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CloudGuard integration with CICD pipeline on AWS using CodePipeline

While serverless functions are becoming more and more popular with cloud-native application developments, we've also started seeing security challenges that come with the hype. Serverless applications are at risk of OWASP top ten application attacks. Even when serverless applications are running without a managed server, they will still execute code. If the code is written in a manner that doesn't follow security best practices, or if the function is using excessive permissions, they can be vulnerable to a wide range of security attacks.

Unlike traditional applications, Lambda functions can be triggered by a number of things including AWS services. They can be triggered by events such as files being uploaded to a S3 bucket. They can even be triggered by an email or SMS. A Lambda function with command injection vulnerability will allow an attacker to pass malicious payload which can steal the source code for further attacks - among other things. If the IAM role being used by a Lambda function has excessive permissions, the attacker can use the IAM role to scan and interact with other AWS services such as DynamoDB, etc. Ultimately, they can perform unauthorized and malicous actions such as delete and insert records. Now, these change the way we look at securing a miroservice such as a Lambda function in a cloud native application.

In this tutorial, I'll do a step-by-step walk-through of deploying CloudGuard workload protection a simple serverless Lambda function, and integrating with your CICD pipeline. CloudGuard workload protection can assess your Lambda code for vulnerabilities and embedded sensitive credentials, excessive permissions being used by functions, and enable active protection & workload firewall for your serverless workloads. When integrated with CICD pipeline, CloudGuard can continuously protect your serverless application for every new release.

This Github repo contains source code (zip) of a sample serverless application that you can deploy with the command line interface (CLI) or a simple automation script, and the configuration files (JSON files) that I've used.

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You need the following tools on your computer:

Note: This is an ALL-AWS tutorial which means we'll be using CICD services provided by AWS ONLY. However, CloudGuard can be integrated with any other automation tools that can create CICD pipeline.

AWS and CloudGuard

I assume that you already have access to an CloudGuard CSPM account, and are somewhat familiar with it. Otherwise, go to and get your CloudGuard evaluation account.

AWS IAM roles needed to be created for the following services:

  • CodeCommit
  • CodeBuild
  • CodeDeploy
  • CodePipeline
  • Lambda Function
  • Cloudformation

The roles will be created as part of creating a codepipeline. Please take note that the role used by codebulid requires permission to access to a number of AWS resources such as S3.

What exactly we will be doing

In this tutorial, we'll be doing the followings;

  1. Create AWS CodeCommit repo
    (Yes if you'd like to follow along my ALL-AWS tutorial, you'll need to create a CodeCommit repo which will be used in CICD pipeline. In this Github repo, I've uploaded Nodejs application source code zip file, buildspec.yml, and other scripts)
  2. Deploy a sample serverless application
  3. Create a CodePipeline
  4. Integrate CloudGuard to protect the serverless app at build stage
  5. Test Your CodePipeline - Observe that any change in the codecommit repo will trigger the pipeline, and in the build stage, CloudGuard will be enabled and integrated to the serverless application
  6. Verification of CloudGuard protection - Verify that Proact and FSP for the serverless application are enabled on the CloudGuard console.
  7. Code Injection Attack Simulation

1. Create a CodeCommit Repository

First you'll need to create a CodeCommit repo on AWS. This is required for hosting source files. Once AWS CodePipeline is set up later in this tutorial, Pipeline update will be triggered if you change any source file in this repo. You can do it on AWS web console or you can just execute the following command:

aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name cloudguard-serverless-cicd-code-repo --repository-description "CloudGuard Serverless CICD Pipeline Demo Repo"

Then you'll need to do 'git clone' via either SSH or HTTP. It'll be an empty repository first. Then you will need to download the source files (zip) into your local repo here. These source files will be used to deploy your serverless function.

  • Unzip the source files (It will create a folder. You'll need to move the files from that folder to root directory.)

  • Remove the zip file (and the empty folder.)

  • Download the following files from this GitHub repo to your CodeCommit local directory.

  1. buildspec.yml
  3. cloudguard-config.json
  4. my-pipeline.json (Optional)
  5. codebuild-create-project.json (optional)
  6. You may add .gitignore & if you'd like
  • Then you'll need to do git init, git add -A, git commit -m "Your message" and git push

You should see the following files and folders in your CodeCommit Repo.

