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Quotes API powered by

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This project uses Docker to deploy. There is a production ready Dockerfile on the project's root. You just have to build the Docker image to deploy/run the API. The API is set to use a PostgreSQL database only.


We are using the environment to configure the API. You can find a .env.example at the project's root. The values defined are placeholders used for example purpose. For a production deployments, these values must be set in the production environment.


The API documentation is accessible via an embedded Swagger. It can be accessed via [api_url]/swagger. Every routes are described there.

Accessing the API

The default port of the API is 5000, but this value can be changed in the env.



For development purpose only, we are using Docker compose. Everything is embedded in the docker-compose (database, API, Adminer). To run the docker compose, use docker-compose up --build. We are using hot reload, so you don't have to restart the compose on each change. The default port for Adminer is 8080. The credentials for Adminer can be set in the env but the server will always be db.

To use the default values of the env, copy/paste the .env.example to a .env file, on the project's root.


When you add a new entity to the project, you must use yarn migrate to generate a migration.


This project is based on service pattern, following NestJS example.