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Capacity: Blocked
Capacity: Blocked
Blocked due to factors that are beyond our control
Capacity: On Hold
Capacity: On Hold
Issue on hold due to decisions that need to be made
Capacity: Planned
Capacity: Planned
This issue has been raised as part of ongoing work
Capacity: Unplanned
Capacity: Unplanned
This issue has been raised via the support help desk
Priority: Could
Priority: Could
This task could be completed within this sprint
Priority: Must
Priority: Must
This task must be completed within this sprint
Priority: Should
Priority: Should
This task should be completed within this sprint
Size: Large
Size: Large
Large task, taking around 9-16 hours to complete (ideally should be broken down into smaller tasks)
Size: Medium
Size: Medium
Medium task, taking around 5-8 hours to complete
Size: Small
Size: Small
Small task, taking around 2-4 hours to complete
Size: Xtra-Large
Size: Xtra-Large
Extra large task, taking around 17-24 hours to complete (should be broken down into smaller tasks)
Size: Xtra-Small
Size: Xtra-Small
Extra small task, taking around 1 hour or less to complete
Type: Admin
Type: Admin
Involves content, config, documentation or misc
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Bug in the codebase that needs fixing and testing
Type: Code
Type: Code
Involves adding or making changes to the codebase
Type: Design
Type: Design
Involves UI / UX design either graphically or static
Type: Feature
Type: Feature
New feature request
Type: Reference
Type: Reference
No issue to solve, for reference only