$ ls              node_modules           template.yml
__tests__              cloudguard-config.json    
buildspec.yml          my-pipeline.json       package.json           src

cloudguard-config.json is CloudGuard's activation token, and includes CloudGuard's API key and API secrets. In build stage, this file will be used by CloudGuard for authentication purpose. You'll need to generate CloudGuard API key and API secrets on CloudGuard console. Download "cloudguard-config.json" from my Git repo, and replace the dummy values with your API key and secrets.

  "cloudguardAccessToken": "CloudGuard API Key:CloudGuard API Secret"

S3 Bucket

You'll also need to create an S3 bucket.

aws s3 mb s3://Your-Bucket-Name

2. Deploy a sample serverless application

Now is the time to deploy your serverless application. We'll be deploying a very simple nodejs Lambda function which just works for this lab. However, you can deploy ANY serverless application. The CloudGuard integration will work with any Lambda application as long as you follow the instructions.

You can either use SAM command line to deploy or download the script from this git repo to your local directory, and just execute it. is a simple script I developed for ease of deployment. Please take note that this script will only work if you have SAM CLI installed, and only on Linux/MacOS. If you're on Windows, execute the two SAM commands which I'll show you after the script output. You will need to execute the script in the root directory (the one with template.yml in it), and it will ask for the following:

  1. Your S3 Bucket Name (The one that you've just created.)
  2. Your Cloudformation Stack name

Expected output:

Enter S3 Bucket Name: chkp-jayden-serverless-apps-source
Enter Your CFT Stack Name: chkp-jayden-dev-serverless-app
[Task 1] Packaging your serverless application based on template.yml
Uploading to c3e4be0a0b3cbe688e90f2b571a38f47  373 / 373.0  (100.00%)

Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file out.yml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
sam deploy --template-file /Users/jaydenaung/git/serverless/dev-serverless-repo/out.yml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>

[Task 2] Deploying your application now..

	Deploying with following values
	Stack name                 : chkp-jayden-dev-serverless-app
	Region                     : None
	Confirm changeset          : False
	Deployment s3 bucket       : None
	Capabilities               : ["CAPABILITY_IAM"]
	Parameter overrides        : {}

Initiating deployment

Waiting for changeset to be created..

CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation                                                 LogicalResourceId                                         ResourceType                                            
+ Add                                                     helloFromLambdaFunctionRole                               AWS::IAM::Role                                          
+ Add                                                     helloFromLambdaFunction                                   AWS::Lambda::Function                                   

Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:116489363094:changeSet/samcli-deploy1601635751/a1274a36-42d3-4225-b021-cb3c1fc5d839

2020-10-02 18:49:22 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete

CloudFormation events from changeset
ResourceStatus                             ResourceType                               LogicalResourceId                          ResourceStatusReason                     
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                         AWS::IAM::Role                             helloFromLambdaFunctionRole                -                                        
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                         AWS::IAM::Role                             helloFromLambdaFunctionRole                Resource creation Initiated              
CREATE_COMPLETE                            AWS::IAM::Role                             helloFromLambdaFunctionRole                -                                        
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                         AWS::Lambda::Function                      helloFromLambdaFunction                    -                                        
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                         AWS::Lambda::Function                      helloFromLambdaFunction                    Resource creation Initiated              
CREATE_COMPLETE                            AWS::Lambda::Function                      helloFromLambdaFunction                    -                                        
CREATE_COMPLETE                            AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                 chkp-jayden-dev-serverless-app             -                                        

Successfully created/updated stack - chkp-jayden-dev-serverless-app in None

Your serverless application has been deployed. Observe that there is "out.yml" now which was basically an output file of SAM package command used in the script.

If you are on Windows

If you're on Windows, execute the following two command lines in the directory where template.yml is.

sam package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket YOUR-BUCKET-NAME --output-template-file out.yml

sam deploy --template-file ./out.yml --stack-name YOUR-CFT-STACK-NAME --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Now that your cloudformation stack has been deployed, you also have a Lambda function which we will protect in this tutorial. (You can check out and test the Lambda function on AWS web console.)

