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Ad hoc polymorphism

Paul Louth edited this page Jul 18, 2021 · 2 revisions

This is where things get a little crazy! This article is taking what's possible when we take C# to its limits. None of what follows is essential for 90% of the use cases for this library (although it's a technique leveraged in the Aff and Eff monads). However, the seasoned C# programmer will recognise some of the issues raised (like no common numeric base-type); and experienced functional programmers will recognise the category theory creeping in... Just remember, this is all optional, but also pretty powerful if you want to go for it.

Ad-hoc polymorphism has long been believed to not be possible in C#. However with some cunning it is. Ad-hoc polymorphism allows programmers to add traits to a type later. For example in C# it would be amazing if we had an interface called INumeric for numeric types like int, long, double, etc. The reason this doesn't exist is if you write a function like:

    INumeric Add(INumeric x, INumeric y) => x + y;

Then it would cause boxing. Which is slow (well, slower). I can only assume that's why it wasn't added by the BCL team. Anyway, it's possible to create a numeric type, very much like a type-class in Haskell, and ad-hoc instances of the numeric type-class that allow for generic numeric operations without boxing.

From now on I will call them type-classes and class-instances, or just instances. This is not exactly the same as Haskell's type-classes. If anything it's closer to Scala's implicits. However to make it easier to discuss them I will steal from Haskell's lexicon.


So for example, this is how to create a number type-class:

    public interface Num<A>
        A Add(A x, A y);
        A Subtract(A x, A y);

Notice how there are two arguments to Add and Subtract. Normally if I was going to implement this interface the left-hand-side of the Add and Subtract would be this. I will implement the ad-hoc class-instance to demonstrate why that is:

    public struct TInt : Num<int>
        public int Add(int x, int y) => x + y;
        public int Subtract(int x, int y) => x - y;

See how TInt is a struct? Structs have a useful property in C# in that they can't be null. So we can invoke the operations like so:

    int r = default(TInt).Add(10, 20);

The important thing to note is that default(TInt) gets optimisied out in a release build, so there's no cost to the invocation of Add. The Add and Subtract methods both take int and return int. So therefore there's no boxing at all.

If we now implement TFloat:

    public struct TFloat : Num<float>
        public float Add(float x, float y) => x + y;
        public float Subtract(float x, float y) => x - y;

Then we can see how a general function could be written to take any numeric type:

    public A DoubleIt<NumA, A>(A x) where NumA : struct, Num<A> =>
        default(NumA).Add(x, x);

The important bit is the NumA generic argument, and the constraint of struct, Num<A>. That allows us to call default(NumA) to get the type-class instance and invoke Add.

And so this can now be called by:

    int a   = DoubleIt<TInt, int>(5);        // 10
    float b = DoubleIt<TFloat, float>(5.25); // 10.5

By expanding the amount of operations that the Num<A> type-class can do, you can perform any numeric operation you like. If you like you can add new numeric types (say for complex numbers, or whatever), where the rules of the type are kept in the ad-hoc instance.

Luckily you don't need to do that, because I have created the Num<A> type (in the LanguageExt.TypeClasses namespace), as well as Floating<A> (with all of the operations from Math; like Sin, Cos, Exp, etc.). Num<A> also has a base-type of Arithmetic<A> which supports Plus, Subtract, Product, Negate. This is for types which don't need the full spec of the Num<A> type. I have also mapped all of the core numeric types to instances: TInt, TShort, TLong, TFloat, TDouble, TDecimal, TBigInt, etc. So it's possible to write truly generic numeric code once.

There's no getting around the fact that providing the class-instance in the generic arguments list is annoying (and later you'll see how annoying). The Roslyn team are looking into a type-classes like feature for a future version of C# (variously named: 'Concepts' or 'Shapes'). So this will I'm sure be rectified, and when it is, it will be implemented exactly as I am using them here.

Until then the pain of providing the generic arguments must continue. You do however get a super-powered C# in the mean-time.

