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3/3 Implement nice API on top of AeroShellParser generated code
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nikitabobko committed Jul 7, 2024
1 parent 098eba8 commit 8ff619f
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Showing 3 changed files with 335 additions and 0 deletions.
228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions Sources/AppBundle/shell/AeroShell.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
import AeroShellParserGenerated
import Antlr4
import Common

/// Use the following technique for quick grammar testing:
/// source .deps/python-venv/bin/
/// echo "foo bar" | antlr4-parse ./grammar/AeroShellLexer.g4 ./grammar/AeroShellParser.g4 root -gui
extension String {
func parseShell() -> Result<RawShell, String> {
let stream = ANTLRInputStream(self)
let lexer = AeroShellLexer(stream)
let errorsCollector = ErrorListenerCollector()
let tokenStream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
let parser: AeroShellParser
switch Result(catching: { try AeroShellParser(tokenStream) }) {
case .success(let x): parser = x
case .failure(let msg):
return .failure(msg.localizedDescription)
let root: AeroShellParser.RootContext
switch Result(catching: { try parser.root() }) {
case .success(let x): root = x
case .failure(let msg):
return .failure(msg.localizedDescription)
if !errorsCollector.errors.isEmpty {
return .failure(errorsCollector.errors.joinErrors())
return root.program().map { $0.toTyped() } ?? .success(.empty)

class ErrorListenerCollector: BaseErrorListener {
var errors: [String] = []
override func syntaxError<T>(
_ recognizer: Recognizer<T>,
_ offendingSymbol: AnyObject?,
_ line: Int,
_ charPositionInLine: Int,
_ msg: String,
_ e: AnyObject?
) {
errors.append("Syntax error at \(line):\(charPositionInLine) \(msg)")

extension AeroShellParser.ProgramContext {
func toTyped() -> Result<RawShell, String> {
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.NotContext {
return x.program().toTyped("not node: nil child")
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.PipeContext {
return binaryNode(Shell.pipe, x.program(0), x.program(1))
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.AndContext {
return binaryNode(Shell.and, x.program(0), x.program(1))
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.OrContext {
return binaryNode(Shell.or, x.program(0), x.program(1))
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.SeqContext {
let seq = x.program()
return switch seq.count {
case 0: .failure("seq node: 0 children")
case 1: seq.first!.toTyped()
default: seq.mapAllOrFailures { $0.toTyped() }.mapError { $0.joinErrors() }.map(Shell.seq)
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.ParensContext {
return x.program().toTyped("parens node: nil childe")
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.ArgsContext {
return x.arg().mapAllOrFailures { $0.toTyped() }.mapError { $0.joinErrors() }.map(Shell.args)
error("Unknown node type: \(self)")

extension AeroShellParser.ArgContext {
func toTyped() -> Result<ShellString<String>, String> {
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.WordContext {
return .success(.text(x.getText()))
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.DQuotedStringContext {
let seq = x.dStringFragment()
return switch seq.count {
case 1: seq.first!.toTyped()
seq.mapAllOrFailures { $0.toTyped() }.mapError { $0.joinErrors() }.map(ShellString.concatOptimized)
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.SQuotedStringContext {
return .success(.text(String(x.getText().dropFirst(1).dropLast(1))))
if let x = self as? AeroShellParser.SubstitutionContext {
return x.program().toTyped("substitution node: nil child").map(ShellString.interpolation)
error("Unknown node type: \(self)")

extension AeroShellParser.DStringFragmentContext {
func toTyped() -> Result<ShellString<String>, String> {
if let x = ESCAPE_SEQUENCE() {
return switch x.getText() {
case "\\n": .success(.text("\n"))
case "\\t": .success(.text("\t"))
case "\\$": .success(.text("$"))
case "\\\"": .success(.text("\""))
case "\\\\": .success(.text("\\"))
default: .failure("Unknown ESCAPE_SEQUENCE '\(x.getText())'")
if let x = TEXT() {
return .success(.text(x.getText()))
if let x = program() {
return x.toTyped().map(ShellString.interpolation)
error("Unknown node type: \(self)")

private func binaryNode(
_ op: (RawShell, RawShell) -> RawShell,
_ a: AeroShellParser.ProgramContext?,
_ b: AeroShellParser.ProgramContext?
) -> Result<RawShell, String> {
a.toTyped("binary node: nil child 0").combine { b.toTyped("binary node: nil child 1") }.map(op)

extension Result {
func combine<T>(_ other: () -> Result<T, Failure>) -> Result<(Success, T), Failure> {
flatMap { a in
other().flatMap { b in
.success((a, b))

extension Result where Success == AeroShellParser.ProgramContext, Failure == String {
func toTyped() -> Result<RawShell, String> { flatMap { $0.toTyped() } }

private extension Optional where Wrapped == AeroShellParser.ProgramContext {
func toTyped(_ msg: String) -> Result<RawShell, String> { orFailure(msg).toTyped() }

class CmdMutableState {
var stdin: String
var env: [String: String]

init(stdin: String, pwd: String) {
self.stdin = stdin
self.env = config.execConfig.envVariables
self.env["PWD"] = pwd

struct CmdOut {
let stdout: [String]
let exitCode: Int

static func succ(_ stdout: [String]) -> CmdOut { CmdOut(stdout: stdout, exitCode: 0) }
static func fail(_ stdout: [String]) -> CmdOut { CmdOut(stdout: stdout, exitCode: 1) }

