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Trip AI make travel plans simple and personal. It offers detailed tours suggestions and a list of things to pack, all adapted to the weather.

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Trip AI makes travel planning fun by creating customized itineraries that match your preferences. Whether you're looking to explore vibrant cities or quiet natural retreats, Trip AI make travel plans simple and personal. It offers detailed tours suggestions and a list of things to pack, all adapted to the weather.

This full-stack application, built with TypeScript and Next.js, highlights the capabilities of modern web development. By using multiple APIs, Trip AI combines many features to provide a engaging user experience.


  • AI Powered Travel Guide - Trip AI uses OpenAI's GPT-4o to generate personalized travel itineraries based on your preferences.
  • Customized Itineraries - It creates customized itineraries based on your preferences, including the number of days you plan to travel, your budget, and your interests.
  • Weather Adapted Packing List - Trip AI generates a packing list based on the weather forecast for your destination, so you'll always be prepared for your trip. Also provides a current and 5-day weather forecast for your destination.
  • Save Itineraries - Trip AI allows you to save your trip itineraries so you can access them later. It includes a search feature to help finding saved trips quickly.

Tech Stack

  • Next.js - Next.js was chosen to allow to build a full-stack application with React.
  • TypeScript - for improving code quality by adding static types.
  • TanStack Query - to manage server state, in the database and API requests, and to cache data.
  • Context API - for making state available throughout the application without prop drilling.
  • Tailwind CSS - to style the application quickly and responsively.
  • Next UI - to create a consistent design system and reusable components.
  • React Hook Form - for managing form state.
  • Axios - for making REST APIs requests with ease.
  • Zod - to validate data and ensure data integrity.
  • Prisma - to interact with the database.
  • Postgres - as database choice.
  • OpenAI API - to generate personalized travel itineraries.
  • OpenWeather API - to get weather data.
  • Swiperjs - to create nice sliding pictures.
  • GSAP Animation and Framer Motion - to create scroll animations and transitions.

Desktop View

Desktop View Desktop View Desktop View Desktop View Desktop View Desktop View Desktop View Desktop View Desktop View Desktop View

Mobile View

Mobile View Mobile View Mobile View Mobile View Mobile View Mobile View Mobile View Mobile View Mobile View Mobile View


Trip AI make travel plans simple and personal. It offers detailed tours suggestions and a list of things to pack, all adapted to the weather.