We'll need the ARN of the cloudformation stack as well. Go to AWS Web Console => Cloudformation => Stacks, and take note the ARN of the stack that has just been created. (It looks like this: arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:116489363094:stack/chkp-serverless-app/a6d77c70-048a-11eb-8438-02e7c9cae2dc)

Buildspec.yml instructs CodeBuild in build stage in terms of what to do - things like adding Proact and FSP to the function. So this an important configuration file. In the buildspec.yml, replace the following values with your own values (without []):

  3. cloudguard fsp -c [The ARN of Your Cloudformation stack you just took note of]
version: 0.2

      # Install all dependencies (including dependencies for running tests)
      - npm install
      - pip install --upgrade awscli
      ## Not required 
      - echo Build started on `date`
      - npm install -g
      # Set your AWS region variable
      - export AWS_REGION=ap-southeast-1
      # Configure the CloudGuard Workload Proact security on the SAM template
      - echo Enabling Proact
      - cloudguard proact -m template.yml
      # Set the S3 bucket name variable
      # Use AWS SAM to package the application by using AWS CloudFormation
      - echo Enabling FSP
      - aws cloudformation package --template template.yml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --output-template template-export.yml
      # Add the Function Runtime Protection (Or Function Self Protection) to your function. You need to replace cloudformation stack arn with the one you've deployed!
      - cloudguard fsp -c arn:aws:cloudformation:YOUR-CFT-STACK-ARN
  type: zip
    - template-export.yml

3. Create a CodePipeline

It is time to create your CICD pipeline on AWS. Now if you're like me who like to do things using CLI, you can create a CodePipeline and a CodeBuild project in just two command lines. You will need to just edit "codebuild-create-project.json" and "my-pipeline.json" which you can find in this repo, replace the values with your own values, and execute the following CLI.

  • Create a CodeBuild Project
aws codebuild create-project --cli-input-json file://codebuild-create-project.json
  • Create CodePipeline
aws codepipeline create-pipeline --cli-input-json file://my-pipeline.json

Otherwise, please follow the step-by-step guide to create a CodePipeline.


Let's create your CICD Pipeline on AWS console!

  1. Go to "CodePipeline" on AWS console
  2. Create Pipeline
  3. Enter your pipeline's name
  4. If you already have an existing role, choose it. Otherwise, create a new role.

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CodePipeline - Source Stage

Then we can add source - which is CodeCommit in this tutorial. You can add any source (e.g. Github)

  1. Choose "CodeCommit" (You can use Github or any code repo. If you're following along my tutorial, choose CodeCommit.)
  2. Choose Repository name - the CodeCommit repo that you've created earlier.
  3. Choose Master Branch
  4. For change detection, Choose "CloudWatch Events".

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CodePipeline - Build Stage

This is the build stage and it's important. We need to first configure the build environment.

  1. Choose "CodeBuild" & choose your region.
  2. If you don't already have a codebuild project, choose "Create Project".

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In CodeBuild windows, do the following;

  1. Enter your project name
  2. Choose "Managed Image" and "Ubuntu" as Operating system

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  1. Choose "Standard" & "Standard:3.0" (It's totally up to you to choose actually. But this setting works for Nodejs 12.x apps)
  2. Check "Privileged ...." checkbox
  3. Choose an existing role or create a new service role.

Now, please take note that codebuild role requires permissions to access a number of AWS services including Lambda, Cloudformation template and IAM. You will encounter issues while CodeBuild is building the app.

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CodePipeline - Deploy Stage

In Deploy stage, we'll have to do the following;

  1. Choose "Cloudformation" as Deploy Provider
  2. Choose your region
  3. Action mode: "Create or update a stack" (You can also use ChangeSet)
  4. Stack Name: Choose the CFT Stack that you've created for your Lambda function
  5. As for Artifacts, Enter "template-export.yml" as defined in buildspec.yml.

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Now, your CodePipeline has been created! Once a pipeline is created, any change in your source code in AWS CodeCommit will trigger the pipeline process. In build stage, CloudGuard will protect the serverless application by enabling Proact, and FSP which will be added to the Lambda function as a layer. The code will be scanned for vulnerabilities and embedded credentials by Proact first, and then FSP will be enabled on the function for runtime protection. This process will happen every time a CodePipeline update is triggered.

