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raphink edited this page Jan 4, 2013 · 1 revision

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It is recommended to align columns where it makes sense, for example

 let eol    = Util.eol
 let indent = Util.indent

is recommended over

 let eol = Util.eol
 let indent = Util.indent

"|" and "." should be aligned, too

 let spec = [ label "spec" . indent?
                           . alias_list "user" sto_to_com_user . sep_cont
                           . spec_list
                           . ( sep_col . spec_list )* . eol ]

Using common modules

It is recommended, when possible, to use common modules to write your Augeas lens. For example, you can declare

  let eol     = Util.eol
  let indent  = Util.indent
  let comment = Util.comment
  let empty   = Util.empty

Or, if you need a space separator that defaults to two tabs

  let sep_twotabs = Util.del_ws "\t\t"

If you are writing an INI File, you can use the IniFile module

    let entry   = IniFile.entry setting
    let record  = IniFile.record "target" entry
    let lns     = IniFile.lns record


Recursive definitions

Augeas can't deal with recursive definitions. Thus, a definition like

     Cmnd_Spec_List ::= Cmnd_Spec |
                        Cmnd_Spec ',' Cmnd_Spec_List

will have to be written as

     let cmnd_spec_list = cmnd_spec . ( sep_com . cmnd_spec )*

Variable names

Naming patterns for generic variables:

  • ignore/delete: del_*:
 let del_ws = del /[ \t]+/
 let del_ws_spc = del_ws " "
 let del_ws_tab = del_ws "\t"
  • separators: sep_*, e.g. sep_spc, sep_tab, sep_eq
 let sep_spc  = del /[ \t]+/ " "
 let sep_cont = del /([ \t]+|[ \t]*\\\\\n[ \t]*)/ " "
 let sep_com  = sep_cont? . Util.del_str "," . sep_cont?
  • value to separator: value_to_* or sto_to_*. sto_to_* is preferred when the variable includes a store command:
 let value_to_eq = /[^,=:#() \t\n\\\\]+/
 let sto_to_eq   = store /[^,=:#() \t\n\\\\]+/

Local variables

In some cases, it might be useful to define local variables for a long definition, when this variable is not shared by other definitions and is not self-explanatory.

For example, writing

 let comment = [ label "comment" . del /[ \t]*#[ \t]*/ "# "
                                 . store /([^ \t\n].*[^ \t\n]|[^ \t\n])/
                                 . eol ]

might not be as explicit as

 let comment =
    let sto_to_eol = store /([^ \t\n].*[^ \t\n]|[^ \t\n])/ 
    in [ label "comment" . del /[ \t]*#[ \t]*/ "# " . sto_to_eol . eol ]