The need to write this kind of super-generic code is rare; but when you need it, you need it - and right now this is simply the most powerful way.


Next up is Eq<A>. Equality testing in C# is an absolute nightmare. From the different semantics of Equals and ==, to IEqualityComparer, and the enormous hack which is EqualityComparer.Default (which doesn't blow up at compile-time if your code is wrong).

The Eq<A> type-class looks like this:

    public interface Eq<A>
        bool Equals(A x, A y);
        int GetHashCode(A x);

There are Eq prefixed instances for all common types (EqInt, EqString, EqGuid etc.), as well as for all of the types in this library (EqLst, EqSet, EqTry, etc). All of the numeric types (TInt, TDouble, etc.) also implement Eq<A>.

To make it slightly prettier to use in code, you can use the Prelude equals function:

    bool x = equals<EqInt>(1, 1); // True

Or use default as shown before:

    bool x = default(EqInt).Equals(1, 1); // True

One final way is:

    bool x = EqInt.Inst.Equals(1, 1);

Inst is defined on all of the instances in lang-ext, but it's not an 'official feature'. Anybody could implement an ad-hoc implementation of Eq<A> and not provide an Inst.

For example you may call this directly:

    bool x = EqLst.Inst.Equals(List(1,2,3), List(1,2,3)); // true

Because you may be concerned about calling:

    bool x = List(1,2,3) == List(1,2,3); // ?

... as all C# programmers are at some point, because we have no idea most of the time whether == does what we think it should.

Just FYI List(1,2,3) == List(1,2,3) does work properly! As do all types in language-ext.

There are two variants of the immutable HashSet in language-ext:

    HashSet<EqA, A> where EqA : struct, Eq<A>

What's interesting about the second one is that the equality definition is baked into the type. So this:

    HashSet<EqString, string> 

Is not compatible with:

    HashSet<EqStringOrdinalIgnoreCase, string> 

And if you think about that, it's right. The strings that are used as keys in the HashSet<EqString, string> do not have the same properties as the strings in HashSet<EqStringOrdinalIgnoreCase, string>. So even though they're both strings, they have different semantics (which cause wildly different behaviour for things like set intersection, unions, etc.)

Now compare that to HashSet<T> in the BCL, or ImmutableHashSet<T> in System.Collections.Immutable, where two different sets with different IEqualityComparer types injected will cause undefined results when used together.

That's hopefully a small glimpse into the potential for improving type-safeness in C#.


Ord is for ordering. i.e. a IComparable replacement. By the way, these names Eq, Ord, Num, are all lifted from Haskell. I much prefer the short concise names that still convey meaning than the bulky and often clumsy names of the BCL.

This is Ord<A>, it derives from Eq<A>

    public interface Ord<A> : Eq<A>
        int Compare(A x, A y);

Usage should be self-explanatory now, but the important thing to note here is that because 'type classes' are just interfaces, they can also have an inheritance hierarchy.

This is a slightly more complex example:

    public struct OrdArray<ORD, A> : Ord<A[]>
        where ORD : struct, Ord<A>
        public int Compare(A[] mx, A[] my)
            if (ReferenceEquals(mx, my)) return 0;
            if (ReferenceEquals(mx, null)) return -1;
            if (ReferenceEquals(my, null)) return 1;

            var cmp = mx.Length.CompareTo(my.Length);
            if (cmp == 0)
                for(var i = 0; i < mx.Length; i++)
                    cmp = default(ORD).Compare(mx[i], my[i]);
                    if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
                return 0;
                return cmp;

        public bool Equals(A[] x, A[] y) =>
            default(EqArray<ORD, A>).Equals(x, y);

        public int GetHashCode(A[] x) =>

The OrdArray which is an Ord<A[]>, does itself also take an ORD generic argument, which allows the contents of the array to be compared:

    int x = OrdArray<TInt, int>.Inst.Compare(new [] {1,2}, new [] {1,2}); // 0


This is where we start going a little more abstract. Semigroups are a feature of category theory, which is soooo not important for this discussion. They represent an associative binary operation, which can be invoked by calling Append.

    public interface Semigroup<A>
        A Append(A x, A y);

Positive numbers (for example) form a semigroup. I won't dwell on it too long, because although the Append function is super-useful, nearly everything that falls into the Semigroup category is also a Monoid...


