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Catch all triggers

Koen edited this page Nov 29, 2020 · 1 revision

All entities have a common base type, which is Object. Imagine we want to log what Entity got changed and when:

public class LogTrigger : IAfterSaveTrigger<object> {
    readonly IApplicationDbContext _applicationDbContext;

    public LogTrigger(ApplicationDbContext applicationDbContext) {
        _applicationDbContext = applicationDbContext;

    public Task AfterSave(ITriggerContext<object> context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
        var entry = _applicationDbContext.ChangeTracker.Entry(context.Entity);
        var keyString = string.Join(", ", entry.Metadata.FindPrimaryKey()
            .Properties.Select(p => entry.Property(p.Name).CurrentValue));

        Console.WriteLine($"Detected {context.ChangeType} on a {context.Entity.GetType().Name} with id: {keyString}");
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