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Deploy on the cloud

The following instructions were used to deploy the application on a dedicated Ubuntu server, with 14.04 installed.

After deploying, the application should be available at (

Create and power up an instance on openStack

Instructions in STORM_Accessing Storm Clouds Platform %40 HP IIC.docx document.

The instance name will became the hostname, p.e instance-ppgis.

Connect to the instance using its IP

After connecting to the VPN, you can connect to the server.

chmod 0600 ~/Transferências/agueda-keypair.pem
ssh -i ~/Transferências/agueda-keypair.pem ubuntu@


Use the instance name, p.e. ppgis.

echo " instance-ppgis" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade

sudo apt-get -y install redis-server build-essential subversion graphicsmagick

One language package should be installed. PostgreSQL will not create the initial database cluster without any language installed. Install this package or others for different languages.

sudo apt-get install language-pack-pt

Installing PostgreSQL database server and create new database

sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1 postgresql-contrib
sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-server-dev-9.3 postgresql-client-common postgresql-client-9.3

sudo sed -i "s/^max_connections = 100/max_connections = 500/" /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
sudo sed -i "s/^shared_buffers = 128MB/shared_buffers = 256MB/" /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
sudo sed -i "s/^#fsync = on/fsync = off/" /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
sudo sed -i "s/^#effective_io_concurrency = 1/effective_io_concurrency = 2/" /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
sudo service postgresql restart

Note: To confirm the configuration filename, use:

sudo su postgres
psql -c "SHOW config_file;"

(1 row)

Create new database

sudo su postgres
-- this role must match the configuration in server-db.js
createdb -O geobox geopublic
psql geopublic -c "CREATE EXTENSION adminpack;"
psql geopublic -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql geopublic -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"
psql geopublic -c "CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;"
-- populate supporting tables
psql geopublic -f geopublic-20160115-all.sql
psql geopublic -f geopublic-20160115-data.sql
-- initial user; replace the email '' with your own; replace the password 'pa55word' with your own
psql geopublic -c "insert into utilizador (idgrupo, email, password, nome, emailconfirmacao) values(1, '', encode(digest('pa55word', 'sha1'), 'hex'), 'Administrator', true);"

Testing database connection

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U geobox geopublic

Configuring SMTP (not possible)

The server should provide the SMTP service. Right now, the SMTP service is relayed to another host because the cloud can not be used to configure a proper SMTP server.

The relay is hard coded in `server.js``.

Installing node.js

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install nodejs
sudo npm install -g forever
sudo npm install -g forever-service
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.npm

Installing the PPGIS application

mkdir public_html
cd public_html/
svn checkout .
cp server-config-template.json server-config.json
sed -i 's/"port": [0-9]\+/"port": 80/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/localhost/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtphost": ""/"smtphost": ""/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtpport": 465/"smtpport": 465/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtpfrom": ""/"smtpfrom": ""/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtpuser": ""/"smtpuser": ""/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtppass": "password"/"smtppass": "xxxxxxxx"/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"urlprefix": "\/haveyoursay"/"urlprefix": ""/' server-config.json
npm update
svn checkout public
mkdir -p uploads
mkdir -p public/participation_data
mkdir -p public/uploaded_images
cd ~/public_html/public/resources/languages
ln -s en.js en-US.js
ln -s pt.js pt-PT.js
ln -s pt.js pt-BR.js
cd ~/public_html/views
ln -s pt-PT pt
ln -s pt-PT pt-BR
About server folders

On the server side, under public_html: uploads

On the server side, under public_html/public: public/participation_data public/uploaded_images

Server folder structure

  1. uploads

    This is a temporary folder to receive uploaded images. Images are scaled and moved from this temporary folder to other folders.

  2. public/participation_data

    Images uploaded by users to illustrate their participation are stored in this folder. This folder is organized by entity and plan. All images regarding one plan are stored on the same folder.

  3. public/uploaded_images

    Other images uploaded by users are stored under this folder. Profile images are uploaded here.

  4. public/resources

    Contains static resources used by the application, like icons, etc.

Create the service for the application

cd ~/public_html/
sudo forever-service install -e "NODE_ENV=production" ppgis --script server.js

Commands to interact with service ppgis:

Start   - "sudo start ppgis"
Stop    - "sudo stop ppgis"
Status  - "sudo status ppgis"
Restart - "sudo restart ppgis"

Start the application

sudo start ppgis

Monitoring the application

tail -f /var/log/ppgis.log

Stop the application

sudo stop ppgis

About server configuration

Several issues can be configured by editing server-config.js.

