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Yii File

The package Yii File

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii-file

or add

"yiisoft/yii-file": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Directory Structure

config/                                                                             configuration
docs/                                                                               documentation
src/                                                                                source code
        Adapter/                                                                    Adapters
        DTO/                                                                        DTOs
        Exception/                                                                  Exceptions
        Helper/                                                                     Helpers
        Repository/                                                                 Repositories
tests/                                                                              tests

Basic Usage

The package basis of this extension is flysystem from league, you can read more about it in the documentation at the link below

with this package you can upload your files to almost any type of server and manage and manage them, move and delete, get the list of downloaded files to the server and migrate them to another server, all files and the list of your servers in the system are stored in the database

first you need to fill in the local storage parameters

return [
    '' => [
            'local' => [
                'root' => '/var/www/html/yoursite.domain/static',
                'public_url' => 'http://cdn.yoursite.domain/',
                    'file' => [
                        'public' => 0644,
                        'private' => 0600,
                    'dir' => [
                        'public' => 0755,
                        'private' => 0700,

Now you need to update the database schema and get a new table after the scheme has been updated you can add your other storage servers.


you should use the repository entity to create an instance of it fill the constructor

use Yiisoft\Yii\File\Storage;
use Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\AdapterFactory;
use Yiisoft\Yii\File\Dto\SftpAdapterDTO;

$dto = new SftpAdapterDTO();
$dto->host = "host";
$dto->username = "username";
$dto->password = "password";
$dto->root = "/www/html/";
$adapter = AdapterFactory::create($dto);

$storage = new Storage($adapter);

and save in cycle orm

now you have two repositories registered, one local by default, the other on a completely different server

if a template is specified at the repository then files will be downloaded according to this template it is optional it can be omitted


Once we have identified all of our file vaults, now let's upload files to our servers

for this we need a class Yiisoft\Yii\File\File and now you need to create a new object of this class the constructor should specify the path to the (temporary) file or the name of the super-global $_FILES array

use Yiisoft\Yii\File\File;

$file = new File('/var/www/html/tests/data/files/test-file-2.txt');

for to specify a superglobal array, display the name of the array key with the dollar ($) prefix For example

<input name="avatar" type="file" />
use Yiisoft\Yii\File\File;
$file = new File('$avatar');

Now, using the method put, we can save the resulting file to one of our previously defined storage servers we can ask the server how, by tags, he will randomly select a server with such tags and upload a file there, or by alias in this case, he select one specific server the first argument takes what the name will be and the second argument on which server to upload the file

for example tag:

use Yiisoft\Yii\File\File;
$file = new File('$avatar');

for example alias:

use Yiisoft\Yii\File\File;
$file = new File('$avatar');

now he uploaded the file to the server but at the moment did not save this file in the database in the file table

Now, in order to save in the database, use the features Cycle ORM

use Yiisoft\Yii\File\File;
$file = new File('$avatar');
(new ORM\Transaction($this->orm))->persist($file)->run();

Read (get)

For a list of files, use the features Cycle ORM, file and storag are entities.




AWS S3 - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\AwsS3Adapter

Azure - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\AzureAdapter

Cached - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\CachedAdapter

Digital Ocean - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\DigitalOceanSpacesAdapter

Dropbox - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\DropboxAdapter

FTP - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\FtpAdapter

Gitlab - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\GitlabAdapter

Google Cloud Storage - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\GoogleStorageAdapter

Local - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\LocalAdapter

Memory - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\MemoryAdapter

Null - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\NullAdapter

Rackspace - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\RackspaceAdapter

Replicate - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\ReplicateAdapter

Scaleway - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\ScalewayObjectStorageAdapter

SFTP - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\SftpAdapter

WebDAV - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\WebDAVAdapter

Zip - Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\ZipArchiveAdapter

To get a copy of these adapters, you can get directly but the best use the factory Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\AdapterFactory he takes as an argument DTO.

Other features

there are many other possibilities besides you can see it in the class Yiisoft\Yii\File\File , Yiisoft\Yii\File\Storage and Yiisoft\Yii\File\Adapter\AdapterFactory and other sources