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DC3DFWD is a parallel C++ program designed for the forward modeling of the 3D direct current (DC) resistivity method using the adaptive finite element method and the geometric multigrid method. It is designed to run on high performance computing (HPC) systems. The main features of DC3DFWD including:

  • Implementation of high-order adaptive finite elements to adaptively refine the mesh according to the go-oriented error estimator
  • Efficient geometric multigrid solver on locally refined meshes
  • Parallel computation using MPI
  • Discretization of complex structures using octree meshes

Installing Prerequisites and Building

DC3DFWD is developed based on the open-source library deal.II, which is a C++ program library that provides building blocks for the finite element method. We provide two ways to install deal.II and its dependencies: using Docker and using spack. Among the two approaches, we recommend using Docker, since it is the most robust and portable way to build DC3DFWD.

Note that DC3DFWD has only been tested on Linux and macOS systems. For Windows users, we recommend using Docker, WSL1/WSL2 or a virtual machine.

Please extract the source code of DC3DFWD into a directory /path/to/dc3dfwd-sources before installing the prerequisites and building. In the following sections, we will use /path/to/dc3dfwd-sources to refer to the source directory of DC3DFWD.

Using Docker

If the user is familiar with Docker, we provide a Docker image that contains all the dependencies of DC3DFWD. For macOS and Windows users, please install Docker Desktop first. For Linux users, please install Docker Engine following the installation instructions.

There is an alternative Docker client called OrbStack for macOS users. It is claimed to be faster than Docker Desktop and has a better user interface. Please refer to OrbStack for more details.

After installing Docker, the user can pull the Docker image from Docker Hub using the following command:

docker pull adamqc/dc3dfwd-deps:latest

Then run the Docker container and mount the source directory of DC3DFWD to /mnt using the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/dc3dfwd-sources:/mnt adamqc/dc3dfwd-deps:latest

The above command will start a shell inside the Docker container. Now the user can build DC3DFWD:

cd /mnt && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make

Using spack

To build deal.II and its dependencies from source, we recommend using spack, which is a package manager for supercomputers, Linux, and macOS. Please refer to the spack documentation for more details.

Before we install spack, we need to install a C++ compiler and other dependencies. For debian based Linux distributions, e.g., Ubuntu, Mint, etc., please use the following command to install GCC and other necessary packages:

sudo apt install -y build-essential gfortran git python3

For RedHat based Linux distributions, e.g., RHEL, Centos, etc., please use the following command:

sudo yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran git python3

On macOS, the user can install Xcode from the App Store, or install Command Line Tools for Xcode manually.

Note that deal.II requires a C++ compiler that supports C++17 standard, e.g., GCC >= 9.0, Clang >= 10.0, and AppleClang >= 12.0. The user can check the version of the compiler using g++ --version or clang++ --version. Also note that AppleClang >= 15.0 has a problem compiling deal.II, so we recommend using Xcode or Command Line Tools for Xcode prior to version 14.3.

The next step is to install spack. We need the developing version of spack since it contains the latest version of these packages. The following commands can be used to install spack and deal.II:

# Clone the spack repository
git clone
# Initialize spack environment
source ./spack/share/spack/
# Install deal.II and its dependencies
spack install dealii@master+mpi+petsc+python~p4est~arborx~arpack~slepc~gsl~adol-c~hdf5~gmsh~sundials~oce~cgal~assimp~symengine~examples~ginkgo~threads~muparser~vtk build_type=Release ^python@3.10

Note that the +python and +petsc options are required since DC3DFWD uses Python to generate the mesh and PETSc to solve the linear system. This command may take a while to finish since it will build all the packages from source, please be patient.

Once all the dependencies are installed, the following commands can be used to build DC3DFWD:

# Go to the source directory of DC3DFWD
cd /path/to/dc3dfwd-sources
# Load environment variables of deal.II
spack load dealii
# Create a build directory
mkdir build
# Go to the build directory
cd build
# Configure
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
# Build

The above commands will generate an executable file dc3dfwd in the source directory, which is the main program of DC3DFWD.


To run the forward modeling process, the user needs to provide a configuration file to specify the parameters. Then use the flowing command to run DC3DFWD:

mpirun -np <number of processors> /path/to/dc3dfwd path/to/options.prm

For details about the options file, please refer to the Configuration file.


DC3DFWD is distributed under the MIT License.


Users are encouraged to open an issue for questions or bugs. Pull requests for any enhancements are also welcome.


3D DC forward modeling code using GMG solver






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