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Installing Leveler

Fixator10 edited this page Jun 22, 2022 · 16 revisions

Installation of MongoDB

For Leveler, you will need MongoDB.


To install MongoDB for your OS, please refer to one of next manuals:

Note: Red had its own MongoDB config driver. Leveler is not related to this config driver, and works directly with MongoDB.

Alternative: MongoDB Cloud

Alternatively, you can get hosted instance of MongoDB on MongoDB Cloud.

To use MongoDB Cloud: [p] is your prefix

  1. Use command [p]pipinstall dnspython to install dependency that required for MongoDB cloud URLs connection.
  2. Restart your bot.
  3. Get your URL:
    1. Press "Connect" on your created Cluster.
    2. Setup connection security, if you have not done this yet
    3. On "Choose a connection method" select "Connect with the mongo shell".
    4. Copy your URL from Use this connection string in your application: field
      1. You need only proto:// & domain.tld, e.g.: mongodb+srv://
  4. Use URL you copied as host setting: [p]levelerset host mongodb+srv://
    1. Don't forget to setup your credentials via [p]levelerset credentials <login> <password>


SciPy lib is used for auto-color feature, which allows set colors for elements of ranks/profile/etc images based on background images.

This is not required, but to use auto-color feature, you need to install scipy.

  1. Activate your bot's venv win | linux
  2. Install SciPy: python -m pip install -U numpy scipy
  3. Restart your bot

Installing Leveler

Now, we are ready to install Leveler itself.

[p] is your prefix

  1. Load Red's "downloader" cog with [p]load downloader, if you haven't loaded it yet.
  2. Use command [p]repo add Fixator10-Cogs V3
  3. Wait for download
  4. Use command [p]cog install Fixator10-Cogs leveler
  5. Wait for installation
  6. Use command [p]load leveler
  7. The cog now should be loaded, you can test it and see commands via [p]help Levelercase-sensitive


My bot throws error on load, something related to pillow

Seems like you have corrupted or incorrect pillow installation

  1. Shutdown your bot
  2. Activate your bot's venv win | linux
  3. Run the following commands in order, one after another:
    1. pip uninstall pillow
    2. pip uninstall PIL
    3. pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir wheel setuptools
    4. pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir pillow
  4. Start your bot