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4.4. Themes: in progress...

fgl82 edited this page Mar 7, 2021 · 1 revision

Themes are composed of many properties.

The ones listed below are the only ones that are still taken into account, as some older properties have been retired.

General properties

  • fullscreen_footer_on_top: takes a value of 1 or 0 and determines where the rom name is displayed in fullscreen mode, when the option to show it is enabled.
  • favorite_indicator: picture displayed when a game is marked as a favorite.
  • font: font to be used with the theme. The settings screen, the console groups names (if enabled) and the shutdown screen, use their own font and, thus, are not affected by this property.
  • colorful_fullscreen_menu: determines whether the transluscent fullscreen menu has a colored background or if it's just black.
  • display_section_group_name: can be 1 or 0. If enabled, the section group name will be displayed while switching section groups.
  • font_outline: weight of the font outline. 0 means no outline, higher values create thicker outlines.
  • font_size_custom: font size to be used for the rom list.
  • transparent_shading: 1 or 0. Determines wheter selected rom names have a shaded background or not.
  • textX_font_custom = resources/general/Pmc.ttf
  • text1_font_size_in_custom = 40
  • text1_x_in_custom = 36
  • text1_y_in_custom = 19
  • text1_alignment_in_custom = FFFF00
  • text2_font_size_in_custom = 16
  • text2_x_in_custom = 50
  • text2_y_in_custom = 232
  • text2_alignment_in_custom = 1
  • items_in_custom = 15
  • items_separation_in_custom = 12
  • items_in_full_custom = 12
  • game_list_alignment_in_custom = 0
  • game_list_x_in_custom = 3
  • game_list_y_in_custom = 43
  • game_list_w_in_custom = 98
  • game_list_position_in_full_custom = 11
  • art_max_w_in_custom = 187
  • art_max_h_in_custom = 150
  • art_x_in_custom = 120
  • art_y_in_custom = 52
  • art_text_distance_from_picture_in_custom = 2
  • art_text_line_separation_in_custom = 14
  • art_text_font_size_in_custom = 16
  • system_w_in_custom = 32
  • system_h_in_custom = 32
  • system_x_in_custom = 2
  • system_y_in_custom = 6

Default properties

  • headerBackGround = FFFF00
  • headerFont = FFFFFF
  • bodyBackground = 000000
  • bodyFont = FFFFFF
  • selectedItemBackground = FFD318
  • selectedItemFont = FF1100
  • pictureTextFont = FFFFFF
  • logo = none
  • system = resources/general/system.png
  • background = resources/general/background.png

Section specific properties

  • logo = resources/favorites/logo.png
  • system = resources/favorites/system.png


menu_mode_logo_background = resources/general/simpleback.png
fullscreen_background = resources/general/back.png
fullscreen_footer_on_top = 0
favorite_indicator = resources/general/favorite.png
font = resources/general/Pmc.ttf
colorful_fullscreen_menu = 1
display_section_group_name = 1
font_outline = 2
font_size_custom = 16
transparent_shading = 1
textX_font_custom = resources/general/Pmc.ttf
text1_font_size_in_custom = 40
text1_x_in_custom = 36
text1_y_in_custom = 19
text1_alignment_in_custom = FFFF00
text2_font_size_in_custom = 16
text2_x_in_custom = 50
text2_y_in_custom = 232
text2_alignment_in_custom = 1
items_in_custom = 15
items_separation_in_custom = 12
items_in_full_custom = 12
game_list_alignment_in_custom = 0
game_list_x_in_custom = 3
game_list_y_in_custom = 43
game_list_w_in_custom = 98
game_list_position_in_full_custom = 11
art_max_w_in_custom = 187
art_max_h_in_custom = 150
art_x_in_custom = 120
art_y_in_custom = 52
art_text_distance_from_picture_in_custom = 2
art_text_line_separation_in_custom = 14
art_text_font_size_in_custom = 16
system_w_in_custom = 32
system_h_in_custom = 32
system_x_in_custom = 2
system_y_in_custom = 6

headerBackGround = FFFF00
headerFont = FFFFFF
bodyBackground = 000000
bodyFont = FFFFFF
selectedItemBackground = FFD318
selectedItemFont = FF1100
logo = none
system = resources/general/system.png
background = resources/general/background.png
pictureTextFont = FFFFFF

logo = resources/favorites/logo.png
system = resources/favorites/system.png

logo = resources/gb/logo.png
system = resources/gb/system.png

logo = resources/nes/logo.png
system = resources/nes/system.png

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