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Grant Carthew edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 10 revisions


There are over 1300 tests available to run against rethinkdb-job-queue. Due to the reliance on the RethinkDB database, they are integration tests rather than unit tests.


Running the Tests

If you have docker-compose installed, first run the following command to launch RethinkDB:

docker-compose up

If you installed RethinkDB on your laptop, make sure the service is running.

Once RethinkDB is running simply do the following from a command line:

git clone
cd node-rethinkdb-job-queue
npm install
npm test

// or for verbose output

npm run tv

Note that some of the tests are time sensitive and I have seen the odd error in the tests if the order of events does not occur perfectly.

Customize Tests

If you do not have RethinkDB installed locally or you want to change the names of the database, please edit the test-options.js file to your liking. The top of the file looks like the following:

const dbHost = module.exports.dbHost = 'localhost'
const dbPort = module.exports.dbPort = 28015
const dbName = module.exports.dbName = 'rjqJobQueueTests'
const queueName = module.exports.queueName = 'rjqJobQueueTestJobs'

If you wish to run a tests for a single module use the example command below from within the rethinkdb-job-queue directory. This will make your testing a lot faster.

# Minimal output
> ./node_modules/.bin/tap ./tests/queue-process.spec.js

# Verbose output with extended test timeout
> ./node_modules/.bin/tap ./tests/queue-process.spec.js --timeout 10000 --reporter tap

Have you read the Debugging document yet?

Test Cleanup

The integration tests for rethinkdb-job-queue will leave a database on your RethinkDB server. Please connect to the RethinkDB web interface and delete the database.


How It Works



Queue Methods

Queue Properties

Queue Events

Job Methods

Job Properties


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