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Timo Heister edited this page Jun 30, 2020 · 4 revisions

This page lists some best practices for generating DOIs with Zenodo for code, benchmarks, plugins, prm etc. files that are related to ASPECT.

The document is based on the deal.II DOI best practices.

When creating a new entry at

  • Upload all files including code, CMakeLists.txt, prm files, etc.
  • Include a file, which will be prominently displayed on the zenodo page. This allows you to link to other material and provide instructions.
  • Once Published, you cannot add or delete files but you will be able to edit the metadata. If you need to change files, a new revision will be created (with a different DOI).
  • Add it to the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics community.
  • Select Upload type "Software"
  • Fill in the required metadata. We strongly recommend providing Keywords, Version, and Funding source.
  • Select a License. You probably want "open access" and "LGPL 2.1" (this is necessary if you built on existing ASPECT code)
  • Create Related/alternate identifiers for your papers. Add "" "has this upload as part" if your contribution is also part of ASPECT. Add the DOI of the specific version of ASPECT your files were used with.
  • Remember to credit other Contributors who may have helped with the project.
  • If this is a deposit related to a conference, report, journal article, thesis add the appropriate metadata.