Deploy using a prefix after the host name

To deploy the application using a prefix, like edit the server-config.js and create or edit the option under ServerConfig:

    "urlprefix": "/haveyoursay"

If you don't use a prefix, you can remove this option of make it an empty string like:

    "urlprefix": ""

Add an additional link:

cd public_html
mkdir haveyoursay
cd haveyoursay
ln -s ../directppgis .

Prepare the first plan for discussion

Login with the user created, p.e: '' and 'pa55word'

  • Under the login name 'Administrator', select "Plans and promoters" on the drop down menu
  • Add new promoter
    • Fill the promoters data
    • Add a logo (promoter's logo)
  • Add a new plan for discussion
    • You can add more than one email separated by , to support more than one moderator
  • Write some description about the plan under discussion
  • Use the show map button to select the plan area. The last rectangle drawn is used.
  • Use the Update plan button to save the plan description and the geographic scope.

Reload the site to start with the new plan.

Change the name of the institution hosting the platform

Below the name of the application Have Your Say, there is the name of the institution running the platform.

To change the name, edit the file resources/languages/en.js and replace "Câmara Municipal de Águeda" with your own institution.

Translate the application

Titles and buttons

Each browser sends the user's list of preferred languages. Usually this can be changed in the browser's preferences.'

This application checks the list of preferred languages and uses the first one supported.

For each supported languages, there should be a file in resources/languages with the name of the language.

To translate the application to Italian, for example, simple copy pt.js to it.js and edited the file. Edit the translation file, but change only the "translation" string and never the "id" string.

To translate to Spanish, copy pt.js to es.js; to Greek, copy pt.js to el.js, etc.

Panels contents (longer text)

Larger text are stored in small html files. For example, the first panel on the Welcome tab, that says:

"Have Your Say" is a web based platform to empower every citizen committed to the public good.

This text is stores in resources/guiarapido/participacaocivica.html.

To translate it, you must create another text file, for example, resources/guiarapido/participacaocivica_pt.html. To display your file instead of the original one, use the translation file pt.js to map these two files:

    "id": 'resources/guiarapido/participacaocivica.html',
    "translation": "resources/guiarapido/participacaocivica_pt.html"

Email messages

All emails messages are created from templates stored in the templates folder. To send email messages in your languages, edit all templates in that folder. There is a template for HTML based messages and another for plain text messages.

Update the application

cd public_html
sudo stop ppgis
find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf \{\} \;
svn checkout --force .
svn revert -R .
cp server-config-template.json server-config.json
sed -i 's/"port": [0-9]\+/"port": 80/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/localhost/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtphost": ""/"smtphost": ""/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtpport": 465/"smtpport": 465/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtpfrom": ""/"smtpfrom": ""/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtpuser": ""/"smtpuser": ""/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"smtppass": "password"/"smtppass": "xxxxxxxx"/' server-config.json
sed -i 's/"urlprefix": "\/haveyoursay"/"urlprefix": ""/' server-config.json
npm update
svn checkout --force public
svn revert -R public
sudo start ppgis


The application generated data on:

  • the geopublic database

and on two folder on the file system:

  • ~/public_html/public/participation_data
  • ~/public_html/public/uploaded_images


mkdir bin
mkdir backup
mv public_html/bin/ ~/bin
echo 'localhost:5432:*:geobox:geobox' >> ~/.pgpass
chmod 600 ~/.pgpass

Backup operation

The backup can be started at any time, or can be scheduled to run at specific times or intervals.

crontab -e

Add a line to crontab. The backup (in the example) will run every day, at 5:50.

50 5 * * * $HOME/bin/

Running on Apache

If you already have Apache running on port 80, you can use Apache mod_proxy.

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ProxyPreserveHost On
        ProxyPass / http://localhost:3003/
        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3003/


To use https, the server-config.json file must be properly configured.

  "ServerConfig": {
    "https": true,
    "porthttps": 8443,
    "key": "certificate/key.pem",
    "cert": "certificate/cert.pem",

There is no problem, is both http and https are enabled. If so, two servers are launched, one for each protocol.

Self signed certificates for testing

To test the https protocol (http over SSL/TLS), a self signed certificate can be generated with:

cd public_html/certificate
openssl req  -nodes -new -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.cert

This creates a self signed certificate, without encryption.