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Grafana Labs' Jsonnet libraries

This repository contains various Jsonnet libraries we use at Grafana Labs:

  • prometheus-ksonnet: A set of extensible configurations for running Prometheus on Kubernetes.
  • grafana-builder: A library for building Grafana dashboards with jsonnet, following the builder pattern.
  • ksonnet-util: An overlay and set of utilities aiming at making working with Kubernetes easier.
  • oauth2-proxy: A jsonnet configuration for deploying bitly's OAuth proxy to Kubernetes.

Monitoring mixins

Based on format described here:

  • consul-mixin: A set of reuseable and extensible dashboards and alerts for running Hashicorp's Consul.

  • memcached-mixin: A set of reuseable and extensible dashboards for Memcached.

  • nodejs-mixin: A set of reusable and extensible dashboards for Node.js.

  • caddy-mixin: A set of reusable and extensible dashboards for Caddy.

  • jira-mixin: A set of reusable and extensible dashboards and alerts for JIRA.

You can find more in directories with -mixin suffix.

Observability libraries

Observability library is a flexible format to describe dashboards and alerts in a modular way so libraries can be imported into one another or into monitoring-mixins. Observability libraries can be found in folders with -observ-lib suffix. Common library is also used to apply consistent style options.

See helloworld-observ-lib for starter template and format description.

More examples:

Observability libraries signal extention

Signal is the experimental extension to observability libraries format to declare metrics (signals) and then render them as different grafana panel types (timeseries, stat, table, etc), or alert rules.


