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made-with-python LICENSE PYTHON


Plex Linter is a python script that looks for various potential issues in your library, such as

  • Duplicate album titles (for albums that have been incorrectly split)
  • Duplicate artists (for artists that have been split)
  • Tracks without titles (sometimes Plex metadata deletes track titles)
  • Tracks linked to artists with Plex metadata that differ from what the MP3 tags say (requires running on the plex server and using the --local flag)
    • Note that the linter only works for music libraries currently



  1. Python 3.12+
  2. Poetry

Note: Steps below are for OSX (other operating systems will require tweaking to the steps)

  1. Install Python 3.12, you can use asdf to manage multiple python versions if needed

  2. Install poetry according to the instructions

  3. Clone the plex_linter repo

    git clone
  4. Setup the virtual environment

    cd plex_linter
    make install


  1. Start the plex_linter, it will check for a config file, create a new one if it doesn't exist, and ask you to fill your Plex server URL and credentials to generate a Plex Access Token

    poetry run plex_linter
  2. If you are running on the plex server and want to check for mismatched tags, pass the --local flag as follows:

    poetry run plex_linter --local



# plex_linter.toml
server_url = ""
server_token = "{your-X-Plex-Token}"

libraries = [


Plex Libraries

  1. Go to Plex and get all the names of your Plex Music Libraries you want to run the linter on

    • Example Library:

  2. Under libraries, type in the Plex Library Name (exactly)

  3. Note that the linter only works for music libraries currently

Plex Server URL

Plex Token

  1. Obtain a Plex Access Token:


This project started as a fork of and used a lot of that code as a starting point.