5. Test your CodePipeline - Release Change

Now that you've successfully created your CICD pipeline, any change to the Lambda code will trigger the pipeline at this point. So let's make some changes and monitor what happens. You can observe the "Build" stage and see that Proact and FSP have been enabled on the function.

In your local CodeCommit directory, go to "src\cloudguardapp.js"

And change the const message to something else.

 * A Lambda function that returns a static string
exports.cloudguardHandler = async () => {
    // If you change this message, you will need to change cloudguardapp.test.js
    const message = 'This serverless app 2 is protected by CloudGuard!';

    // All log statements are written to CloudWatch`${message}`);
    return message;
  • Then, in your local Git directory, do git add -A, git commit -m "message" and git push. This will trigger the pipeline change. Then observe the activities on Pipeline on the AWS Console.

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CodeBuild Output

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:04 Waiting for agent ping
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:06 Waiting for DOWNLOAD_SOURCE
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:07 Phase is DOWNLOAD_SOURCE
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR=/codebuild/output/src143388004/src
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 YAML location is /codebuild/output/src143388004/src/buildspec.yml
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 Found possible syntax errors in buildspec: 
In the section artifacts
    The following keys cannot be identified:
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 Processing environment variables
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 No runtime version selected in buildspec.
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 Moving to directory /codebuild/output/src143388004/src
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 Registering with agent
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 Phases found in YAML: 3
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08  PRE_BUILD: 1 commands
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08  BUILD: 6 commands
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08  INSTALL: 2 commands
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 Phase complete: DOWNLOAD_SOURCE State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 Phase context status code:  Message: 
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 Entering phase INSTALL
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:08 Running command npm install
audited 467 packages in 5.353s

19 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:19 Running command pip install --upgrade awscli
Collecting awscli
  Downloading (3.4MB)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: colorama<0.4.4,>=0.2.5; python_version != "3.4" in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from awscli) (0.4.3)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: rsa<=4.5.0,>=3.1.2; python_version != "3.4" in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from awscli) (4.5)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: s3transfer<0.4.0,>=0.3.0 in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from awscli) (0.3.3)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: PyYAML<5.4,>=3.10; python_version != "3.4" in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from awscli) (5.1.2)
Collecting botocore==1.18.11
  Downloading (6.7MB)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: docutils<0.16,>=0.10 in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from awscli) (0.15.2)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: pyasn1>=0.1.3 in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from rsa<=4.5.0,>=3.1.2; python_version != "3.4"->awscli) (0.4.8)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: python-dateutil<3.0.0,>=2.1 in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from botocore==1.18.11->awscli) (2.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: jmespath<1.0.0,>=0.7.1 in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from botocore==1.18.11->awscli) (0.9.5)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: urllib3<1.26,>=1.20; python_version != "3.4" in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from botocore==1.18.11->awscli) (1.25.10)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: six>=1.5 in /root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.1/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from python-dateutil<3.0.0,>=2.1->botocore==1.18.11->awscli) (1.15.0)
ERROR: boto3 1.14.50 has requirement botocore<1.18.0,>=1.17.50, but you'll have botocore 1.18.11 which is incompatible.
Installing collected packages: botocore, awscli
  Found existing installation: botocore 1.17.50
    Uninstalling botocore-1.17.50:
      Successfully uninstalled botocore-1.17.50
  Found existing installation: awscli 1.18.127
    Uninstalling awscli-1.18.127:
      Successfully uninstalled awscli-1.18.127
Successfully installed awscli-1.18.152 botocore-1.18.11
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.3.1; however, version 20.2.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:32 Phase complete: INSTALL State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:32 Phase context status code:  Message: 
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:32 Entering phase PRE_BUILD
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:32 Running command 

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:32 Phase complete: PRE_BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:32 Phase context status code:  Message: 
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:32 Entering phase BUILD
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:32 Running command npm install -g
npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.11: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.
/usr/local/bin/protego -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless-cloudguard-plugin/bin/protego.js
/usr/local/bin/cloudguard -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless-cloudguard-plugin/bin/cloudguard.js

> core-js@2.6.11 postinstall /usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless-cloudguard-plugin/node_modules/core-js
> node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

Thank you for using core-js ( ) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library!

