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Binary Indexed Tree

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A Binary Indexed Tree (BIT), also known as Fenwick tree, is a data structure that can efficiently update elements and calculate the sum of a range of consecutive elements. It was originally proposed by Boris Ryabko [1] in 1989 and Peter Fenwick [2] in 1994.

If we query the sum of a range of consecutive numbers in an array, it takes O(n) time on average, by adding up the numbers. Alternatively, we can utilize a second array to save the prefix sums, hence the query can be done in O(1) time, but updating the elements becomes an O(n) operation. Therefore, a Fenwick tree is preferred when elements mutate frequently.

A Fenwick tree is a simple data structure to solve this problem. Construction takes O(n) time, but a BIT balances both the sum query and element update operations, performing no worse than O(log n) time.


This library provides a pure go implementation with an extensive API. Updates and queries are supported on both numbers and prefix sums. They can be performed on a single element, a range of elements or the whole tree. There is no need to keep hold of the numbers array once the BIT is constructed, as the numbers can be calculated from the BIT. If required, the Fenwick tree can re-use the numbers array, avoiding memory allocations during BIT construction.

The construction of a Fenwick tree is most efficient when the number of elements is known at construction, using From(numbers). When only the number of elements is known at construction, the tree can be built using New(n) and numbers can be added through Set() and/or Add(). When the number of elements is unknown, the tree can be constructed with New() and numbers can be appended to the tree with Append().

This repository uses zero-based indexing. While this slightly complicates the implementation, it makes the Fenwick tree more natural to use.

The implementation is fast. The code is mostly allocation-free, loops are free from bounds checks, and the algorithms are optimized without adding too much complexity.


Install bit with go get:

$ go get -u


Construct the tree, initializing it with a number array, and iterate the prefix sums.

// initialize a number array, construct the BIT tree and iterate the prefix sums
numbers := []int32{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19}
tree := From(numbers)

for i := range numbers {
    fmt.Printf("tree(%d) = %d\n", i, tree.Sum(i))

Alternatively, one can construct a tree of a given length and subsequently add numbers. Add() increases the value of a number at a given index, while Set() overwrites the existing value.

// Construct a tree of length 10, and add/set elements in various ways.
tree := New(10)
tree.Add(0, 1); tree.Set(1, 3); tree.Set(2, 5)
tree.RangeAdd(3, []int32{7, 9, 11}); tree.RangeSet(6, []int32{13, 15, 17, 19})

// Calculate the range sum for range [2, 4).
sums := tree.RangeSum(2, 4)

A third option is to create an empty tree and extend it with the Append function. One can append a single number or a range of numbers.

// Construct a tree of zero length.
tree := New()

// Append element 1 at index 0, followed by a range of 4 numbers.
tree = Append(tree, 1); tree = Append(tree, []int32{3, 5, 7, 9}...); tree = Append(tree, 11, 13)

Numbers and number ranges can be multiplied by a factor and the impact on the prefix sums can be shown.

// Scale all numbers in the tree with a factor 5.

// Scale the numbers in range [2, 8) with 6, and multiply the value at index 5 with -2.
tree.RangeScale(2, 8, 6); tree.Mul(5, -2)

// Each number in a range can also be multiplied with a different factor. RangeMul
// multiplies a range of 3 numbers with different factors, starting at index 2.
tree.RangeMul(2, []int32{2, 4, 6})

// Finally, the prefix sums are calculated and shown together with the numbers.
nums, sums := make([]int32, 6), make([]int32, 6)
nn := tree.Numbers(nums); ns := tree.Sums(sums)
fmt.Printf("numbers: %v, prefix sums: %v\n", nums, sums)

Similar operations exist for addition.

// Increase all numbers by 5, and add 6 to all numbers in the range [2, 8).
tree.RangeShift(2, 8, 6)

// Subsequently, subtract 2 from the number at index 5.
tree.Add(5, -2)

//Add to the range of length 3, starting at index 2, the values 2, 4, and 6, respectively
tree.RangeAdd(2, []int32{2, 4, 6})

// Copy the range of prefix sums, starting at index 2, in the sums slice and show.
sums := make([]int32, 4)
n := tree.RangeSum(2, sums)
fmt.Printf("%d prefix sums: %v\n", n, sums)

We can search the largest prefix sum, smaller than or equal to a given value. The algorithm only works for monotonically increasing prefix sums, as this is the prevalent use case. Other cases can be added when requested (through the issue tracker).

// Search the largest prefix sum, smaller than or equal to 6, and print out the index and value.
fmt.Printf("(i, sum) = (%d, %d)\n", tree.SearchSum(6))

To Do

Implementation of the following features:

  • Add examples to documentation.
  • Introduction of parameterized types as soon as they become available in the go language.
  • 2D Fenwick tree?
  • Cache-related performance improvements for large arrays at the cost of zero allocation BIT construction?
  • An alternative implementation of some features in assemby using AVX2 SIMD?


bit is available under the BSD 3-Clause License.


(1) Boris Ryabko (1992). "A fast on-line adaptive code". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 28 (1): 1400–1404.

(2) Fenwick, Peter M. (1994). "A New Data Structure for Cumulative Frequency Tables". Software: Practice and Experience. 24 (3): 327–36.

(3) Marchini, Stefano and Vigna, Sebastiano. (2020). "Compact Fenwick trees for dynamic ranking and selection". Software: Practice and Experience. 50 (3): 10.1002/spe.2791.