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Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF Reader

This project has been merged into imageio-ext and is now deprecated. For the latest, please see


Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) reader for imageio-ext.

The current GeoTools GeoTiffReader uses the imageio-ext TIFFImageReader to handle the reading of GeoTIFF files using a provided ImageInputStream. The TIFFImageReader will determine which tiles or strips fall within the requested pixel coordinates and loop through each row/column to read and then decode each tile. For COG, we wish to read contiguous byte ranges of consecutive tiles to reduce the number of reads required to obtain the requested data.

This project seeks to support Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs without rewriting any of the low level GeoTIFF code that is already provided with imageio-ext. The strategy is to determine which byte ranges must be read and use some new mechanism to read them (preferably asynchronously) and store them in the ImageInputStream used by the TIFFImageReader. This prevents us from having to modify existing logic and allows the TIFFImageReader to continue to read and decode each tile individually, as the bytes have already been read into memory.

CogImageReader extends from TIFFImageReader and overrides the read method. It provides the logic to determine which byte ranges need to be read before passing the request on to TIFFImageReader's read method.

RangeReader is a newly introduced interface. This interface can be implemented by any library to execute asynchronous block reads. Currently an HTTP implementation is provided: HttpRangeReader. The HttpRangeReader class is also responsible for eagerly fetching the COG's header upon instantiation. Currently, it is statically coded to fetch the first 16KB (mimicking the default behavior of GDAL). This should be changed to be configurable in the future. The class also contains logic to prevent re-reading data from supplied byte ranges if the byte ranges fall inside of the header range that has already been read.

CogImageInputStream is an interface that defines a single method, readRanges, and accepts a 2D long array as a method parameter containing all of the start and end byte positions that need to be read. The CogImageReader checks to see if the ImageInputStream being used is an instance of this class to determine if it should attempt to build and fetch the byte ranges. If the ImageInputStream does not implement CogImageInputStream, CogImageReader will simply pass the request on to TIFFImageReader. I will likely provide S3, Azure, and Google Cloud implementations in the future.

HttpCogImageInputStream is an ImageInputStream implementation that uses the HttpRangeReader
to perform asynchronous range requests and store the resultant data in a delegate MemoryCacheImageInputStream.

CachingHttpCogImageInputStream is an ImageInputStream implementation that will cache GeoTIFF tiles using Ehcache to prevent additional HTTP requests for data that is expected to be read multiple times.

This project is still very much in the prototype stage and still needs better error handling, logging, tests, etc. The package name aligns with the imageio-ext TIFFImageReader to take advantage of protected class members. There are still some private methods and variables in TIFFImageReader that require duplication of code and use of reflection in CogImageReader.


To quickly benchmark performance between the CogImageReader and the TIFFImageReader, I averaged the amount of time it took to to produce the final image with 10 and 50 consecutive requests. All tests used this Landsat 8 image as the target image.

Reading 1000x1000 pixels from an offset of 2000, 2000:

Number of Requests CogImageReader (ms) TIFFImageReader (ms) Delta (ms)
10 1689 4961 3272
50 1586 5305 3719

Reading 2000x2000 pixels from an offset of 0, 0:

Number of Requests CogImageReader (ms) TIFFImageReader (ms) Delta (ms)
10 1029 2927 1898
50 1287 3418 2131

Sample Debug Outputs

  • Reading an entire image. Because all tiles are contiguous, only 1 range request is made. The byte locations, as calculated by CogImageReader, are modified by HttpCogImageInputStream as to not re-request data that was read in the header:
File size: 52468640
Reading header with size 16384
Building request for range 0-16384 to
Reading pixels at offset (0.0, 0.0) with a width of 8000.0px and height of 8000.0px
Reading tiles (0,0) - (14,15)
Modified range 2304-52468639 to 16385-52468639 as it overlaps with data previously read in the header request
Submitting 1 range request(s)
Building request for range 16385-52468639 to
Time to read all ranges: PT8.227302S
Time for COG: 9271ms

  • Reading only the first tile. No additional range requests are necessary as the first tile was actually fully read in the header request:
File size: 52468640
Reading header with size 16384
Building request for range 0-16384 to
Reading pixels at offset (0.0, 0.0) with a width of 500.0px and height of 500.0px
Reading tiles (0,0) - (0,0)
Removed range 2304-2834 as it lies fully within the data already read in the header request
Submitting 0 range request(s)
Time to read all ranges: PT0.000036S
Time for COG: 164ms

  • Reading an arbitrary portion of the image. Multiple range requests are required where the tiles are not contiguous:
File size: 52468640
Reading header with size 16384
Building request for range 0-16384 to
Reading pixels at offset (1208.0, 2684.0) with a width of 4893.0px and height of 3879.0px
Reading tiles (2,5) - (11,12)
No ranges modified.
Submitting 8 range request(s)
Building request for range 16540037-19858156 to
Building request for range 20916677-24108115 to
Building request for range 25035438-28262317 to
Building request for range 29320282-32580105 to
Building request for range 33603270-36705283 to
Building request for range 37723107-40946150 to
Building request for range 41935185-45115808 to
Building request for range 45872899-48895646 to
Time to read all ranges: PT3.836557S
Time for COG: 4463ms



Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) Reader







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