A monoid has something that a semigroup doesn't, and that's the concept of identity (often meaning 'empty' or 'zero'). It looks like this:

    public interface Monoid<A> : Semigroup<A>
        A Empty();

This comes with some helper functions in LanguageExt.TypeClass:

    public static partial class TypeClass
        public static A mempty<MONOID, A>() where MONOID : struct, Monoid<A> =>

        public static A mconcat<MONOID, A>(IEnumerable<A> xs) where MONOID : struct, Monoid<A> =>
            xs.Fold(mempty<MONOID, A>(), (s, x) => append<MONOID, A>(s, x));

        public static A mconcat<MONOID, A>(params A[] xs) where MONOID : struct, Monoid<A> =>
            xs.Fold(mempty<MONOID, A>(), (s, x) => append<MONOID, A>(s, x));

Now the semigroup Append comes to life. Examples of monoids are: TInt, MLst, TString, etc. i.e.

    var x = mconcat<TString, string>("Hello", " ", "World");   // "Hello World"
    var y = mconcat<TLst<int>, Lst<int>>(List(1), List(2, 3)); // [1,2,3]
    var z = mconcat<TInt, int>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);                 // 15

The Empty() function is what provides the identity value for the concat operations. So for string it's "", for Lst<T> it's [] and for int it's 0. So a monoid is a semigroup with a zero.

It's surprising how much stuff just starts working when you know your type is a monoid. For example in language-ext version 1 there is a monadic type called Writer<W, T>. The writer monad collects a log as well as returning the bound value. In version 1 the log had to be an IEnumerable<W>, which isn't super flexible. In language-ext version 2 the type looks like this:

    public class Writer<MonoidW, W, A> where MonoidW : struct, Monoid<W>

So now it can be a running numeric total, or a Lst<W>, or a Set<W>, or whatever monoid you dream up.


Higher-order polymorphism would allow us to define a type like so:

    public interface MyType<M<A>>
        M<B> Foo<B>(M<A> ma);

Where not only is the A parametric, but so it M. So for example if I wanted to implement MyType for Option<A> I could do:

    public class MyOptionType<A> : MyType<Option<A>>
        public Option<B> Foo<B>(Option<A> ma) => ...;

It would be soooo nice if C# (well, the immutable CLR) would support this. But it doesn't. So we need to find ways around it. The way I am using for language-ext is:

    public interface MyType<MA, A>
        MB Foo<MB, B>(MA ma);

    public class MyOptionType<A> : MyType<Option<A>, A>
        public MB Foo<MB, B>(Option<A> ma) => ...;


This is where some of the difficulties come in. How do we return an MB if we don't know what it is? This is a problem for the Monad type. This is a simplified version:

    public interface Monad<MA, A>
        MB Bind<MB, B>(MA ma, Func<A, MB> bind);
        MA Return(A a);
        MA Fail(Exception e = null);

Looking at the prototype for Bind it seems at first glance that the bind argument will give us the MB value we want. But an Option might be in a None state, in which case it shouldn't run bind.

    public MB Bind<MB, B>(Option<A> ma, Func<A, MB> bind) =>
            ? bind(ma.Value)
            : ??? ; // What do we return here?

