2022 - Homepage

Feb 10, 2022 - Homepage + Glassmorphism

Feb 16, 2022 - TailwindCSS + Prettier


Feb 22, 2022 - Lighthouse Audits

Feb 27, 2022 - Lighthouse A11y, SEO, Best Practices and PWA

Feb 27, 2022 - Lighthouse Audit Improvements

Mar 1, 2022 - Lighthouse Performance and Images

Mar 8, 2022 - Caching Policies and Headers

Mar 12, 2022 - Code Minification, Splitting and Compression

Mar 20, 2022 - Progressive Web App