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Python package for interpreting radio interferometer observations with radiative transfer models. This is a regularly synced mirror of a GitLab repository hosted at MPCDF. The purpose of the mirror is to make collaboration with external (non-MPG) scientists easier. Please raise issues and submit code here.


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SimpleDiskEnvFit (SiDE)

Self-contained radmc3dModel with child-mode RADMC3D runner and with image, visibility and $\chi^2$ storage. The user provides a radmc3dPar object and complex visibility observational constrains. The code computes density structure, dust opacity and writes to disk. Then the runner computes dust temperature and continuum images. The images are transformed to the (u,v) space and the $\chi^2$ is computed compared to the input observations.

The model parameters are optimised using the emcee MCMC sampler tool. The final results include the posterior probability distribution of the fitted parameters and the walked chains in terms of $\chi^2$ and parameter combination. Best fit model visibilities may be plotted with the observation data.

Features and options:

  • Envelope models: Ulrich+ (1976), Tafalla+ (2004)
  • Disk model: parametric disk with hydrostatic-like vertical distribution
  • Compute dust opacity using Mie theory on the fly
  • Compute dust continuum emission maps and complex visibilities
  • Compute $\chi^2$ when observed complex visibilities are provided



The current release of RADMC-3D (version 0.41) needs to be patched before running this code. Replace main.f90 with radmc3d_patch/main_patch.f90 in


folder and recompile code. The patch is already merged to the development branch of RADMC-3D, but have not been released yet.


General instructions

Download the repository in your browser or using the git clone utility.

Use Python's distutil utility and the provided script.

python install --user

On Linux this installs the module to ~/.local/lib/python{2.7/3.6}/site-packages directory, which is usually included in the python search path.

Alternatively, you may directly add the repository location to your PYTHONPATH:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/your/SiDE/directory

You can make this addition permanent by saving the export command to the ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile files.

After completing the installation step, the module should be available in python:

import side

Installation in Anaconda environment

Create a new anaconda environment (new_environment should be replaced by a name you like!

conda create -n [new_environment] python=3.6

Activate the environment

conda activate [new_environment]

Add conda-forge to the software channels:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict 

Install requirements

conda install galario
conda install astropy
conda install ipython
conda install mpi4py

Download and install the program package:

git clone

cd SiDE
python install --user
cd ..

Try if it works:

import radmc3dPy
import side

Install RADMC-3D

cd radmc-3d/version_0.41/src/
cp ../../../SiDE/radmc3d_patch/main_patch.f90 main.f90
make install

Basic usage:

Load default parameter configuration (disk and envelope included, no cavity) and modify the disk mass and radius and the envelope reference density.

import side
import numpy as np

par = side.getParam()

par.setPar(['mdisk', '0.01*ms', ' Disk dust mass', 'Disk parameters'])
par.setPar(['rdisk', '100.*au', ' Disk radius', 'Disk parameters'])
par.setPar(['rho0Env', '1e-20', ' Envelope reference dust density [g/cm^3]', 'Envelope parameters'])

Create the radmc3dModel object and print model information (included components, component masses, densities, etc.). Then write the model to current folder (note that files need to be written to hard drive before the dust temperature and images are computed).

mod = side.radmc3dModel(modpar=par, main_dir='../opacities/')

Read observed visibility data (obtained at 1.1 and 3 mm wavelength) and set image parameters.

u1, v1, Re1, Im1, w1 = np.loadtxt('Elias29uvt_270.txt', unpack=True)
u2, v2, Re2, Im2, w2 = np.loadtxt('Elias29uvt_94.txt', unpack=True)

vis = [{'u':u1, 'v':v1, 'Re':Re1, 'Im':Im1, 'w':w1, 'wav':1100.},
       {'u':u2, 'v':v2, 'Re':Re2, 'Im':Im2, 'w':w2, 'wav':3000.}]
impar = [{'npix':512,'wav':1100.,'sizeau':6000,'incl':60},

Compute the dust temperature and the dust continuum emission. Then decompose the images to complex visibility space. The computed images are stored in the mod.image class variable (list type). The individual images are radmc3dImage objects. It is possible to use the standard radmc3dPy methods on the images (e.g. to write to fits file format).

mod.getVis(uvdata=vis, dpc=125.)