// protocol AeroShell {
// func run(_ state: CmdMutableState) -> CmdOut
// }
// extension [String] : AeroShell {
// func run(_ state: CmdMutableState) -> CmdOut { .succ(self) }
// }

extension Shell: Equatable where T: Equatable {}
typealias AeroShell = Shell<any Command>
typealias RawShell = Shell<String>
indirect enum Shell<T> {
case args([ShellString<T>])
case empty

// Listed in precedence order
case not(Shell<T>)
case pipe(Shell<T>, Shell<T>)
case and(Shell<T>, Shell<T>)
case or(Shell<T>, Shell<T>)
case seq([Shell<T>])

extension ShellString: Equatable where T: Equatable {}
enum ShellString<T> {
case text(String)
case interpolation(Shell<T>)
case concat([ShellString<T>])

static func concatOptimized(_ fragments: [ShellString<T>]) -> ShellString<T> {
var result: [ShellString<T>] = []
var current: String = ""
_concatOptimized(fragments, &result, &current)
if !current.isEmpty {
return result.singleOrNil() ?? .concat(result)

private static func _concatOptimized(
_ fragments: [ShellString<T>],
_ result: inout [ShellString<T>],
_ current: inout String
) {
for fragment in fragments {
switch fragment {
case .text(let text): current += text
case .concat(let newFragments): _concatOptimized(newFragments, &result, &current)
case .interpolation:
if !current.isEmpty {
current = ""
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions Sources/AppBundleTests/assert.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import XCTest
import Common

// Because XCTAssertEqual default messages are unreadable!
func assertFailure<T, F>(_ r: Result<T, F>, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) {
switch r {
case .success: failExpectedActual("Result.failure", r, file: file, line: line)
case .failure: break

func assertEquals<T>( _ actual: T, _ expected: T, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) where T: Equatable {
if actual != expected {
failExpectedActual(expected, actual, file: file, line: line)

private func failExpectedActual( _ expected: Any, _ actual: Any, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) {
Assertion failed at \(file):\(line)
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions Sources/AppBundleTests/shell/AeroShellTest.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import XCTest
import Common
@testable import AppBundle

final class AeroShellTest: XCTestCase {
func testParse() {
let a = cmd("a")
let b = cmd("b")
let c = cmd("c")
let d = cmd("d")
let e = cmd("e")
let f = cmd("f")
let backslash = "\\"
let space = " "

assertEquals("\"foo \(backslash)\" bar \(backslash)\(backslash)\(backslash)\(backslash)\" bar".parseShell().getOrThrow(), cmd("foo \" bar \(backslash)\(backslash)", "bar"))
assertEquals(" ".parseShell().getOrThrow(), .empty)
assertEquals("a | b && c | d".parseShell().getOrThrow(), .and(.pipe(a, b), .pipe(c, d)))
assertEquals("foo && bar || a && baz".parseShell().getOrThrow(), .or(.and(cmd("foo"), cmd("bar")), .and(cmd("a"), cmd("baz"))))
assertEquals("foo a b; bar duh\n baz bro".parseShell().getOrThrow(), .seqV(cmd("foo", "a", "b"), cmd("bar", "duh"), cmd("baz", "bro")))
assertEquals("(a || b) && (c || d)".parseShell().getOrThrow(), .and(.or(a, b), .or(c, d)))
a # comment 1
b && c # comment 2
d; # comment 3
""".parseShell().getOrThrow(), .seqV(a, .and(b, c), d))
a && b # comment 1
# comment 2
|| c && d
""".parseShell().getOrThrow(), .or(.and(a, b), .and(c, d)))
a \(backslash)\(space)
b c \(backslash) # comment 2
d && e \(backslash)
&& f
""".parseShell().getOrThrow(), .and(.and(cmd("a", "b", "c", "d"), e), f))
echo "hi $(foo bar)"
.args([.text("echo"), .concatV(.text("hi "), .interpolation(cmd("foo", "bar")))])

assertFailure("echo \"\"\"\"".parseShell())
assertFailure("echo \"foo \(backslash)\"".parseShell())
assertFailure("|| foo".parseShell())
assertFailure("a && (b || c) foo".parseShell())

// extension Shell: ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral where T == String { // Please Swift
// public init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: UnicodeScalarLiteralType) { error("Unused") }
// }
// extension Shell: ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral where T == String { // Please Swift
// public init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType) { error("Unused") }
// }
// extension Shell: ExpressibleByStringLiteral where T == String {
// public typealias StringLiteralType = String
// public init(stringLiteral: String) {
// self = .args([.text(stringLiteral)])
// }
// }

// extension Shell: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral where T == String {
// public typealias ArrayLiteralElement = String
// public init(arrayLiteral elements: ArrayLiteralElement...) {
// self = .args(
// }
// }

func cmd(_ args: String...) -> Shell<String> { .args( }
extension Shell {
static func seqV(_ seq: Shell<T>...) -> Shell<T> { .seq(seq) }

extension ShellString {
static func concatV(_ fragments: ShellString<T>...) -> ShellString<T> { .concat(fragments) }

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