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Development guidelines

Anthony Ettinger edited this page Oct 6, 2018 · 8 revisions

Here are the development guidelines for imusify-web repository:

  • develop with a mobile first approach. This means you code the mobile web design mock first and then as you expand the size of the browser add a media query in css to accommodate larger screen sizes. Our typical break point is 480px for wide screens.
  • responsive css/html
  • minimalist html. try to avoid classitis and divits.
  • if you are contributing without team access, please fork the repo and send a pull request to our master branch.
  • if you are a member of the team (official contributor) you can branch off master and submit a pull request to master.
  • please assign pull requests to one either chovy or basit.
  • try to keep your components and pages less than 100 lines of code (this is not a strict enforcement, just a guideline).
  • if something is going to be re-used in multiple pages, create a component for it that can be called from multiple pages.
  • put styles inside <style lang="scss" scoped> block. (no inline styles on markup).
  • use rem instead of pixels. (1rem === 10px, 1.2rem === 12px, 12.5rem = 125px, etc etc)
  • all text must be localized to English. Please see ./src/l10n/en.json and call {{t('myKey')}} or this.$t('myKey') to translate.
  • we prefer simplicity over complexity. If you're not sure the approach to take, ask.
  • install the free ZenHub chrome extension for use with GitHub issues. This is how we manage our sprints.
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