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Fyndiq Prestashop Module

Fyndiq official Prestashop module. Supports versions 1.5.* - 1.6.*;

Open source

This plugin is open souce and therefore free to use and modify, but it is no longer maintained by Fyndiq. If you want to update it, please fork the repository and do any changes you like in your own repository.


To build the module go to the root directory and run:


The newly built module package will be created in ./build


Ensure that _PS_MODE_DEV_ is set to false. This flag is normally found in prestashop/config/, but your mileage may vary.

Go to Prestashop admin -> Modules and click the Add new module button on the top. Select the module archive and install it. Then click the install button besides the module in the list.

This module requires Apache to have AcceptPathInfo set to On. Specifically, it's required for the automated notification system to work.



To use the vagrant box for development, go to vagrant/ and run:

vagrant up

to bootstrap the machine.

Local development

To develop the module, you can make s symbolic link to the src/ directory into the modules directory in your Prestashop installation:

ln -s src/ /path/to/prestashop/modules/fyndiqmerchant


To install the PHP development dependencies, you'll need Composer. Once installed run composer update to get all dependencies;

This project uses SASS to compile SCSS files into CSS files. This means that you have to have a SASS compiler program installed on your computer.

Here is an example of how to install SASS on Debian 7:

sudo gem install sass

Make commands:

  • build - builds the module package from source;
  • compatinfo - checks the code for the lowest compatible PHP version;
  • coverage - generates test coverage report in coverage/;
  • css - builds the CSS file from SCSS using SASS;
  • php-lint - checks the files with the PHP internal linter;
  • phpmd - checks the code with PHP Mess Detector;
  • scss-lint - lint checks the SCSS files using scss-lint;
  • sniff - checks the code for styling issues;
  • sniff-fix - tries to fix the styling issues
  • test - runs the PHPUnit tests;