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✒️ Publish HTML from markdown or tab indented notes. Static site generator in Sublime Text! Alternative to Obsidian.


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✒️ Sublime Outline Notes Publisher

Publish HTML pages using tab indented notes or markdown (md)! It's Obsidian in Sublime Text. 🔥

Zero dependency publishing from the comfort of your code editor.

Perfect for:

  • Note takers who love using tab indentation / whitespace for organization.
  • Static site generator for personal sites, blogs, micro wiki.
  • Zettelkasten
  • Replacing your outliner with Sublime Text.

Publish HTML Pages ...


Using your hierarchy aware notes!

All you have to do...
    Is create an indented hierarchy.
    Of your notes.
    In a list.
    It will create a nice HTML file...
        With a hierarchy based on indent levels.
            Isn't this convenient?
            Whitespace significant outliner style notes!
            Other cool outliners:
                    [Obsidian Publish](
                Roam Research
                Standard Notes
                    Ever-who? 🐘
            Only for:
                Sublime Text (
                Super Nintendo
🔥 Great plugin for
    Note taking.
    Zero dependency publishing.

🚧 Code blocks!

document.addEventListener("click", ev => {
    alert("You selected the following element: " +

✅ Common markdown / markup syntax.

# Header 1 line
## Header 2 line
* Emphasis line
** Bold line

### Images with img

<img src="" style="max-width: 200px" />

### Global and Local Links. Plain, named and pure HTML links.
🔗 [Local named link!](/local_link) 🌐 [Global named Link!]( <a href="">Pure HTML link!</a>

💬 Comments.

// I will not be in the HTML file.

🏗️ Comments to insert structural metadata.

//title I will be added to <html> ▶️ <head> ▶️ <title>


Option A: Preferences ➡️ Package Control ➡️ Install Package ➡️ Outline to HTML ➡️ ENTER

Option B (Direct): Preferences ➡️ Browse Packages ... ➡️ Download and extract the latest.

How to use

  1. Select text you want to convert.
  2. CTRL+SHIFT+P ➡️ Outline to HTML
  3. The resulting HTML will open in a new tab.

Supported languages for code blocks powered by Prism.js.

Global Configuration (Optional)

Configure using Preferences ➡ Settings

    // ...
    "outline_to_html": {
        // "css": "", // Override CSS.
        // "title": "", // Override Title (or use meta comment //title ...)
        // "header": "", // Add to <head>
        // "body": "", // Add to <body>
        // "footer": "", // Add before </body>


  • Automatic table of contents.
  • More metadata comments.

Suggested Sublime Color Schemes

Other Cool Outliners / Bullet Point Note Software


  • View ➡️ Show Console
  • Manually invoke for development: view.run_command('outline_to_html')

Special Thanks

  • Harrison of Indent.txt for the inspiration for such a plugin.