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Python library for interstellar medium (ISM) analysis

The main purpose of this repository si to give the essential tools to perform a power spectrm analysis.

Here is a non-hexaustive description of some functions:

  • The function powspec() calculates the classical Fourier Power Spectrum of an image where the Fourier coefficients are averaged over the azimuthal angles as a function of the wavenumber.

  • The function gauss_beam() allows one to model the transfer function of a telescope by a Gaussian function.

  • Functions subfits(), congrid() (in and imsmooth() allow respectively to cut a fits file, rebin a map and smooth a map.

  • Finally, the function fbm2d() in allows one to create a fractional Brownian motion map, i.e. a fractal image, respecting a specific power law.

Many of these functions are strongly inspired by the mamdlib IDL library.


Clone this repository

git clone

and add the folder path to your PYTHONPATH.

This short library can be completed with functions in the repository pywavan

git clone