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The goal of the code in this repository is to generate approximately independent LD blocks based on the GRCh38 genome. While there are existing LD blocks (for example here), they are based on GRCh37. Methods to convert genetic loci from one genome build (notably the UCSC liftOver tool) do not work well for genetic blocks, tending to fragment the block and often spreading portions across different chromosomes.

Instead, we use LDetect to generate new LD blocks, using GRCh38-based 1000Genomes data and new sex-averaged dense recombination rate data from either deCode Genetics or pyrho (Spence and Song 2019).

Table of contents


A high level summary of the process that we used is as follows:

  • Install LDetect and bcftools/tabix
  • Download and parse the 1000Genomes VCF files
    • Bash code below
    • script (in scripts dir of this repository)
  • Interpolate recombination rates onto 1000G variants
  • Generate LD blocks using a set of bash scripts
    • Partition chromosomes (bash code below)
    • Calculate covariance matrices ( in scripts dir)
    • Convert covariance matrices to vector ( in scripts dir)
    • Calculate minima ( in scripts dir)
    • Output bed files ( in scripts dir)

Pipeline prep

These data were generated on a Linux cluster, as it is beneficial to parallelize many of the steps. We installed LDetect in a virtualenv called 'env' following the recommendation to use pip

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install ldetect

This installs the LDetect software, as well as downloading a set of example scripts that can be used to perform many of the required steps. We also used bcftools and tabix which is part of htslib, to process the VCF files.

Parse data

We downloaded the December 2018 biallelic SNV 1000Genomes GRCh38 VCF files from the link noted above, as well as the GRCh38 recombination maps from the Halldorsson Science paper (deCode link above). Please note that this file has a gz extension, but is not compressed. The recombination data file contains five columns; the chromosome, the start and end of the interval (in bases), the recombination rate within the interval (in cM/Mb) and the recombination rate at the end of the interval (cM). LDetect expects a three-column file containing the chromosome, variant position, and recombination rate. To generate that file we first subsetted the VCF files for each chromosome to only include SNPs with a MAF>0.01, using the bash script. Please note that most of the bash scripts include paths unique to our compute server. We leave the paths as is, with the expectation that anybody wanting to replicate will modify to suit.

The script is run under qsub and uses bcftools to subset the VCF and index, parallelized over all chromosomes.

qsub ./

After generating subsetted VCF files, we interpolated data from deCode and pyhro genetic map files using an R script (interpolate.R or interpolate_pyrho.R), which generates the expected format for LDetect. This file is self-contained and can be called at the command line, using R --vanilla < interpolate.R (or interpolate_pyhro.R, depending on the source data) to output gzipped genetic map files for each chromosome. If the Bioconductor GenomicFeatures package is not installed, it will be automatically installed. If the recombination map data are not in the working directory, they will be downloaded automatically in the case of deCODE, or an error will be issued with a link to manually download and uncompress the pyhro data.

Process data

To generate the LD blocks we followed the general instructions provided at the LDetect bitbucket repository with some small changes required by the particulars of our data. The first step is to generate partitions of the genome that can then be processed in parallel.

python3 <genetic_map> <n_individuals> <output_file>

Because each step is fast, we did it sequentially. The number of individuals is the number of individuals in the reference panel, which in our case is 417.

for f in chr{1..22}.tab.gz; do python3 $f 417 scripts/${f/.tab.gz/}_partitions; done

Note that the LDetect Python scripts expect things to be in a scripts/ directory, so we followed that convention. The next step is to use these partitions to compute the covariance matrix. In other words, we want the covariance of the variants within a chromosomal region, for those individuals of a given ancestry. The VCF files we have include all of the 1000Genomes subjects, and we only want subjects with a given genetic ancestry. For the deCODE data we selected individuals from the following sub-populations (TSI, IBS, CEU, GBR) using a bash script:

for dir in TSI IBS CEU GBR 
     curl -s -L"$dir"/ \
 | awk '{print $NF}' >> eurinds.txt

Which collects all the 1000Genomes subject IDs from those sub-populations in a text file. There are more subjects in this text file than we have in the VCF files, so we used a simple script to get the intersection:

zcat vcfsubsets/chr9.vcf.gz | head -n 30 | awk '$1 ~/#CHR/ {print $0}' \
| cut -f 10- > subjects.txt

cat subjects.txt eurinds.txt | sort | uniq -d > tmp.txt; mv tmp.txt eurinds.txt

The first line simply captures the subject IDs from one of the VCF files (they all have the same IDs) and the second returns all the European subject IDs that are found in both the VCFs and the IDs we got from 1000Genomes.

