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This library helps you easily create a Python chatbot with WhatsApp API.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


whatsapp-chatbot-python is a library for integration with WhatsApp messenger using the API service You should get a registration token and an account ID in your personal cabinet to use the library. There is a free developer account tariff.


The documentation for the REST API can be found at the link. The library is a wrapper for the REST API, so the documentation at the link above also applies.


To send a message or perform other Green API methods, the WhatsApp account in the phone app must be authorized. To authorize the account, go to your cabinet and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app.



python -m pip install whatsapp-chatbot-python


from whatsapp_chatbot_python import GreenAPIBot, Notification


Before launching the bot, you should enable incoming notifications in instance settings by using SetSettings method.

  "incomingWebhook": "yes",
  "outgoingMessageWebhook": "yes",
  "outgoingAPIMessageWebhook": "yes"


How to initialize an object

bot = GreenAPIBot(
    "1101000001", "d75b3a66374942c5b3c019c698abc2067e151558acbd412345"

How to enable debug mode

bot = GreenAPIBot(
    "1101000001", "d75b3a66374942c5b3c019c698abc2067e151558acbd412345",

You can also enable API debug mode:

bot = GreenAPIBot(
    "1101000001", "d75b3a66374942c5b3c019c698abc2067e151558acbd412345",
    debug_mode=True, bot_debug_mode=True

How to set up an instance

To start receiving incoming notifications, you need to set up an instance. Open the personal cabinet page at the link. Select an instance from the list and click on it. Click Change. In the Notifications category, enable all notifications that you want to receive.

How to start receiving and answering messages

To start receiving messages, you must create a handler function with one parameter (notification). The notification parameter is the class where the notification object (event) and the functions to answer the message are stored. To send a text message in response to a notification, you need to call the notification.answer function and pass there the text of the message. You don't need to pass the chatId parameter because it is automatically taken from the notification.

Next, you need to add the handler function to the list of handlers. This can be done with the bot.router.message decorator as in the example or with the bot.router.message.add_handler function. The decorator must be called with brackets.

To start the bot, call the bot.run_forever function. You can stop the bot with the key combination Ctrl + C.

In this example, the bot will only answer the message message.

Link to example:

def message_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:


How to receive other notifications and handle the notification body

You can receive not only incoming messages but also outgoing messages. You can also get the status of the sent message.

  • To receive outgoing messages, you need to use the bot.router.outgoing_message object;
  • To receive outgoing API messages, you need to use the bot.router.outgoing_api_message object;
  • To receive the status of sent messages, you need to use the bot.router.outgoing_message_status object.

The body of the notification is in notification.event. In this example, we get the message type from the notification body.

In this example, the bot receives all incoming messages.

Link to example:

def message_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:


How to filter incoming messages

Messages can be filtered by chat, sender, message type, and text. To filter chat, sender, and message type, you can use a string (str) or a list of strings (list[str]). The message text can be filtered by text, command, and regular expressions. Below is a table with filter names and possible values.

Filter name Description Possible values
from_chat Chats or chats from which you want to receive messages "" or ["", ""]
from_sender The sender or senders from whom you want to receive messages "" or ["", ""]
type_message The type or types of message to be handled "textMessage" or ["textMessage", "extendedTextMessage"]
text_message Your function will be executed if the text fully matches the text "message" or ["message", "MESSAGE"]
regexp Your function will be executed if the text matches the regular expression pattern r"message" or (r"message", re.IGNORECASE)
command Your function will be executed if the prefix and the command match your values completely "help" or ("help", "!/")

How to add filters through the decorator


How to add filters with the function

bot.router.message.add_handler(handler, command="command")

How to filter messages by chat, sender, or message type

To filter messages by chat, sender, or message type, you must add a string (str) or a list of strings (list[str]).

from_chat = ""
from_sender = ""
type_message = ["textMessage", "extendedTextMessage"]

How to filter messages by message text or regular expressions

You must add a string (str) to filter messages by text or regular expressions.

text_message = "Hello. I need help."
regexp = r"Hello. I need help."

How to filter messages by command

Add a string (str) or a tuple (tuple) to filter messages by command. You need to specify either a command name or a command name and a prefix string. The default prefix is /.

command = "help"
command = ("help", "!/")


In this example, the bot will send a photo in response to the rates command.

Link to example:

def message_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:


How to handle buttons (deprecated)

The method is temporarily not working. When the method is called, a 403 error will be returned.

To be notified when a button is pressed, you must use the bot.router.buttons object.

