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Michael Welford edited this page Sep 5, 2019 · 15 revisions



This colour scheme assumes that you have a working terminal (see iTerm2, Kitty and alacritty below) with true colour (24bit rgb), bold and italic working. For Vim / Neovim and Tmux a similar assumption is made. How to do this is outside the scope of this README but I wish you well in your searching to get it working. Struggling with these small things (yet irksome) is part of the fun, amirite?!

To get going, either install this repo using a Vim / Neovim plugin manager or clone / download the repo to a folder of your choosing.

Vim / Neovim

Install manually or use a package manager.


" vim-plug
Plug 'fenetikm/falcon'

If you put this repo somewhere else first, e.g. in ~/Documents it would simply be:

" vim-plug
Plug '~/Documents/falcon'

Once installed set the colour scheme:

colorscheme falcon

You also need 24-bit colour enabled with:

set termguicolors

To enable lightline support it is:

let g:falcon_lightline = 1
let g:lightline.colorscheme = 'falcon'

To enable airline support it is:

let g:falcon_airline = 1
let g:airline_theme = 'falcon'

(Thanks to boweevil for adding this in!)

Background Colour and Inactive/Active Support

There are also a couple of additional options, g:falcon_background and g:falcon_inactive which control whether to set the background colour (default is true) and whether to enable the inactive styling that is in NeoVim (default is false) respectively.

If you are running Neovim inside of Tmux using the provided .tmux.conf and you have the following in your .vimrc:

let g:falcon_background = 0
let g:falcon_inactive = 1
colorscheme falcon

Then you will get only one active window with the dark background whether that is inside of NeoVim or a Tmux split or a combination. This can be very useful if you have multiple splits and commonly wonder where you are typing! Note that you must have all settings in your .vimrc before the call to colorscheme falcon.


To use in iTerm2 go to: Preferences > Profiles > (Profile Name in left pane) > Colors > Color Presets... > Import... and then select the falcon.itermcolors file in the iterm2 directory.


For use in Mintty, an example .minttyrc file has been included in the mintty directory.


kitty project home page

In the latest version of kitty, simply add the following to the end of your .conf file (usually in ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf):

include /path/to/falcon/kitty/kitty.falcon.conf

In older versions of kitty copy and paste the values in the kitty/kitty.falcon.conf file into the bottom of your kitty.conf file (usually in ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf).


alacritty project home page

To use in alacritty, put the color configuration from alacritty.yml into your alacritty.yml file (usually in ~/Library/Preferences/alacritty/alacritty.yml or ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml).

(Thanks to timvisee for that one!)


A tmux configuration file is included in the tmux directory. It depends on the colours in your terminal being set to the Falcon colour scheme (e.g. iTerm2, Kitty or alacritty). To include into your tmux setup put something like the following in your .tmux.conf:

source-file /path/to/falcon/tmux/falcon.tmux.conf

Obviously this is an opinionated tmux layout but copy pasta as you see fit.

Note: The .conf file is for tmux 2.9 and above. There is a .pre-2.9 file for older versions of tmux.


exa home page

Custom colours for exa are included in the exa/EXA_COLORS file. To use them simply include the following in your shell config. e.g. for ZSH:

source /path/to/falcon/exa/EXA_COLORS


To get the output of your git log commands looking on point, included is an example .githelpers file which is a tweaked version of Gary Bernhardt's but with that Falcon flair.

One way of using this is by putting the following (thanks again Gary!) in your .gitconfig:

  r = !GIT_NO_PAGER=1 git l -30
  l = "!. ~/.githelpers && pretty_git_log"

To then use it you would just do git r for a short git log listing or git l for a long log listing.

Optionally you could additionally put the following in your .gitconfig:

  ui = auto

[color "branch"]
  current = yellow
  local = 241
  remote = green

[color "diff"]
  meta = yellow
  frag = magenta
  old = red
  new = green

[color "status"]
  added = green
  changed = yellow
  untracked = magenta


PrismJS home page

Included in this repo are some PrismJS css and JS files to add in the Falcon colour scheme to your website for code syntax highlighting.

Once you have PrismJS working on your website, simply include these files after the corresponding PrismJS inclusions, e.g.:

<link href="css/prism.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="css/prism-falcon.css" rel="stylesheet" />


<script src="js/prism.js"></script>
<script src="js/prism-falcon.php.js"></script>

Currently only PHP has some extra love, will add in more as I need them.

Taskwarrior and timewarrior

Taskwarrior home page

Simply include the taskwarrior/falcon.theme file in your .taskrc e.g.

include ~/Documents/falcon/taskwarrior/falcon.theme

Also included is a timewarrior theme, simply include it in your .timewarrior/timewarrior.cfg e.g.

import /Users/me/Documents/falcon/timewarrior/falcon.theme

Note that the full path seems to be required.


To give your alfred search bar a coat of Falcon paint, open up the Alfred Preferences pane and then double click on the falcon.alfredappearance file in the alfred directory.


Copy and paste the values in slack/slack.txt into the slack sidebar preferences pane ftw.


Man pages via less look a bit bland - but no fear, add the following into your .zshrc to sort this out:

source /path/to/falcon/zsh/falcon.zsh


Go the whole hog with a Falcon inspired wallpaper.