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Bachelor's thesis project on finding time delays in gravitationally lensed photon streams


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Final Year Project

This is my bachelor's thesis project titled Time Delay Estimation in Gravitationally Lensed Photon Streams. Please see the report for more details.



This installation guide is intended for users of Linux distributions, particularly those which are Ubuntu based. The program has been tested on Linux Mint 13 and 14, but should work on most Linux distributions. First, download the latest version of the program from and extract it with your favourite program. Alternatively, clone the current version of the repository with

git clone

Before the program can be configured, we must install some libraries without which the program will not run. Download the latest muParser package from (must be > v2.2.3). Then, run the following commands

unzip muparser_v_[your_version]
cd muparser_v_[your_version]
./configure --prefix=/usr
make && make install // may require sudo

This will install muParser so that the header files it uses can be found in /usr/include. Your system must have the g++ package installed for the configure command to complete, and you may also require the autoconf package. We must also install the GNU Scientific Library and the Check test framework. All the required packages can be installed with

apt-get install libgsl0-dev check g++ autoconf

Once this is done, go to the top level directory of the project, and run make. This should create all the files required for the system to run. If you require special configuration options, you can use ./configure with the required switches.

General Usage

The executable for the program can be found in the src directory, and is named deltastream. It can be run from the top level directory with

src/deltastream [OPTIONS]

To find out what options are available, call the executable with the -h or --help options. We will detail some of the options below. All parameters which govern the behaviour of the system are defined in the parameter files, which have information about what the effect of each is.

Parameter files

Some parameter files are provided with the program, but if for some reason they are deleted, then additional ones can be created using

deltastream -d paramfile.txt // default
deltastream -d paramfile.txt -x a // experiment

Generating Functions

The -g switch is used to run all generation functions. Generating a random function can be done in one of two ways. Using

deltastream -g params.txt -r -c 1

We can generate a file containing a Gaussian representation of a random function which we can use to generate streams. Changing the number passed to the -c switch changes the number of functions generated. To generate streams from the functions, we use

deltastream -g params.txt -f rand -n 2 -i random_function_0.dat

This takes the data in the file random_function_0.dat, generated in the previous step, and generates two streams. Modifying the number passed to the -n option will generate different numbers of streams. Another way to generate random functions is with

deltastream -g params.txt -f rand -c 3 -n 2

The -c switch defines how many functions should be generated. After the functions are generated, two streams are generated from each. If you wish to generate multiple different pairs of streams from the same function, use

deltastream -g params.txt -f rand -c 3 -n 2 -u

The first function generated will be copied into multiple files, and streams will be generated from those copied files. The -t switch can be used to specify more or less verbose output. For example, passing a value of 3 will output bin counts for the streams, and a file containing the sum of Gaussians which make up the random function.

The generation of streams from expressions is rather simpler. The following two commands are equivalent.

deltastream -g params.txt -n 2
deltastream -g params.txt -f mup -n 2

The generator defaults to generating streams from the expression defined in the parameter file. Multiple pairs can be generated using the -c switch.

Estimating Functions and Time Delay

Estimates of functions are done using the -e switch. The most important parameters are defined in the parameter file. Once streams have been generated, we can estimate them using the baseline estimator

deltastream -e params.txt -a base -n 2

If the streams were generated from a random function, the -r switch must be added to indicate this fact. Again, if there are multiple functions to estimate at once, use the -c switch to specify the number. The -a option has 5 possible arguments (ols, iwls, pc, base and gauss), each of which use a different estimator to produce an estimate. Passing a value larger than 1 to the -n option will result in an estimate of the time delay. To estimate only the function, simply omit the switch.

