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An inflexible, opinionated CMS based on Wagtail.

Design a corporate website and give your client an user to keep the content they desire up to date.

See it live!

The Keraban website is an example of what a typical site looks like, the site itself its made with it.

Table of Contents


  • Build and deploy websites that can be easily maintained by non developer users.
  • Implementation of web best practices with special focus on Google's supported content types and enhancements.

Design Principles

  • Consistent look & feel through all web pages
  • Semantic web: meta tags and html5
  • Optimized for Search Engines (SEO, Google's richsnippets)
  • Fully responsive
  • Add / Remove / Edit pages from Backend by end users


Most corporate websites shares the same content structure, their needs typically consist of the following pages:

  • homepage
  • photo gallery
  • features
  • testimonials
  • contact

This structure is most seen in websites for:

  • Clinics
  • Dentists
  • Business
  • Any organization that has a physical address and offer some kind of service.



  • static files: whitenoise
    • locally with runserver and
    • in production
  • environment variables: django-dotenv
  • media: django-storages
  • google analytics: django-analytical
  • database


  1. Create a virtual environment:

     python3.6 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/keraban/
  2. Clone the repo:

     git clone
  3. Use new site:

     cd keraban
     echo `pwd` > ~/.virtualenvs/keraban/.project
     source ~/.virtualenvs/keraban/bin/activate
  4. Install deps

     pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Generate site CSS

     make compile-sass
  6. Generate database

     ./ migrate
  7. Load website data with a fixture

     ./ load_initial_data

Running locally

./ runserver



Super admin credentials:

  • user: admin
  • pass: mypass1234

Customize content

  1. Adjust your site hostname at http://localhost:8000/admin/sites/
  2. Edit pages with your content


1. Set up production webserver

Considering you have already customized your website locally, this section describes how to set up your webserver with the new site.

Skip it to next step if you already use another one.


Webfaction is a shared hosting environment with support for Python and Django.

  1. Create a new app.

    • Fill form data:
      • Name: myapp_keraban
      • App Category: mod_wsgi
      • App type: Django 2.0.5 (mod_wsgi 4.6.4/Python3.6)
      • Hit Save button
  2. Access server through SSH after looking up your server address

     ssh webfactionserver
     cd webapps/proaprado_keraban
  3. If you are installing it Create a virtualenv

     python3.6 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/myapp_keraban
  4. Remove the Python interpreter installed by default to use the one from virtualenv and the default django app

     rm -r lib/
     rm -r myproject/myproject/
  5. Set up Apache to serve your website, edit ~/webapps/myapp_keraban/apache2/conf/httpd.conf and change these keys (add the first one and modify the second one). Change myuser with your webfaction user:

     WSGIPythonHome /home/myuser/.virtualenvs/myapp_keraban
     WSGIDaemonProcess myapp_keraban processes=2 threads=12 python-path=/home/myuser/webapps/myapp_keraban/myproject
     WSGIScriptAlias / /home/myuser/webapps/proaprado_keraban/myproject/keraban/
    • Python version should match the modwsgi used by Apache or it won't work
  6. Copy the contents of your local modified keraban instance to webfaction:webapps/myapp_keraban/myproject/

  7. Restart Apache


2. Customize production environment

Adjust server after getting the files on the server:

  1. Copy /_env.skeleton to /.env (or set up environment variables)
  2. Customize /.env with your environment variables values

How to

Add a Page to main menu

In Admin go to Page / Edit / Promote and select Show in menus.

Add a feature

In Admin go to Page / Home, locate the Features index page and Add Child Page.

Change Business info

Change business data

In Admin go to Business Misc / Organization and Edit Business info.

Add business social network

In Admin go to Business Misc / Social Networks and locate the button Add Social Profiles.



To do


Ideas and Questions