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git clone hubjs


Create services.json file in the root of the cloned directory:

  "services": {
    "pub": {
      "publishes": ["load_test", "pricing_changed"],
      "concurrency": 100
    "sub": {
      "subscribes": ["load_test", "pricing_changed"],
      "endpoint": "http://localhost:3100/:type",
      "concurrency": 100

The file is an object with service names as keys and service configurations as values. The following options are used in service configuration:

  • concurrency - How many concurrent messages can a service accept.
  • publishes - Types of messages that the service is publishing (message can't have more than one publisher)
  • subscribes - Types of messages that the service is subscribed to
  • endpoint - the HTTP endpoint that accepts the messages. Message is delivered via HTTP POST request. Endpoint can use wildcards:
    • :type - message type
    • :env - environment, TBD
  • queue - queue url (currently only rabbitmq:// supported )
  • intermediate - intermediate storage url (used for concurrency coordination, processing storage, etc.). Currently only redis:// supported.
  • storage - long-term storage url (recurring messages, dead letter, messages archive, etc.). Only mongodb:// supported


npm start


Message format

  "messageId": "...",           // Assigned by the hub when publishing a message
  "type": "order_changed",      // Specifies type of the message
  "content": {

When a message is published a messageId is assigned to it. When published the message is stored in an outgoing queue, and then is copied to the input queues of all subscribers.

Publishing a message

POST /api/v1/messages
  "type": "order_changed",
  "content": {
    "orderId": "123"

Subscribing to a message

All message subscribers are defined in the services.json file deployed with the hub.

Example: for the following services.json

  "services": {
    "warehouse": {
      "subscribes": ["order_changed"],
      "endpoint": [""]

order_changed message will be delivered via HTTP POST to

Note: SH uses a keep-alive connection to subscribers.

Whenever a message arrives it is delivered to the subscriber.


Delete all queues

/usr/local/Cellar/rabbitmq/3.6.1/sbin/rabbitmqadmin list queues name | \
  awk '{print $2}' | \
  xargs -I qn /usr/local/Cellar/rabbitmq/3.6.1/sbin/rabbitmqadmin delete queue name=qn


Can use node v4+

brew install redis mongodb rabbitmq
npm install -g nodemon ember-cli



  • WebServer
  • API
  • OutQueue
  • InQueue
  • DeliverMessage (input -> service)
  • NewRelic
  • StatsD
  • Processing storage
  • LoadBalancer (concurrency manager)
  • Scheduler
  • ErrorHandler
  • DeadLetter storage
  • Archive storage (optional)
  • Inspector (inspects messages matching specific criteria and their handlers)
  • Bulk messages


Example API calls

Publish a message

curl -X POST \
  -H"Content-Type: application/json" \
  http://localhost:8080/api/v1/messages \
  -d '{"type": "pricing_changed", "content": {}}'

Replay messages

curl -X POST \
  -H"Content-Type: application/json" \
  http://localhost:8080/api/v1/services/sub/archive \
  -d '{"from": 0}'

Register recurring message

curl -X POST \
  -H"Content-Type: application/json" \
  http://localhost:8080/api/v1/services/sub/recurring \
  -d '{"type": "recurring", "deliverEveryMillis": 1000}'

Unregister recurring message

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/v1/services/sub/recurring/recurring


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