Plotting Output

The scripts/ script can be used to plot various data which is output from the system. Calling it with the -h option will output information about what plots can be made. The script generates a .tex file using gnuplot, which it then processes into a .pdf and displays using evince. After doing a function estimate with the baseline estimator, the generating function can be plotted along with the bin data and estimate using

scripts/ -f output random_function_0_sum.dat est_out.dat

Running Experiments

Creating Functions for Experimentation

Using the script found in the scripts directory, random functions can be generated, conforming to certain parameters. In this file, we specify the directory to which to output by modifying the OUTPUT_DIR parameter. The LAUNCHER_LOC parameter specifies the location of the deltastream executable used to run the program. The PARAM_FILE parameter defines the location of the parameter file to use to generate the functions.

Once these have been set, we specify the values to use to generate the function. The values in the the AVALS parameter define what values of $alpha$ will be used to generate the functions. The DIVISOR parameter specifies what to divide the values in AVALS by when modifying the $alpha$ parameter in the parameter file. This can be set to 1 to just use the values inside the array. The values in the AVALS array are also used to create directories, so the divisor is also used to prevent creation of directories such as alpha_0.3. The NFUNCS parameter defines how many different functions to generate. NPAIRS defines the number of pairs of streams that will be generated from each function. Streams generated will be copies of the function. For example, when NPAIRS is set to 5, a function $f(a)$ is generated, along with two streams. Then, four more streams are generated from the same function $f(a)$. This allows for multiple trials on similar data. The FPREF and APREF define the text that is prepended to the directories. Setting FPREF to function_ and APREF to alpha_ will put each set of functions in a directory structure like alpha_1/function_1.

Generating Model Selection Data

Next, we use the script to generate streams with data removed in certain intervals to use for model selection. Here, we set the INDIR parameter to the directory which we set as the output directory in the previous script, and make sure to set the AVALS, NFUNCS and NPAIRS parameters to the same values. We must also define the EXP_PFILE parameter, which tells the script where to look for the experimental parameters. In this file, we must set up which data should be removed. Modifying values in the setup section of the experiment parameter file will allow the choosing of various intervals. To generate a default experiment parameter file, use deltastream -d [filename] -x a. Once this is set up, we run the script, and it generates a new set of files in the same location as the original data which has data in some intervals removed, with names something like random_function_0_output_stream_0_stuttered.dat.

Experiment Parameter Setup

Now, we set up the experiments that we wish to perform on the data. In the experiment parameter file, there are various options which control how the experiments are run. The most important is the experiment_names parameter, which defines the names of the experiments that you wish to run. Once the names are set, we must define four parameters that are used to run the experiment.

experiment_names exp_1,exp_2 // Name the experiments
// These parameters will be varied during the experiments
exp_1_params base_max_breakpoints,base_max_extension
exp_2_params gauss_est_stdev
test_exp_1 yes // We want to experiment on this
test_exp_2 no // This will not be experimented on
// Set the estimator to use for the experiment
exp_1_estimator base 
ext_2_estimator gauss
// Estimate the function or the time delay
exp_1_type function
exp_2_type delay

// Set the parameter values for experiments
base_max_extension 3,6,...,11
base_max_breakpoints 4,5,...,10
gauss_est_stdev 1,2,3,4

// This is important! Set the time delay between streams
// Used later to analyse the results
timedelta 0,15

When setting the parameter values, ... can be used to specify a range. In the example, the base_max_extension parameters would be 3, 6, 9 and 11. The timedelta parameter is important as well---it provides the program with the actual value of the time delay between streams, which is used to determine the score of certain parameter settings. Information about the parameters used to generate streams can be found in the output directories in the gen_params.txt file.

Running Model Selection

Once the parameters are set up, we run model selection on the generated streams using the script. Here we again set the various parameters needed, and specify a new output directory into which the experiment data is output. Depending on the number of experiments being run, the data can take up a lot of space (on the order of gigabytes), so choose a disk with plenty of free space. It is also a good idea to run a small subset of the experiments before running them all, just to make sure that you are outputting to the correct directory--- data in the output directories from previous experiments is overwritten. Once you are sure that everything is good to go, run the script. Time taken depends on the number of parameter combinations and number of functions you are running the experiments on. A reasonably large set of data (approximately 151,000 experiments) took approximately two hours on an Intel i5 processor.