Link to example:

def buttons_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:
    notification.answer_buttons("Choose a color", [
            "buttonId": 1,
            "buttonText": "Red"
            "buttonId": 2,
            "buttonText": "Green"
            "buttonId": 3,
            "buttonText": "Blue"


How to manage user state

As an example, a bot was created for user registration.

To manage user states, we need to create states. Import the BaseStates class and inherit from it. To manage the state we need to use notification.state_manager. The manager has methods for getting, setting, updating and deleting state. You also have the option to save the user's data in his state.

Manager's method Description
get_state Returns a state class with state name and user data
set_state Sets the state for the user. If the state exists then the data will be deleted
update_state If a state exists, it changes it. If not, it creates a new state
delete_state Deletes the user's state. Remember to get the data before deleting
get_state_data If the state exists, it returns the data in the form of a dictionary (dict)
set_state_data If the state exists, it changes the data to the new data
update_state_data If the state exists, it updates the data. If no data exists, the data will be created
delete_state_data If the state exists, it deletes the data

The first argument is the sender ID. It can be found by calling notification.sender.

Link to example:

from whatsapp_chatbot_python import BaseStates, GreenAPIBot, Notification

bot = GreenAPIBot(
    "1101000001", "d75b3a66374942c5b3c019c698abc2067e151558acbd412345"

class States(BaseStates):
    USERNAME = "username"
    PASSWORD = "password"

def message_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:
    sender = notification.sender

    notification.state_manager.set_state(sender, States.USERNAME.value)

    notification.answer("Hello. Tell me your username.")

def cancel_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:
    sender = notification.sender

    state = notification.state_manager.get_state(sender)
    if not state:
        return None


def username_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:
    sender = notification.sender
    username = notification.message_text

    if not 5 <= len(username) <= 20:
        notification.answer("Invalid username.")
        notification.state_manager.update_state(sender, States.PASSWORD.value)
            sender, {"username": username}

        notification.answer("Tell me your password.")

def password_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:
    sender = notification.sender
    password = notification.message_text

    if not 8 <= len(password) <= 20:
        notification.answer("Invalid password.")
        data = notification.state_manager.get_state_data(sender)

        username = data["username"]

                "Successful account creation.\n\n"
                f"Your username: {username}.\n"
                f"Your password: {password}."




  • How to call API methods?


  • How do I disable error raising?
bot = GreenAPIBot(
    "1101000001", "d75b3a66374942c5b3c019c698abc2067e151558acbd412345",
  • How do I subscribe only to text messages?

You need to import the required constants first:

from whatsapp_chatbot_python.filters import TEXT_TYPES

Then add this filter: type_message=TEXT_TYPES.

  • How do I get the message text and sender ID?

This data is in the notification object (notification):

def message_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:

Example of a bot

As an example, a bot was created to support the GREEN API. Command list:

  • start (the bot says hello and sends a list of commands)
  • 1 or Report a problem (the bot will send a link to GitHub to create the bug)
  • 2 or Show office address (the bot will send the office address as a map)
  • 3 or Show available rates (the bot will send a picture of the rates)
  • 4 or Call a support operator (the bot will send a text message)

To send a text message, you have to use the notification.answer method. To send a location, you have to use the sending.sendLocation method from notification.api. To send a message with a file, you have to use the notification.answer_with_file method.

In this example, the bot only responds to commands from the list above.

Link to example:

from whatsapp_chatbot_python import GreenAPIBot, Notification

bot = GreenAPIBot(
    "1101000001", "d75b3a66374942c5b3c019c698abc2067e151558acbd412345"

def message_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:
    sender_data = notification.event["senderData"]
    sender_name = sender_data["senderName"]

            f"Hello, {sender_name}. Here's what I can do:\n\n"
            "1. Report a problem\n"
            "2. Show office address\n"
            "3. Show available rates\n"
            "4. Call a support operator\n\n"
            "Choose a number and send to me."

@bot.router.message(text_message=["1", "Report a problem"])
def report_problem_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:
        "", link_preview=False

@bot.router.message(text_message=["2", "Show office address"])
def show_office_address_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:
    chat =

        chatId=chat, latitude=55.7522200, longitude=37.6155600

@bot.router.message(text_message=["3", "Show available rates"])
def show_available_rates_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:

@bot.router.message(text_message=["4", "Call a support operator"])
def call_support_operator_handler(notification: Notification) -> None:
    notification.answer("Good. A tech support operator will contact you soon.")


Service methods documentation

Service methods documentation


Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) terms. Please see file LICENSE.