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What is Guesser Game API?

Guesser Game Api is a game in which you can enter a secret word with three clues, and for each incorrect attempt the number of attempts is increased by one. When you reach the predefined values in clue1_attempts, clue2_attempts and clue3_attempts, the values for clue1, clue2 and clue3 are revealed. When the guess is correct, the value of the secret is revealed.

Project Structure


The Guesser Game API includes useful handlers for daily needs. Below, we list and provide examples for each of them.



This handler is used to check the health of the API. Make a GET request to the URL/health. If the API is functioning correctly, a status 200 and a JSON will be returned, as shown below:

  "status": "pass"


This handler is used to check the health of both the API and the database. Make a GET request to URL/health/full. Depending on the situation, it will return a status 200 or an error, accompanied by a JSON. Examples:

If everything is OK:

  "status": "pass",
  "uptime": 60,
  "db": true

In the case of a database error:

  "status": "fail",
  "uptime": 60,
  "db": false



The create_secret_handler is used to create a new secret for our game. To do this, send a POST request to the URL/secrets, where the body must be a JSON, as shown below:

Request body:

	"secret":  <secret>,
	"clue1":  <clue1>,
	"clue2":  <clue2>,
	"clue3":  <clue3>

Successful creation response:

	"id":  <id>,
	"guessed":  false,
	"guess_attempts":  0


The get_secret_handler is used to search the database for a secret with the entered. To do this, send a GET request to the URL/secrets/<id>, in the event of success (secret guessed or not) or failure (not found), the response will be a json, see the examples below:

Successful get secret (guessed) response: Note: the clue1, clue2 and clue3 fields can be displayed according to the number of guess_attempts.

	"id":  <id>,
	"guessed":  true,
	"guess_attempts":  0,
	"guesser":  <guesser-name>,
	"secret":  <secret>

Successful get secret (not guessed) response:

	"id":  <id>,
	"guessed":  false,
	"guess_attempts":  0

Secret not found response:

  "error": "Secret not found."


The get_all_secrets_handler returns all the secrets in the database following some predefined criteria, all requests are of the GET type, see the examples below:

GET request for URL/secrets or URL/secrets?guessed=false will return all unguessed secrets:

	"secrets": [
			"id":  <id>,
			"guessed":  false,
			"guess_attempts":  0
			"id":  <id>,
			"guessed":  false,
			"guess_attempts":  0

GET request to URL/secrets?guessed=true will return all secrets including those already guessed:

	"secrets": [
			"id":  <id>,
			"guessed":  true,
			"guess_attempts":  15,
			"clue1":  <clue1>,
			"clue2":  <clue2>,
			"clue3":  <clue3>,
			"guesser":  <guesser-name>,
			"secret":  <secret>
			"id":  <id>,
			"guessed":  true,
			"guess_attempts":  0,
			"guesser":  <guesser-name>,
			"secret":  <secret>
			"id":  <id>,
			"guessed":  false,
			"guess_attempts":  0
			"id":  <id>,
			"guessed":  false,
			"guess_attempts":  0


The guesses_secret_handler is responsible for receiving a POST request to URL/secrets/<id>, the body of the request must contain a JSON. If the guess sent in the JSON is incorrect, see the example below:

Request body:

	"guess":  <your-guess>,
	"username":  <guesser-name>"

Answer if the secret has not yet been guessed, but the guess is incorrect:

Note: With each new incorrect guess, the guess_attempts counter is incremented by one.

	"id":  <id>,
	"guessed":  false,
	"guess_attempts":  1

If the guess is correct, this will be the handler's answer:

	"id":  <id>,
	"guessed":  true,
	"guess_attempts":  1,
	"guesser":  <guesser-name>,
	"secret":  <guess>

If the secret has already been guessed, take a look at the example answer:

  "error": "Secret already guessed."