Finally, compare the observed and modelled visibilities.

uvbin = 10000
ax0 = mod.vis_inp[0].plot(uvbin_size=uvbin, label='1.1 mm')
mod.vis_mod[0].plot(uvbin_size=uvbin, axis=ax0, linestyle='r-')

ax1 = mod.vis_inp[1].plot(uvbin_size=uvbin), label='3 mm'
mod.vis_mod[1].plot(uvbin_size=uvbin, axis=ax1, linestyle='r-')

Example: Fitting Elias 29

The examples folder contains the parameter file, fitting scripts, opacity data and observed complex visibilities for modelling the Class I protostar Elias 29.

Contents of the examples/elias29 folder:

elias29_params.inp              Default model parameters 
porous_natta2004_rhod_1.36.lnk  Complex refractive index data of dust grains
Elias29uvt_270.txt              Observed complex visibility at 1.1 mm wavelength 
Elias29uvt_94.txt               Observed complex visibility at 3.0 mm wavelength

The examples/ script is tailored for fitting the complex visibility data of Elias29. The script prepares the complex visibility data (visdata) and sets the control parameters for the fitting (kwargs). The parameters are passed to the side.run_mcmc() function. At least the main_dir, uvdata, paramfile, parname, p_ranges and p0 arguments need to be set. Note that the kwargs dictionary contains further important parameters (e.g. dpc, incl). If kwargs is not set, then default values are used. Please consult the function documentation for the detailed description of the arguments.

The chain itself is controlled by setting the nwalkers and nsteps arguments to the run_mcmc() function call. The number of threads used may be set by the nthreads arguments. In MPI mode, the use_mpi must be True. In this case the nthreads is ignored and as many cores will be used as the MPI provides to the code.

The provides an example for configuring and running the script on a cluster (CCAS at MPCDF) with SLURM scheduling system.

To run the script in MPI mode use one of the following commands:

# Without MPI, running locally

# Without scheduling system, using 8 threads
mpirun -n 8 python 

# With SLURM system

Make sure that the call to run_mcmc() has use_mpi = True and that in the script the partition, ntasks-per-node and node parameters are set correctly.

The result chain is written to examples/elias29/elias29_mcmc_save.p python pickle format and examples/elias29/chain.dat ASCII files. The module provides functions for reading and visualizing the output (see Wiki).

Resuming MCMC computation

The example script saves the parameter and posterior probability after each step to examples/elias29/chain.dat file. This file can be used to restart unfinished or interupted computations. Important: the same number of walkers must be used in subsequent runs.

To resume a previous run, edit the script and update the call to run_mcmc() in the last lines:

# Resume example
current_dir = os.path.realpath('.')
run_mcmc(current_dir+'/elias29', nwalkers=40, nsteps=1000, nburnin=0, use_mpi=True, 
         resume=True, restart_file=current_dir+'/elias29/chain.dat')

With these parameters SiDE will read in the chain file and start the new MCMC run from the last saved state of the emcee sampler. The chain will continue with 1000 steps (i.e. 1000 times 40 models) and write the results from the current run to examples/elias29/chain_0.dat. The results in the elias29_mcmc_save.p pickle file will contain the chain from both the first and the rerun. It is possible to read and merge multiple ASCII chain files using the class.

General notes

The minimally required files for the fitting are the parameter file (*param.inp) and the observational constraints (*.txt). If the grain size distribution is fitted, then a file containing the complex index of refraction need to be provided. SiDE is distributed with the astronomical silicate dust model of Draine & Lee (2003) and the porous silicate:carbon:ice:vacuum (1:2:3:6) dust model used in Natta & Testi (2004).

Note that mass and density related parameters always refer to the dust component!


The module relies on functiality provided by the radmc3dPy library (developed by Attila Juhász). The code for the Ulrich (1976) envelope model is adapted from the HYPERION radiative transfer code. The RADMC3D images are transformed to complex visibilities using the GALARIO package and the visibilities are stored and plotted using UVplot package.


Python package for interpreting radio interferometer observations with radiative transfer models. This is a regularly synced mirror of a GitLab repository hosted at MPCDF. The purpose of the mirror is to make collaboration with external (non-MPG) scientists easier. Please raise issues and submit code here.








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