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Use ▲ZEIT now within Alfred


$ npm install --global alfred-now

Requires Node.js 4+ and the Alfred Powerpack.


Generate Now token

  1. Go to your Now tokens.
  2. Under Authorized Apps, type a token name on the input Create a new token by entering its name... and press Enter.
  3. Find your token name in the above list.
  4. Click copy.

Register environment variables through Alfred

  1. Open Alfred Preferences.
  2. Go to the Workflows tab.
  3. Select now.
  4. Open the variables panel by clicking the Configure workflow and variables [+] button on the right.
  5. Fill the values
    • token : Previously copied Now token
  6. Save


In Alfred, type now, and select a command.

You can filter result by adding your query after the command.

Press Cmd to show additionnal information.


MIT © lucaperret