The create_secret function is the main function of our API, it receives an object of type NewSecret:

pub  struct  NewSecret {
	pub secret:  String,
	pub clue1:  String,
	pub clue2:  String,
	pub clue3:  String,

The value of NewSecret.secret is encrypted using Keccak256 and saved in the hashed_secret variable.

The collection of secrets receives an object of type SecretEntity:

pub  struct  SecretEntity {
	pub id:  Uuid,
	pub secret:  String,
	pub clue1:  String,
	pub clue2:  String,
	pub clue3:  String,
	pub guess_attempts:  u16,
	pub guesser:  Option<String>,
	pub guessed_secret:  Option<String>,

To save a new secret in the collection, we need to pass the data provided by NewSecret to SecretEntity:

let secret =  SecretEntity {
	id:  Uuid::new_v4(),
	secret: hashed_secret,
	clue1: new_secret.clue1,
	clue2: new_secret.clue2,
	clue3: new_secret.clue3,
	guess_attempts:  0,
	guesser:  None,
	guessed_secret:  None,

Now our secret object is stored in the database and finally the function returns the secret created or an error of the type AppError::MongoDbError.


This function is responsible for retrieving a SecretEntity from the database, for which it receives a secret_id: Uuid. The function has a filter for the database, using the id field as a parameter. If the search returns a secret, this secret will be returned by the function, otherwise an error of type AppError::NotFound will be returned.


This function is responsible for returning an array of secrets: Vec<SecretEntity>, which may or may not contain the secrets already guessed. To do this, the function receives a with_guessed: bool, if the value is false all the secrets will be unguessed, if the value is true all the secrets will be a combination of guessed and unguessed.


The guess_secret function receives three parameters: secret_id: Uuid, guess: String and username: String. With the secret_id, we use the get_secret_entity function to return a secret from the database, if the guesser field is equal to Some we return AppError::AlreadyGuessed. If guesser is equal to None, the function will take the value of guess and create a hashed_guess, if the value of hashed_guess and secret.secret are different, it updates the secret in the database with the counter of guess_attempts+1. And finally, if hashed_guess and secret.secret are the same, it updates the secret in the database, but now filling in the guesser and guessed_secret fields with the values received in username and guess respectively.

How to Run This Project

  1. To run this application, clone the repository Guesser-Game-API.
  2. Install Rust by visiting the official Rust website and following the steps. 2.1. You need to run the command: $ rustup override set nightly, it allows you to run our application in the latest development version.
  3. Create a .env file and configure the environment variables. You can use the values from .env.example.
  4. Run the command $ cargo build to install the project's binaries and libraries.
  5. Now run the command $ cargo run, and the application will execute successfully. Enjoy!

Environment Variables

In this section, we will detail the environment variables and their roles in our API. These are the necessary environment variables to run the application successfully, and you can see example values in the .env.example file. They are as follows:

  • RELEASE_MODE: This variable is responsible for defining the execution level of the application, either in development (dev) or production (prod). Choose the option that best suits your scenario. Opting for dev sets the lowest log level to Debug, while in prod, the lowest log level is set to Info.
  • API_PORT: Specify the port on which the API will receive requests. Feel free to choose according to the most convenient scenario. By default, we set the value to 4000.
  • MONGO_URI: This variable should point to your preferred MongoDB database, whether local or in the cloud. Remember that this field is of type String.
  • TIMEOUT: Finally, the variable responsible for determining the timeout for requests. By default, this value is 75, but it can be changed according to your organization. This field is of type Number.
  • CLUE1_ATTEMPTS: This variable contains a value of type Number, e.g. 5. When the number of attempts reaches this value, the value of the hint is revealed.
  • CLUE2_ATTEMPTS: This variable contains a value of type Number, e.g. 10. When the number of attempts reaches this value, the value of the hint is revealed.
  • CLUE3_ATTEMPTS: This variable contains a value of type Number, e.g. 15. When the number of attempts reaches this value, the value of the hint is revealed.


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