We used similar scripts for the pyhro recombination maps, depending on the goal. For sub-population specific LD blocks, we only selected those subjects from a given sub-population. For super-population maps, we similarly chose all sub-populations within a super-population to compute correlations. But do note that we used a single sub-population for the genetic map (e.g., for the AFR super-population, we used the GWD sub-population genetic map).

For EUR, we omitted FIN, due to large differences between FIN and other European ancestries. For AFR we omitted both ASW and ACB due to admixture. Block statistics for the four super-populations using pyrho recombination maps can be found here.

We then computed all the correlation values in parallel using which can be found in the scripts directory. eurinds.txt EUR 11418

The final argument for that script (11418) is the effective population size for Europeans. This script is meant to limit the number of processes sent to the compute nodes to 100 or less. The remaining processes are held in the queue and sent for processing only after the preceding run has finished.

This step is the most computationally expensive, taking several days to finish.

There are three more steps; convert the covariance matrices into vectors, calculate the minima across the covariance matrices, and then extract the minima (which are output as python .pickle files) into .bed files. We used three scripts to parallelize these steps (which are steps 3-5 in the LDetect example).

qsub ./ EUR
qsub ./ EUR
qsub ./ EUR

As a final step we removed any blocks that overlap any portion of a centromere, and then combined any small blocks with < 100 SNPs (there were only two, both for AFR) with an adjacent block.

Technical addendum

This repository is mainly meant as a way for people to get the LD blocks for their own use, as well as to document exactly how the LD blocks were generated. If you just want the LD blocks, see the data directory of this repository. However, it is not inconceivable that someone might want to use the scripts to generate their own LD blocks. To that end, we provide some technical pointers.

First, please note that the bash scripts provided are intended to be used on a cluster environment, which usually means that qsub is available. They will not work 'out of the box', as we have hard-coded the queue that we used, as well as some of the paths to our data. These will have to be adjusted to correspond to your own cluster in order for them to work correctly. For example, here is


#$ -q lindstroem.q
#$ -cwd
#$ -l h_vmem=20G
#$ -t 1-22

## code to run step 3 run it by qsub <population dir>
## e.g., qsub ./ EUR

source env/bin/activate

python3 --dataset_path="$pop"/ --name=chr"$SGE_TASK_ID" --out_fname="$pop"/chr"$SGE_TASK_ID".vector.txt.gz

We used our internal queue (the #$ -q lindstroem.q directive). This will have to be modified to use your own queue.

Second, we installed LDetect in a virtualenv called 'env', and the bash scripts (notably, and have a line that activates that virtualenv prior to running the python code (the line source env/bin/activate). The easiest thing to do would be to copy that paradigm.

Third, there appears to be a bug in the LDetect codebase that causes a problem in step 4, where the minima are computed. This only affects the uniform local minima, which might not matter (we used the fourier-ls breakpoints which correspond to the low-pass filter with local search). There is a cryptic line in the README for LDetect that says

This file ( can be tweaked to remove all but the low-pass filter with local search algorithm in order to reduce total runtime.

What we had to do to 'fix' the problem is complicated and boring and not worth going into. Suffice it to say that lines 103-105 in look like this:

metric_out_uniform_local_search = apply_metric(chr_name, begin, end, config, breakpoint_loci_uniform_local_search['loci'])
flat.print_log_msg('Global metric:')

And commenting out those lines will bypass the bug. To follow the recommendation from the LDetect authors ('remove all but the low-pass filter...'), one would also comment out lines 67-78:

flat.print_log_msg('* Calculating metric for uniform breakpoints...')
# step = int((end-begin)/(len(breakpoint_loci)+1))
# breakpoint_loci_uniform = [l for l in range(begin+step, end-step+1, step)] 
step = int(len(init_array_x)/(len(breakpoint_loci)+1))
breakpoint_loci_uniform = [init_array_x[i] for i in range(step, len(init_array_x)-step+1, step)]

# metric_out_uniform = apply_metric(chr_name, begin, end, cnst.const[dataset], breakpoint_loci_uniform)
metric_out_uniform = apply_metric(chr_name, begin, end, config, breakpoint_loci_uniform)
flat.print_log_msg('Global metric:')