The key is to use constraints. But it also requires an extra generic parameter for Bind:

    public interface Monad<MA, A>
        MB Bind<MonadB, MB, B>(MA ma, Func<A, MB> bind) 
            where MonadB : struct, Monad<MB, B>;

        MA Return(A a);
        MA Fail(Exception e = null);

So we now know that MonadB is a class-instance of the Monad<MB, B> type-class. So we can now do this:

    public MB Bind<MonadB, MB, B>(Option<A> ma, Func<A, MB> f) 
        where MonadB : struct, Monad<MB, B> =>
                ? f(ma.Value)
                : default(MonadB).Fail();

The eagle eyed reader will notice that this actually allows binding to any resulting monad (not just Option<B>). I'm sure some may consider labelling this a monad as incorrect, but it works, it's type-safe, it's efficient, and performs the exact same function and so I am happy to use the term.

The actual definition of Monad is more complex than this, in order to unify monadic types that take arguments (Reader and State) and monads that carry internal state (Writer and State), as well as to support asynchronous monads (TryAsync and TryOption). I won't muddy the waters too much right now, but unified and type-safe they are. There are no hacks.

You should see that the Return and Fail functions are trivial to implement:

    public Option<A> Return(A a) =>

    public Option<A> Fail(Exception e = null) =>

What that means is that any function that has been constrained by a monad instance can create new instances of them:

    public M CreateNewIntegerMonad<MonadInt, M, int>(int x) 
        where MonadInt : struct, Monad<M, int> =>

This is one of the key breakthroughs. Imagine trying to create a Monad type the old way:

    public interface Monad<A>
        Monad<B> Bind<B>(Func<A, Monad<B>> bind);

    public class Option<A> : Monad<A>
        public Monad<B> Bind<B>(Monad<A> ma, Func<A, Monad<B>> bind) =>
                ? bind(Value)
                : None;

    public Monad<int> CreateNewIntegerMonad(int x) =>
        ????; // How?

Maybe we could parameterise it?

    public Monad<int> CreateNewIntegerMonad<M>(int x) where M : Monad<int> =>
        ????; // We still can't call new M(x)

But that doesn't work either because we still can't call new M(x). Being able to paramterise generic functions at the point where you know the concrete types (and therefore know the concrete class-instance) means that the generic functions can invoke the instance functions to create the concrete types.

Here's a super generic example of a function that takes two monad arguments, they're both of the same type, and their bound values are Num<A>.

    public static MA Add<MonadA, MA, NumA, A>(MA ma, MA mb)
        where MonadA  : struct, Monad<MA, A>
        where NumA    : struct, Num<A> =>
            default(MonadA).Bind<MonadA, MA, A>(ma, a =>
            default(MonadA).Bind<MonadA, MA, A>(mb, b =>
            default(MonadA).Return(default(NumA).Plus(a, b))));

You may notice that the two Bind calls followed by the Return are basically a much less attractive version of this:

        from a in ma
        from b in mb
        select default(NumA).Plus(a, b);

And so I can now add two options:

    var x = Some(10);
    var y = Some(20);
    var z = Option<int>.None;

    var r1 = Add<MOption<int>, Option<int>, TInt, int>(x, y); // Some(30)
    var r2 = Add<MOption<int>, Option<int>, TInt, int>(x, z); // None

    Assert.True(r1 == Some(30));
    Assert.True(r2 == None);

Or two lists:

    var x = List(1, 2, 3);
    var y = List(4, 5, 6);
    var z = List<int>();

    var r1 = Add<MLst<int>, Lst<int>, TInt, int>(x, y);
    var r2 = Add<MLst<int>, Lst<int>, TInt, int>(x, z);

    Assert.True(r1 == List(5, 6, 7,  6, 7, 8,  7, 8, 9));
    Assert.True(r2 == z);

Or any two monads. They will follow the built in rules for the type, and produce concrete values efficiently and without any boxing or dynamic casting.


This is a very powerful technique, but can unfortunately result in less than elegant code. There are legitimate uses though, and there are really times when you want traits and behaviours to be added to types and functions ad-hoc. Currently not possible any other way. This technique is used heavily by the runtimes for the Aff<RT, A> and Eff<RT, A> monads.