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uml2semantics is an application that allows you to convert a UML class diagram to an OWL 2 ontology. Translating a UML class diagram to an OWL 2 ontology allows one to reason over the ontology and thereby discover possible inconsistencies or unintended consequences. The UML to OWL translation we use is based on UML to OWL, which provides the related Manchester syntax and SROIQ semantics.

Project status

uml2semantics is in the very early stages of development and thus is missing many features. Currently it has support for specifying classes and attributes/associations using TSV files.


This tool assumes that the UML class diagrams are conceptual models and as such they contain no implementation related details like interfaces, access modifiers or operations.


Download uml2semantics.jar from latest release.

Quick Start

Employer and Employee example

As a quick start here is a small UML class diagram that we will convert to OWL. We define a Person class that has attributes name, surname and dateOfBirth. The types we use are name and surname is xsd:string and for dateOfBirth we use xsd:dateTime. Employee and Employer extends Person. An employee has exactly 1 employer and an employer has 1 or more employees.

Employer Example

TSV representation

UML class diagram information can be specified using TSV files. First create the TSV file for your classes. It has the following format:

Curie Name Definition ParentNames
Employee Person
Employer Person

Here we only specify the name for each class, hence the reason we used the Name column to define our classes. Since Employee and Employer both extend the Person class, we add Person to ParentNames column. Multiple parents are separated by |. Curie refer to compact URI based on the W3C CURIE syntax.

If you want to make use of enumerations, specify them next. The format is as follows:

Curie Name Definition
emp:SalarySchedule PaymentSchedule Defines the frequency of payments

Again you can specify a curie and/or a name to refer to your enumeration. In this case we assume there is a difference between the purl and the label of this concept. Definition allows you to describe this enumeration.

The values that an enumeration exists of, are specified in a different TSV with the following format:

Enumeration Curie Name Definition
emp:SalarySchedule emp:Daily Employee gets paid at the end of each day
PaymentSchedule Weekly Employee gets paid at the end of each week on a Friday
emp:SalarySchedule emp:Monthly Employee gets paid at the last day of the month

** Enumeration ** refers the name or curie of an enumeration. Each value of an enumeration can have a curie and/or a name and a definition.

To specify attributes we use the following format.

Class Curie Name ClassEnumOrPrimitiveType MinMultiplicity MaxMultiplicity Definition
Person name xsd:string
Person surname xsd:string
Person dateOfBirth xsd:dateTime
Employee employedBy Employer 1 1
Employer employes Employee 1 *

Class refers to the class for which we are defining the attributes. Attributes can also be defined using curies, but we again only used names for now. The type of an attribute can be a primitive or a class. Currenlty XML primitive data types used in Protege Desktop as data types are supported. When no multiplicity is given, [1..1] is assumed. * is to refer to infinite as per usual.

A Google spreadsheet for this UML class diagram can be found here. Save the classes and attributes tabs as TSV files.

Run uml2semantics

Assuming you have download uml2semantics to a$uml2semantics directory and saved the .tsv files to this directory as well, you can run it as follows:

java -jar uml2semantics.jar \ 
-c "$uml2semantics/Employer - Classes.tsv" \
-a "$uml2semantics/Employer - Attributes.tsv" \
-e "$uml2semantics/Employer - Enumerations.tsv" \
-n "$uml2semantics/Employer - EnumerationNamedValues.tsv" \
-o "$uml2semantics/employer.rdf" \
-p "emp:" \
-i "" 

This will cause the ontology to be written out to $uml2semantics/employer.owl. An example of this file can be seen here

DCAT version 2 Example

Initial DCAT version 2 example is defined here.