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Client classes for Sense.


You will need an access / private key for Hello's S3 Maven repository. After you've acquired the pair, you will need to add the following to your $HOME/.gradle/

helloAwsAccessKeyID=<Your access key>
helloAwsSecretKey=<Your secret key>


All tests are run within Robolectric on both your local computer, and on circleCI. If you have a branch that should not be run on continuous integration before merging, prefix your branch with no-test-.

Protobuf Updates

To update the Sense protobuf definitions used by the project, grab the latest morpheus_ble.proto from the internal proto repository. You will need to alter the output package of the protobuf like so:

option java_package = "is.hello.commonsense.bluetooth.model.protobuf";

and specify that you want to target the lite runtime by adding this option below any existing ones:

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

You can then use a typical protoc invocation like:

protoc --java_out=./ --proto_path=./ morpheus_ble.proto

to produce the appropriate Java classes. The project currently targets protobuf version 2.6.1.