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Fortune admin is an angular component that provides a CRUD UI, and an ERD for a fortune instance. It's designed to be used as a bower module included in a host app, however for testing we also provide a node JS host app (examples/server.js) with a simple Angular/HTML container (examples/index.html).

Start here : To run the example as a standalone app

This assumes you've setup ssh with. GitHub and cloned the repo with ssh; the fortune-admin example relies on fortune, pulled in as a submodule. To make it work with GitHub over http, just change the fortune url in .gitmodules

  • Install a local copy of MongoDB ( and have it running on

  • cd into the root of this repository

  • npm install

  • ./node_modules/.bin/grunt install:example

  • ./node_modules/.bin/grunt serve:example

  • open your browser and navigate the interface (; the top navigation has links to the UML

You can optionally install a set of test data using :

  • grunt data:example

To include the angular component as a plugin for existing app

  • Add .css and .js fortune-admin files

  • include fortune-admin to your app deps

  • set mount point in your routes configuration

  • add a menu link pointing to where you mount fortune-admin + '/uml'

    angular.module('yourApp', [
     .config('$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', 'fortuneAdminProvider',
      function($routeProvider, $locationProvider, fortuneAdminProvider){
        //Your routes go here.

        //1. Point plugin to your running fortune service
        //2. Provide api namespace as configured in fortune
        //3. Mount plugin to any route of your choice
        fortuneAdminProvider.mountTo($routeProvider, '/admin');

        //fortune-admin defaults to use html5Mode

Running with html5Mode disabled

fortuneAdminProvider has html5Mode method which accepts a boolean and optional hash prefix

     fortuneAdminProvider.html5Mode(false, '!');