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An Angular package for implementing a responsive side menu user interface with a toolbar. The package uses Angular Material 15+ and is compatible with Angular versions 15 and above.

The layout is responsive and hides the side menu when run on small screens. Toolbar displays an app title at the start. Toolbar content can be customized by content projection.

How to use

To use this component, initialize it with the branding logo & text, application title and menu items (NavItem[]).

    <ng-template #versionInfoFooter>
      <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 0.8em;">
        <select name="language" id="language">
          <option value="en">English</option>
          <option value="zh">中文</option>
        <br />
    <ng-template #toolbarEndContent>
      <button mat-icon-button (click)="onNotificationsToggle()">
        <img src="assets/avatar.jpg" alt="" />
      <mat-menu #userProfileMenu="matMenu">
        <button mat-menu-item (click)="onUpdateProfile()">
        <button mat-menu-item (click)="onChangePassword()">
          <span>Change password</span>
        <button mat-menu-item (click)="onSignOut()">
          <span>Sign out</span>

Define the menu items as an array of NavItem objects and set it as the value for the property menuItems.

And voila, you will have a beautiful side menu layout with a toolbar on top. The layout is responsive and on small screens will auto hide. You can display the navigation menu, by using the hamburger button at the start of the toolbar.

See the sample application for implementation.



Name Type Description
showBackButton boolean A boolean property that controls if a Back button should be displayed at the top of the side menu. This is useful for secondary menus (note that this is NOT a submenu) from where a navigation path to the parent menu ought to be provided.
defaultBackButtonHref string The href for the back button is typically automatically determined. If there's no back history, the back button (if specified) will use this href.
backButtonText string The back button text. Defaults to 'BACK'
brandingImage string Branding logo (32x32) that will be displayed on the top of the menu pane.
brandingText string Branding text that is displayed next to the logo on the top of the menu pane.
menuItems NavItem[] Menu items which is an array of NavItem objects.
appTitle string Application title.
menuPaneFooterContent TemplateRef<any> NgTemplate for the footer displayed below side menu. This will be passed to the qq-mat-menu-pane.
toolbarEndContent TemplateRef<any> NgTemplate for the content displayed at the end of the top toolbar.
infoPaneContent TemplateRef<any> NgTemplate for the content displayed in the information pane at the end of the page.
toolbarTitleContent TemplateRef<any> NgTemplate for the toolbar title. If specified, appTitle will be ignored.
infoPaneMinWidth number Minimum width of the info pane at the end of the page (right on LTR text).
infoPaneMaxWidth number Maximum width of the info pane at the end of the page (right on LTR text).
contentContainerClass string If specified, the CSS class that is applied to the content container div. This allows global styling of the container class (possibly padding, margin, color, etc) that will be applied to all the compoents corresponding to each menu item's link.
menuTitle string A title for the menu pane. Typically used in secondary side-menu layout pages. Defaults to an empty string.


The navigation menu theme can be customized by using CSS variables. There are a bunch of them that control the colors of different elements of the layout. The following table lists them and their purpose.

The sample project in the library, uses angular material theme to set values for these variables.

Variable Description
--qq-sidenav-bg-color Sidenav menu pane background color
--qq-sidenav-fg-color Sidenav menu pane foreground color
--qq-toolbar-bg-color Toolbar background color
--qq-toolbar-fg-color Toolbar foreground color
--qq-sidenav-border-color Sidemenu border color
--qq-toolbar-border-color Toolbar border color
--qq-menu-item-fg-color Menu item foreground color
--qq-menu-item-bg-color Menu item background color
--qq-highlighted-menu-item-fg-color Highlighted menu item foreground color
--qq-highlighted-menu-item-bg-color Highlighted menu item background color

Info pane

The component supports an information pane on the end of the pag. But it's hidden by default and has to be explicitly shown. One way to do that would be to query the infoPane member of QQMatSideMenuLayoutComponent which is an instance of the MatSideNav component. You can toggle its visibility by calling its toggle() method. An approach could be to show a button at the end of the toolbar and then call infoPane.toggle() when the button is selected.

  export class AppHomeComponent implements OnInit {
    sideMenuLayout: QQMatSideMenuLayoutComponent;

    ngOnInit(): void {}

    onNotificationsToggle() {
      if (this.sideMenuLayout) {


This is the interface that is used to define the side menu items and pass it as the value for the menuItems property. It is defined as:-

export interface NavItem {
  text: string;
  icon: string;
  iconType?: 'mat' | 'bi' | 'fa';
  disabled?: boolean;
  route?: string;
  children?: NavItem[];
  backButton?: boolean;
  backHref?: string;

Members are described in the following table:

Member Description
text The menu item text
icon Icon displayed along with the text
iconType One of {'mat'
disabled Indicates that the menu item is disabled
route The relative URL to navigate when the item is selected
children If this item is a container for child menu items, set this to an array of NavItem objects
backButton Used internally
backHref Used internally


  • Angular 15+
  • Angular Material 15+