The project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon: 

Also, the author of core-js ( ) is looking for a good job -)

+ serverless-cloudguard-plugin@10.1.23
added 281 packages from 236 contributors in 15.775s

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:48 Running command export AWS_REGION=ap-southeast-1

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:46:48 Running command cloudguard proact -m template.yml
Container cmd: docker
Container options empty
Returning docker user: 0:0
No args required for docker
[cloudguard-cli: proact] Initializing... 
Updating Proact | [----------------------------------------] 0% | ETA: 0s
Updating Proact | [========================================] 100% | ETA: 0s

[cloudguard-cli: proact]  - Initializing docker (protego/protego-runtime:latest) - please wait, this action may take some time ... 
[cloudguard-cli: proact] Initializing, Done. 
[cloudguard-cli: proact]  | --- Scanning --- | please wait, this action may take some time ... 
Using Only Sam template: template.yml
Parsing Template ... -······················Parsing Template ... \······················Parsing Template ... |······················Parsing Template ... /······················Parsing Template ... -······················Parsing Template ... \······················Parsing Template ... |······················Parsing Template ... /······················Parsing Template ... -······················Parsing Template ... \······················Parsing Template ... |······················Parsing Template ... /······················Parsing Template ... -······················Parsing Template ... \······················Parsing Template ... |······················Parsing Template ... /······················Parsing Template ... -······················Parsing Template ... \······················Parsing Template ... |······················Parsing Template ... /······················Parsing Template ... -······················Parsing Template ... \······················Parsing Template ... |······················Parsing Template ... /······················Parsing Template ... -······················Parsing Template ... \······················Parsing Template ... |······················Parsing Template ... /······················
( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········( 0 / 1 ) -···········( 0 / 1 ) \···········( 0 / 1 ) |···········( 0 / 1 ) /···········

λ: (✓) helloFromLambdaFunction
    PermissiveRole : Warning (Low) - Role Too Permissive
    VulnerableDependency : Succeeded
    CredentialsUsage : Succeeded
    RuleViolation : Succeeded
Detailed output: cloudguard_output/helloFromLambdaFunction.yaml

Number of failed functions: 0
Scan detailed output: file:////codebuild/output/src143388004/src/cloudguard_output/CloudGuardScanResults.yaml
Scan detailed report (HTML): file:////codebuild/output/src143388004/src/cloudguard_output/CloudGuardScanReport.html

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:02 Running command export S3_BUCKET=chkp-jayden-serverless-apps-source

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:02 Running command aws cloudformation package --template template.yml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --output-template template-export.yml

Uploading to 745b72068fbd357bf98eb0a6979fc436  262144 / 21801299.0  (1.20%)
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Uploading to 745b72068fbd357bf98eb0a6979fc436  20752723 / 21801299.0  (95.19%)
Uploading to 745b72068fbd357bf98eb0a6979fc436  21014867 / 21801299.0  (96.39%)
Uploading to 745b72068fbd357bf98eb0a6979fc436  21277011 / 21801299.0  (97.60%)
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Uploading to 745b72068fbd357bf98eb0a6979fc436  21801299 / 21801299.0  (100.00%)
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file template-export.yml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /codebuild/output/src143388004/src/template-export.yml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:06 Running command cloudguard fsp -c arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:116489363094:stack/cloudguard-serverless-app-1/94c4df50-02d2-11eb-82b7-0a475a749b56
[cloudguard-cli: fsp] FSP:: loadDependencies 
[cloudguard-cli: fsp] Initializing... 
Updating FSP Plugin | [----------------------------------------] 0% | ETA: 0s
Updating FSP Plugin | [========================================] 100% | ETA: 0s