Time Delay Calculation

Once the experiments have completed, we use the best parameter settings from the model selection stage to run time delay estimators on the data again, this time with all data available to the estimators. First, we use the script to extract the experiment numbers of the highest scoring parameter settings. Inside the file, we modify the relevant parameters, setting the parameter files to read from, the directory from which to read the parameter data---the directory set as the output directory for the model selection, the location in which the files output from the script, and the place where we wish to put the files produced by this stage of the process. When the script is run, it performs a time delay estimation on the streams with the best parameters for each function and $alpha$ value. Inside each directory, a file results.txt is produced, which contains the some data about the performance of the estimators with that combination of methods on the given $alpha$ value for that function. In the next step, we extract this data into a more usable form.

Extracting Result Data

In the script, we set up the parameters so that INDIR is set to read from the top level of the time delay results directory, and OUTDIR is set to the location to which we wish to output the aggregated results. There are three different flags that can be set to produce data in different forms for processing. The TT flag makes the script output error data in a form in which it can be processed by other scripts to run t-tests. The DV flag outputs data which can be used to calculate the mean value of the time delay estimate across all functions. Usually, the means are calculated on a per-function basis, but setting this flag outputs data in a form which groups data from all the functions for one value of $alpha$ into one set which can then be easily processed as a single set of estimates. The EV flag does a similar thing to the DV flag, but for error data. The error values are grouped by $alpha$ value, and the resulting files can be used to find the aggregate error for each value of $alpha$ for a specific method combination. Running the script will output the data. Next, we will explain how to process the resulting files.

Processing Result Data

Inside the results directory, the top level contains files which detail the mean estimate, standard deviation and mean error for each function for each value of $alpha$. The results directory contains directories with files which are used to produce different data. The data directory contains copies of all results files, with the filenames showing what experiment the file was taken from.

To create data for t-tests, we use the files in the alpha_errors directory. With this data we will be able to compare the errors of one combination of method to another. The and scripts are used to process the data further into files readable by the ttest.m script. The first script groups data so that when the t-tests are run, results from all functions for one value of $alpha$ for one method are compared to the same set of functions for the same value of $alpha$, but with a different method combination. The second script processes data so that results for individual functions are compared, rather than an aggregate set of data. T-test data will be output to a directory ttest in the directory specified in the script. In each file, there will be columns of data used for the t-test, as well as some information about where the data was taken from.

Using the ttest.m script, we can run t-tests on the data. The script was written using GNU Octave cite{octave}, but should also be compatible with Matlab. The read_start_x, read_start_y, read_end_x and read_end_y must be modified to match the data before the script is run. These values specify the range used by the dlmread command to parse in data from the files. In the case of 4 columns with 25 lines each, the values are set to


When run, the script produces a set of t-tests from the data. The paired_tests matrix contains the results of two-tailed paired t-tests on the data, and the single_sample matrix contains the results of single sample t-tests on the error values calculated by subtracting one set of data from the other. The comparisons array indicates which columns were compared to produce each column of the matrix. In general, 1 refers to the baseline area method, 2 to the baseline PDF method, 3 to the Gaussian area method, and 4 to the Gaussian PDF method.

Mean and Standard Deviation of Estimates

Using the script, the mean and standard deviation of estimates from different combinations of methods can be generated. Setting the INDIR variable to point to the results/estimates directory will perform the computations using a short Octave script, and output the results to a file, which will additionally contain tables for use in Emacs' org-mode. Tables ref{tbl:sine1} and ref{tbl:sine2} are examples of these tables converted into LaTeX using the export functionality built into org-mode.

Error of Estimates

Being able to display the error of combinations of methods, such as the graphs in Figures ref{fig:prelimerror} and ref{fig:fineerror} is also useful, and data to do this can be produced by the script. The script will produce files for each combination of methods, which can then be plotted with a program such as gnuplot. One way to plot the data using gnuplot is

plot "baseline_area_err.txt" using 1:2:3 with errorbars


Bachelor's thesis project on finding time delays in gravitationally lensed photon streams








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