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Stats list

pavlo-fb edited this page Sep 15, 2014 · 8 revisions

Mcrouter exposes numerous counters which include: number of requests sent, number of replies received, start time, average request duration, etc. These stats are exposed by stats commands and in stats file.

Here is an explanation of what most important stats mean:

##Basic stats

  • version
    Version of mcrouter binary.
  • commandargs
    Command line used to start mcrouter.
  • time
    Current server time.
  • child_pid
    Process id of mcrouter instance.
  • parent_pid
    Process id of process that started mcrouter.

##Stats logged to file

  • asynclog_requests
    Number of failed deletes written to spool file. More about spool file read here.

  • closed_inactive_connections
    Number of connections closed due to inactivity. Once connection is not used for more than a minute, mcrouter will force-close it. The period of inactivity is configured with --reset-inactive-connection-interval command line option.

  • cmd_[operation]
    Average number of received requests per second drilled down by operation.

  • cmd_[operation]_count
    Total number of received requests drilled down by operation.

  • cmd_[operation]_out_failover
    Average number of sent failover requests per second drilled down by operation.

  • cmd_[operation]_out_shadow
    Number of sent shadow requests per second drilled down by operation.

  • cmd_[operation]_out
    Average number of sent normal (non-shadow, non-failover) requests per second drilled down by operation.

  • cmd_[operation]_out_all
    Total number of sent requests per second (failover + shadow + normal)

  • cmd_[operation]_out_count
    Total number of sent requests per second drilled down by operation.

  • config_age
    How long ago (in seconds) mcrouter has reconfigured.

  • config_failures
    How many times mcrouter failed to reconfigure (if > 0 and growing, check the config is valid)

  • config_last_attempt
    UNIX timestamp of last time mcrouter tried to reconfigure.

  • config_last_success
    UNIX timestamp of last time mcrouter reconfigured successfully.

  • dev_null_requests
    Number of requests sent to DevNullRoute

  • duration_us
    Average time of processing a request (i.e. receiving request and sending a reply).

  • fibers_allocated
    Number of fibers (lightweight threads) created by mcrouter.

  • proxy_reqs_processing
    Requests mcrouter started routing but didn't receive a reply yet.

  • proxy_reqs_waiting
    Requests queued up and not routed yet.

  • result_[reply result]_count
    Total number of replies received drilled down by reply result.

  • result_[reply result]_failover
    Average number of replies per second received for failover requests drilled down by result.

  • result_[reply result]_shadow
    Average number of replies per second received for shadow requests drilled down by result.

  • result_[reply result]
    Average number of replies per second received for normal requests drilled down by reply result.

  • result_[reply result]_all
    Average number of replies per second received for requests drilled down by reply result.

  • start_time
    UNIX timestamp of mcrouter startup time.

  • uptime
    How long ago (in seconds) mcrouter has started.