[cloudguard-cli: fsp] Initializing, Done. 
[cloudguard-cli] Fetching functions list from CF stack arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:116489363094:stack/cloudguard-serverless-app-1/94c4df50-02d2-11eb-82b7-0a475a749b56
[cloudguard-cli] Protego FSP (v1.5.19) Instrumentation Succeeded ✓ 
[cloudguard-cli]   - function ARN  :  arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:116489363094:function:cloudguard-serverless-app-helloFromLambdaFunction-WAQJUR90VWY3:$LATEST
[cloudguard-cli]   - runtime       :  nodejs12.x
[cloudguard-cli]   - layer         :  arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:634729597623:layer:magnatar-cloudguard-fsp-nodejs-layer:2
[cloudguard-cli]   - environment   :  {"PROTEGO_FSP_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID":"116489363094:24759951012e216a0af82c5d3c011534","NODE_OPTIONS":"--require @protego/protego-node-agent"}
Protego - FSP (1.5.19) Summary:

  Protected Functions (1) :
    ✓ arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:116489363094:function:cloudguard-serverless-app-helloFromLambdaFunction-WAQJUR90VWY3:$LATEST:  Protected 

[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:12 Phase complete: BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:12 Phase context status code:  Message: 
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:12 Entering phase POST_BUILD
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:13 Phase complete: POST_BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:13 Phase context status code:  Message: 
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:13 Expanding base directory path: .
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:13 Assembling file list
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:13 Expanding .
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:13 Expanding file paths for base directory .
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:13 Assembling file list
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:13 Expanding template-export.yml
[Container] 2020/10/03 02:48:13 Found 1 file(s)

Finally, you can check and verify that each stage of your CodePipline has been successfully completed! You can observe in the log files how CloudGuard was downloaded and triggered, how Proact and FSP were enabled, and how the Build was completed (and then the stage was changed to Deploy.)

header image

6. Verification of CloudGuard protection

On AWS Console, go to "Lambda", and the function that we've deployed and enabled the CloudGuard protection on just now. Verify that a layer has been added to the function.

header image

You can log on to your CloudGuard console, and go to the Serverless module or Protected Assets. Check your Lambda function.

Congratulations! You've successfully integrated CloudGuard workload protection into CICD pipeline on AWS!

header image

Code Injection Attack Simulation

Initially, this section wasn't part of the tutorial. However, I'd like to share how CloudGuard workload protection responds to attacks like code injection when Function Self-Protection (FSP) is turned on. So I added this.

In a scenario where you expose Lambda function via HTTP endpoints provided by API Gateway, your serverless application can be vulnerable to numerous code injection attacks. The sample serverless application in this example is vulnerable to code injection attack, and is also using excessive IAM permissions which can allow an attacker to interact with other AWS services as well. By nature, it can also have access to the backend DynamoDB. Basically, the attacker can pass malicious script or payload to HTTP endpoint using a POST method.

If you've turned on Function Self-Protection (FSP) on CloudGuard for that particular Lambda function, your application can be secured and protected by CloudGuard workload protection. FSP is run everytime the function is invoked. CloudGuard will block code injection attacks when the application is at runtime.

header image

In below example, I've simulated a simple code injection attack using curl. This simulated attack is not a serious one - however, imagine what a real attack can do with the ability to leverage on similar code injection vulnerabilities. Well, as you can see, the attack wasn't successful when Function Self Protection (Or Function Runtime Protection) is enabled on the function.(Internal Server Error)

header image

On CloudGuard console, you can see that the code injection attack was blocked by CloudGuard.

header image


To delete the sample application that you created, you can just use the AWS CLI. You'll need to delete the CodePipeline as well as the cloudformation stack.

Delete the pipeline

aws codepipeline delete-pipeline --name MyPipeline
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name cloudguard-serverless-app

CONGRATULATIONS! It's quite a journey but we are here. You've successfully deployed CloudGuard workload protection on your serverless application, and integrated into your CICD pipeline on AWS! Now your serverless application has been secured by CloudGuard.

Happy DevSecOps-ing! Jayden Aung


  1. One of the issues you might probably encounter in CodePipeline is the build stage might fail due to IAM insufficient permissions. Double check that sufficient IAM permissions are given to the role.

  2. Make sure that all required software & dependencies are installed. (e.g. AWS CLI, SAM, Nodejs) Otherwise, scipts like won't run.

header image


  1. Check Point CloudGuard Workload Protection

  2. CloudGuard Workload (Protego) Examples

  3. Here is another good tutorial you might want to check out - CloudGuard integration with AWS Pipeline by Dean Houari


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