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This project was completed as part of a group learning exercise. This project uses the query builder, and authentication provided by supabase.



Project Features

Mostly matched the requirements. The project was rushed, so some of the polish might be missing.

User Stories

  1. ✅ User can start the quiz by pressing a button
  2. ✅ User can see a question with 4 possible answers
  3. ✅ After selecting an answer, display the next question to the User. Do this until the quiz is finished
  4. ✅ At the end, the User can see the following statistics:
  • Time it took to finish the quiz
  • How many correct answers did they get
  • A message showing if they passed or failed the quiz

Bonus features

  1. ✅ Add multiple quizzes to the application. User can select which one to take
  2. ✅ User can create an account and have all the scores saved in their dashboard. User can complete a quiz multiple times
  3. ✅ User can create their own quizzes

Technical Specifications

Still using Supabase for the backend. Took the opportunity to write some more procedures.


  • react@next
  • react-query
  • supabase/js
  • tailwindcss
  • postgres


Created a few interesting RPCs. Not sure if the constraints are legit, in this case we combine the use of a JSON array and the row_number() method.

The attempts.answers column is a JSON array, it is storing the users submitted answers. The attempts table does not know if the answers are correct or not. This rpc will provide results that resemble a table with the correct and chosen answer id for each question in the quiz.

create or replace
function get_attempt_details(attempt_id uuid)
returns table (id uuid, correct uuid, chosen uuid)
as $$
  return query
  select as id, as correct,
    attempts.answers ->> (row_number() over (order by questions.created_at asc) - 1)::int as chosen
  from attempts
    join quizzes on attempts.quiz_id =
    join questions on questions.quiz_id =
    join answers on answers.question_id =
    join correct_answers on correct_answers.answer_id =
  where = $1;
end $$ language plpgsql;

Another rpc is used to create the quiz attempt. We can provide the quiz_id, some timestamps and a comma separated list of the answer ids. The string is parsed into an array, and the number of correct answers is calculated.

create or replace
function submit_attempt(quiz_id uuid, started int, ended int, answers text)
returns uuid
as $$
  ids uuid[];
  correct int;
  attempt_id uuid;
  ids = string_to_array($4, ',')::uuid[];

  select count(answer_id)
  into correct
  from correct_answers
  where answer_id = any(ids);

  insert into attempts (correct, started, ended, user_id, quiz_id, answers)
  values (correct, $2, $3, auth.uid(), $1, array_to_json(ids)) returning id into attempt_id;

  return attempt_id;
end $$ language plpgsql;

We store the list of submited answers as json. This allows us to get the details of the attempt as described above.


Whenever we create a new quiz we want to have a unique identifier that isn't the uuid for our url. Using a trigger we can add a slug value to a quiz row.

create or replace function public.slugify()
 returns trigger
 language plpgsql
as $function$
    new.slug := trim(BOTH '-' from regexp_replace(lower(unaccent(trim(, '[^a-z0-9\-_]+', '-', 'gi'));
    return new;

drop trigger if exists on_quiz_created_add_slug on public.quizzes;
create trigger on_quiz_created_add_slug
  before insert on public.quizzes
  for each row execute procedure public.slugify();

This uses the unaccent extension for Postgres. Unforunately it currently doesn't work with emojis.

Project Setup

Local Development

$ npm run dev


$ npm run build
$ netlify deploy --prod


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