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Welcome to the Tonic RL library!

Now with GPU support (for PyTorch)

After initialising the agent, you can call:

This will push the agent's model as well as samples from the replay buffer to the GPU.

Please take a look at the paper for details and results.

The main design principles are:

  • Modularity: Building blocks for creating RL agents, such as models, replays, or exploration strategies, are implemented as configurable modules.

  • Readability: Agents are written in a simple way with an identical API and logs are nicely displayed on the terminal with a progress bar.

  • Fair comparison: The training pipeline is unique and compatible with all Tonic agents and environments. Agents are defined by their core ideas while general tricks/improvements like non-terminal timeouts, observation normalization and action scaling are shared.

  • Benchmarking: Benchmark data of the provided agents trained on 70 continuous control environments are provided for direct comparison.

  • Wrapped popular environments: Environments from OpenAI Gym, PyBullet and DeepMind Control Suite are made compatible with non-terminal timeouts and synchronous distributed training.

  • Compatibility with different ML frameworks: Both TensorFlow 2 and PyTorch are currently supported. Simply import tonic.tensorflow or tonic.torch.

  • Experimenting from the console: While launch scripts can be used, iterating over various configurations from a console is made possible using snippets of Python code directly.

  • Visualization of trained agents: Experiment configurations and checkpoints can be loaded to play with trained agents.

  • Collection of trained models: To keep the main Tonic repository light, the full logs and trained models from the benchmark are available in the tonic_data repository.


Install from source

Download and install Tonic:

git clone
pip install -e tonic/

Install TensorFlow or PyTorch, for example using:

pip install tensorflow torch

Launch experiments

Use TensorFlow or PyTorch to train an agent, for example using:

python3 -m tonic.train \
--header 'import tonic.torch' \
--agent 'tonic.torch.agents.PPO()' \
--environment 'tonic.environments.Gym("BipedalWalker-v3")' \
--name PPO-X \
--seed 0

Snippets of Python code are used to directly configure the experiment. This is a very powerful feature allowing to configure agents and environments with various arguments or even load custom modules without adding them to the library. For example:

python3 -m tonic.train \
--header "import sys; sys.path.append('path/to/custom'); from custom import CustomAgent" \
--agent "CustomAgent()" \
--environment "tonic.environments.Bullet('AntBulletEnv-v0')" \
--seed 0

By default, environments use non-terminal timeouts, which is particularly important for locomotion tasks. But a time feature can be added to the observations to keep the MDP Markovian. See the Time Limits in RL paper for more details. For example:

python3 -m tonic.train \                                                                                  ⏎
--header 'import tonic.tensorflow' \
--agent 'tonic.tensorflow.agents.PPO()' \
--environment 'tonic.environments.Gym("Reacher-v2", terminal_timeouts=True, time_feature=True)' \
--seed 0

Distributed training can be used to accelerate learning. In Tonic, groups of sequential workers can be launched in parallel processes using for example:

python3 -m tonic.train \
--header "import tonic.tensorflow" \
--agent "tonic.tensorflow.agents.PPO()" \
--environment "tonic.environments.Gym('HalfCheetah-v3')" \
--parallel 10 --sequential 100 \
--seed 0

Plot results

During training, the experiment configuration, logs and checkpoints are saved in environment/agent/seed/.

Result can be plotted with:

python3 -m tonic.plot --path BipedalWalker-v3/ --baselines all

Regular expressions like BipedalWalker-v3/PPO-X/0, BipedalWalker-v3/{PPO*,DDPG*} or *Bullet* can be used to point to different sets of logs. The --baselines argument can be used to load logs from the benchmark. For example --baselines all uses all agents while --baselines A2C PPO TRPO will use logs from A2C, PPO and TRPO.

Different headers can be used for the x and y axes, for example to compare the gain in wall clock time of using distributed training, replace --parallel 10 with --parallel 5 in the last training example and plot the result with:

python3 -m tonic.plot --path HalfCheetah-v3/ --x_axis train/seconds --x_label Seconds

Play with trained models

After some training time, checkpoints are generated and can be used to play with the trained agent:

python3 -m --path BipedalWalker-v3/PPO-X/0

Environments are rendered using the appropriate framework. For example, when playing with DeepMind Control Suite environments, policies are loaded in a dm_control.viewer where Space is used to start the interaction, Backspace is used to start a new episode, [ and ] are used to switch cameras and double click on a body part followed by Ctrl + mouse clicks is used to add perturbations.

Play with models from tonic_data

The tonic_data repository can be downloaded with:

git clone

The best seed for each agent is stored in environment/agent and can be reloaded using for example:

python3 -m --path tonic_data/tensorflow/humanoid-stand/TD3

The full benchmark plots are available here.

They can be generated with:

python3 -m tonic.plot \
--baselines all \
--backend agg --columns 7 --font_size 17 --legend_font_size 30 --legend_marker_size 20 \
--name benchmark


python3 -m tonic.plot \
--path tonic_data/tensorflow \
--backend agg --columns 7 --font_size 17 --legend_font_size 30 --legend_marker_size 20 \
--name benchmark

And a selection can be generated with:

python3 -m tonic.plot \
--path tonic_data/tensorflow/{AntBulletEnv-v0,BipedalWalker-v3,finger-turn_hard,fish-swim,HalfCheetah-v3,HopperBulletEnv-v0,Humanoid-v3,quadruped-walk,swimmer-swimmer15,Walker2d-v3} \
--backend agg --columns 5 --font_size 20 --legend_font_size 30 --legend_marker_size 20 \
--name selection


Other code bases

Tonic was inspired by a number of other deep RL code bases. In particular, OpenAI Baselines, Spinning Up in Deep RL and Acme.

Citing Tonic

If you use Tonic in your research, please cite the paper:

    title={Tonic: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Library for Fast Prototyping and Benchmarking},
    author={Pardo, Fabio},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.07537},


Tonic RL library







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